Kidnapping, Extortion, Persecution Throughout Society
Police Threaten Nursing Mother with Submachine Guns
2001-11-26A male policeman, who is over 30-years-old, threatened me, saying "If you don't cooperate we'll take the baby away, give it to others or send it to the orphanage."
Call From Practitioners' Families: Release Our Family Members!
2001-11-26We are the family members of Dafa practitioners. Dafa practitioners have lofty moral values. What crime have they committed? We strongly request the local government to release our family members soon and bring justice into the world.
Statistics Recording the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Chengdu City
2001-11-26Four children, two nine-year-olds, one seven-year-old and one six-year-old were left with no one taking care of them, as their parents were kept in the detention centre; An 8-month-old baby and a 10-month-old baby, together with their mothers, were detained over half a year;
The Illegal Imprisonment, Brutal Beating, and Extortion of Practitioners in Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province (Continued)
2001-11-25 -
Jiang Zemin's Criminal Regime's "Implication" Policy: Three Generations in a Falun Gong Practitioner's Family Cannot Join the Army
2001-11-19This regulation actually violates the "Law of Military Service" and citizens' basic civil rights. Many colleagues in the town considered the policy an "implication policy." However out of fear of the high-handed policy, people dare not say anything. This situation is very common in China.
The Kidnapping and Torture of Practitioners by Police in Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province
2001-11-18The police beat practitioners, including one male, 13 females, and a two-year-old child, on the spot. Without any factual evidence, the police punched and arrested all practitioners, usurped more than 2000 Yuan (Chinese currency, the monthly salary for an average Chinese urban laborer is about 500 Yuan) of their money. They forced 14 Dafa practitioners to the Xian District Public Security Bureau, and stripped them while conducting an illegal body search. For a total of 48 hours, the police offered them no food or drink, forced them to remain awake, and beat and abused them incessantly.
Authorities Beat and Extort Money from Practitioners in Mengyang Township, Pengzhou City, Chengdu, Sichuan Province
2001-11-17 -
Banan District Detention Center Kidnaps and Tortures Dafa Practitioners
2001-11-17 -
Kidnapping of Zhou Qingming, Supervising Emergency Treatment Physician, Fifth Hospital of Hebei' Provincial Medical University
2001-11-17 -
Vicious Officials from Jinzhou City "610 Office" Extort and Embezzle Money from Practitioners
2001-11-17 -
Father of Practitioner who was Persecuted to Death Has Been Forced to Become A Prisoner in His Own Home
2001-11-16 -
Anshan City Labour Camp Perpetrates a Fraud to Achieve Recognition
2001-11-16 -
Practitioners and Their Families Kidnapped in the Street Before APEC Conference
2001-11-16 -
Shenyang Police Beat A Widow and Take Her Hard Earned Savings
2001-11-16Liu and her daughter had to live in the shed to save money. Liu worked hard everyday, but her mind was focused on cultivating in Falun Dafa. However, the police arrested Ms. Liu, as an attempt to warn other practitioners. The police beat her, and confiscated 1,600 Yuan RMB [about 8 months average income for a farmer], which she saved for her son's college tuition from selling vegetables.
Forms of Persecution Used Against Practitioners in Echeng Include Extortion, Dismissal from Jobs, Theft of Property, Torture and Illegal Detention