Letters from Dafa Associations, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Turkey: Raising Awareness about the Persecution of Falun Gong at Mersin University
2007-03-12Turkish Falun Gong practitioners went to Mersin University to introduce Falun Gong and explain the facts about the persecution the practice has suffered in China to teachers and students. Practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises and exposed the Chinese communist regime’s cruel persecution of Falun Gong to passing teachers and students.
Russia: Introducing Falun Gong in Pjatigorsk Medical School
2007-03-11Falun Gong practitioners in Russia held a workshop to introduce Falun Dafa in Pjatigorsk Medical School, a secondary specialised school which trains medical staff. Its curriculum offers courses on how morality affects health. After Falun Gong practitioners introduced Falun Gong to the leaders of the school, the leaders decided to introduce Falun Gong to the students.
France: Human Rights Groups Discuss Organ Harvesting
2007-03-11“Falun Gong has been acknowledged and accepted in many countries around the world. In France, some organisations have understood Falun Gong, but many people and media have yet to really understand Falun Gong at present. We don’t know why the Chinese regime would regard this absolutely harmless spiritual movement based on the universal principles of “Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance” as a threat to the nation and perpetrate the cruel persecution against it. We are against all the atrocities of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners."
Finland: Finnish People Condemn the Persecution of Falun Gong and Show their Support for Practitioners
2007-03-08Practitioners in Finland set up a display of photographs and posters to inform local people about the persecution of Falun Gong in China. During the activity practitioners distributed leaflets and other information, talked with passersby and collected signatures for a petition calling for an end to the vicious persecution of this wholly peaceful spiritual practice.
United Kingdom: Falun Dafa Group Invited to Cambridge University
2007-03-07The Cambridge Falun Dafa group were invited to the "Big Chill" student event at Cambridge University on Sunday, March 4th. The event was held in King's College and intended to introduce students to relaxing alternatives to help reduce stress. Many students were interested to hear about Falun Dafa and watch the exercise demonstrations.
Russia: Perseverance in the Harsh Moscow Winter
2007-03-05In order to help people see the evil nature of the Chinese Communist regime and awaken people’s conscience, for about a month now Falun Gong practitioners in Moscow have used every Saturday to go to the Chinese Embassy and expose the atrocity of the Chinese Communist regime’s harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners for lucrative profits.
Let us oppose the Chinese Communist Regime’s Human Rights Abuses Together
2007-03-04The Chinese Communist regime’s atrocities of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners have been incessantly condemned by the international community. Through partnership with the Working Together for Human Rights Association since last year, Amnesty International has kept a close eye on various atrocities perpetrated by the Chinese Communist regime to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. On various formal occasions, it also appealed for Falun Gong practitioners’ human rights and strongly condemned the Chinese regime’s persecution against Falun Gong practitioners.
Russia: Residents of Petrozavodsk Condemn the Chinese Communist Regime’s Persecution of Falun Gong
2007-02-28On February 17th 2007, Russian Falun Gong practitioners gathered at the business centre of Petrozavodsk, a city in northern Russia, despite the chilly weather and blizzards, to tell people about the Chinese Communist regime’s persecution against Falun Gong, as well as expose the vile regime’s atrocities of harvesting organs from living practitioners for profit. Reporters from a local TV Station and a cable TV station interviewed the practitioners.
United Kingdom: Letting More Aberdeen People know about the Persecution Against Falun Gong
2007-02-27In order to raise people’s awareness and attention to the persecution against Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Helen went to Aberdeen on 21st February 2007. This was one stop on her journey around Scotland to raise awareness about the persecution of Falun Gong through talking about her own experiences.
Finland: Collecting Petition Signatures and Exposing the CCP’s Organ Harvesting Atrocities
2007-02-26Practitioners from Helsinki displayed banners, photos and posters on the pavement in front of Helsinki train station to expose the Chinese Communist regime’s seven years of persecution against Falun Gong in China. They particularly wanted to raise the awareness about the atrocities of harvesting organs from living practitioners and selling them to transplant seekers.
Russia: Falun Gong Practitioners Expose the CCP Crime of Harvesting Organs
2007-02-24From January 20th to 27th and on February 3rd 2007, practitioners in St. Petersburg held activities to raise awareness about the persecution against Falun Gong in China, exposing the Chinese Communist Party’s crime of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. People were shocked by the CCP’s crimes.
Russia: Promoting Falun Gong in the City of New Siberia
2007-02-22On the evening of the 10th of February 2007, four Falun Gong practitioners from Tomsk in Russia drove to the nearby city of New Siberia to distribute material to local Chinese people. From 1st of April 2007, foreign retailers will be completely banned from trading in Russia. With this in mind, practitioners in Tomsk wanted to deliver the latest edition of The Epoch Times into their hands before the Chinese went home for the New Year en mass. They would learn the latest news about quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliate associations. These precious Chinese people were given yet another chance to learn the truth and to withdraw from the evil party.
Russia: Raising Awareness about the Persecution at a Large-Scale Ski Tournament
2007-02-20On February 11th, a large-scale ski tournament was held in Siberia’s Irkutsk city. Several Falun Gong practitioners went to the ski resort and distributed fliers to tens of thousands of people, letting them know what Falun Gong is and about how the practice is being persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party.
Sweden: Exposing how the CCP Harvests Organs from Living Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-02-19On January 27th, a group of Falun Gong practitioners in Stockholm and some volunteers from Swedish branches of the CCP Withdrawal Centre held an activity in Victory Square in the city centre. They exposed the CCP harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners, encouraging the public to stop the unprecedented atrocity happening in China now.
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioner Presents a Petition to the Presidents of Germany and Italy
2007-02-18On February the 9th 2007, German Federal President Mr. Horst Kohler returned to his alma mater, the University of Tübingen. A Falun Gong practitioner studying at the University presented the German President with a petition calling for an end to the Chinese communist regime’s persecution of Falun Gong. The president repeatedly said “thank you.” When the Italian president looked at what was going on with curiosity, the practitioner also presented him the report on the investigation into the Chinese communist regime’s harvesting of organs from living Falun Gong practitioners and other related material in Italian.