Letters from Dafa Associations, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
The Netherlands: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Activities During the Chinese New Year Celebrations
2006-02-04Chinese people in the Netherlands held activities to celebrate the Chinese New Year outside the city hall in The Hague. Falun Gong practitioners also demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises at the gate of the city hall, showed people the goodness of Falun Gong and wished people a happy Chinese New Year.
Austria: Falun Gong Practitioners Let the People of Salzburg Know about the Persecution of Falun Gong in China
2006-02-01During Mozart's birthday celbrations, Falun Gong practitioners held activities in Salzburg’s old town to introduce local people and visitors to Falun Gong and expose the seven years of brutal persecution inflicted by the Chinese Communist regime on a significant proportion of its own people.
Netherlands: Introducing Falun Gong to the People of Alphen aan de Rijn
2006-02-01Dutch Falun Gong practitioners came to Alphen aan de Rijn, a small town in the Netherlands, to introduce Falun Gong and expose the brutal persecution.
European Falun Dafa Association Writes in Support of the Council of Europe Resolution
2006-01-31"We hereby express our strong support for the resolution condemning the crimes of totalitarian communist regimes being raised in PACE. Being the largest group suffering persecution by the communist regime in China, we are very familiar with the crimes of communist dictatorships mentioned in the report by Mr. Göran Lindblad. Killings, torture, slave labour, brainwashing and psychological terror have all been used on Falun Gong practitioners in China in order to turn people into communist robots."
Norway: Practitioners from Thailand Arrive in Norway
2006-01-30On January 26th, the eight Falun Gong practitioners who were unreasonably arrested by Thai police bowing to pressure from the Chinese Embassy to Thailand arrived in Norway. They were excited to set foot on this land of freedom; however, they said that tens of millions of other Falun Gong practitioners are still subjected to cruel persecution.
Germany: Berlin Residents Wish for an Immediate End to the Persecution Against Falun Gong
2006-01-28Berlin Falun Gong practitioners erected an information booth at the Breitscheidplatz. The information booth was used to help more people learn about Falun Gong and the six years of persecution that practitioners have endured. Practitioners had the opportunity to have many good discussions with people of all ages who wanted to hear more about Falun Gong.
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal for Support to Rescue Jiang Renzheng
2006-01-24Though it was freezing cold on January 14th 2006, in order to expose the evil persecution of Falun Gong taking place in China, practitioners set up a table with leaflets and other materials in the southern city of Speyer. The persecution of Falun Gong, initiated by the Chinese Communist regime, began on July 20th 1999 and has lasted for six and a half years.
Germany: Collecting Signatures for the Rescue of Renzheng Jiang
2006-01-22Mr Renzheng Jiang, his wife and two small children were deported to the Peoples Republic of China on March 7th 2005, because the German authorities did not believe that Falun Gong practitioners were in any danger in China. Barely a month after returning to China, Jiang was sentenced to three years in a slave labour camp located in Benxi City. By following the link here you can download a petition for with which one can appeal for Jiang's release and repatriation.
The European Coming for You Choir Arrives in Manhattan
2006-01-21In recent days, members of the European “Coming for You” choir have been filing into Manhattan to take part in NTDTV’s 2006 Chinese New Year Gala held in New York. They came to give three performances at Radio City Music Hall on the 20th and the 21st of January. Western Falun Gong practitioners form the majority of the choir.
Germany: A Chinese Couple Warmly Shook his Hands
2006-01-21" ... Mihai caught them up and started to talk to them in English. He told them what kind of people Falun Gong practitioners are, how the Communist dictatorship persecutes practitioners for believing in Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance, why Falun Gong practitioners tell people the truth and all about the so-called "self-immolation in Tiananmen Square" directed by the CCP. The truth of Falun Gong was revealed. Finally, they shook him warmly by the hand and wished Falun Gong practitioners good luck and success."
Switzerland: Anti-Torture Exhibition held in Wintry Weather
2006-01-20On the first weekend after the New Year a cold front swept through Switzerland. Despite the severe cold, many Swiss Falun Gong practitioners left their warm homes and gathered at Winterhur to hold an anti-torture exhibition. They intended to expose the brutal persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese communist regime.
Germany: Practitioners Expose the Persecution of Falun Gong to the People of Mannheim
2006-01-19On January 7th, 2006, in Mannheim, Falun Gong practitioners told people about the persecution of their spiritual practice by the evil communist regime in China. An information booth was placed prominently in the pedestrian area, opposite a busy farmers market. Passersby showed great interest and signed the petition to show their support.
Slovakia: Introducing Falun Gong the the People of Trnava and Exposing the Persecution Taking Place In China
2006-01-18Falun Gong practitioners travelled to Trnava on January 14th, a cold Saturday morning, to draw the attention of the people of Trnava to the continuing persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese communist regime. Many people, in spite of the cold weather, showed their support by signing the petition. By midday a great deal of signatures had been collected.
United Kingdom: Activities in London's St. Martins Square Draw Attention to Seven Million Withdrawals from the CCP
2006-01-16According to an Epoch Times report on January 9th, 2006, to mark seven million people withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organisations, volunteer workers from the UK Alliance for quitting the CCP held an open-air photo exhibition and collected signatures in St. Martins Square in Central London on January 7th and 8th, 2006. Chinese people in the UK are more and more willing to discuss the CCP's human rights violations.
Russia: Falun Gong Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa and Expose the Persecution in St. Petersburg.
2006-01-15From January 6th - 8th, 2006, practitioners from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Pjatigorsk, Yekaterinburg, Vladimir State and Ukraine held group study and experience sharing during the holiday period. To introduce Falun Gong to the public and let them know about the persecution happening in China, they also held an anti-torture exhibition on the streets.