Letters from Dafa Associations, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Congratulations to the Founding of Falun Dafa Associations in Czech Republic and Venezuela
2002-08-31 -
Letter to the Prime Minister of Ukraine from the European Falun Dafa Association
2002-08-29"It is appalling that Jiang Zemin can dictate the actions of an independent state like Ukraine and that Ukrainian authorities would be subject to decrees from as far away as Beijing. Through a series of recent events, we are witnessing a systematic expansion of Jiangs persecution of Falun Gong in Europe..If Ukraine wishes to aspire to the best European standards, then upholding the freedom of belief and association will be one of the basic building blocks."
UK: Letter to the Ukraine Ambassador from the Falun Gong Association (UK)
2002-08-29"This detention, that reminds us of the practices of the red terror to which citizens of your own country were subjected not that long ago that are still in our memory, should never have occurred, and could not and would not have occurred in any democracy around the world. The facts of this case are clear: the Ukrainian police were acting under pressure from Jiang's regime."
Letter from Belgian Falun Gong Association to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
2002-08-27"Mr. High Commissioner, we appeal to you to urge Cambodia to assure the safety and other basic rights of these two people and others who practice their belief in Truth-Compassion-Tolerance and face the danger there. We appeal to you to condemn the Chinese governments wrongdoing and ask the Chinese government to release Mr. Li and his wife who are now detained in China."
Sweden: Photo Report - Peacefulness in The Sunshine
2002-08-27 -
Letter to Mary Robinson from the Belgian Falun Gong Association
2002-08-27"We know from the UN news that you are now in the trip to China and Cambodia. Your enormous effort on improving human right in China is highly appreciated...We believe these recent developments are serious enough to catch the attention of the United Nations and all democratic countries because many of these are beyond the Chinese border and affect citizens of western democracies."
UK: Practitioners Hold Falun Dafa Demonstration and Art Performance Week in Edinburgh
2002-08-26During Edinburgh's International Arts Festival, UK practitioners held "Falun Dafa Demonstration and Art Performance Week" to allow more people to learn the goodness of Falun Dafa.
Sweden: Clarifying The Truth to The Top Leaders
2002-08-26Some practitioners presented the Prime Minister with an information package, asking about the issue of human rights in China and Falun Gong. He answered : We can for instance continue protesting in different ways. I will read the information package. Thank you. "
Germany: Clarifying the Truth to the Embassies
2002-08-26Some staff members had finished watching all the films on the truth-clarification CDs, and translated the letters and materials we handed to them into their official languages and forwarded them to their ministries of foreign affairs.
UK: Promoting Falun Dafa During the 2002 Edinburgh Fringe Festival
2002-08-25Crowds of people came to see both the Chinese Calligraphy and the Journey of Falun Dafa photo exhibition that was posted on the busiest and most famous street in Edinburgh.
France: Survivors of the Massacre during the Cambodian Revolution Clarify the Truth to Cambodian Employees of French International Radio Station
2002-08-22The employees told the practitioners that they understand and are aware of the Falun Gong practitioners being sent back to China and had reported on it one week ago. They said that the Cambodian people know that Falun Gong is good and that the actions against the Falun Gong practitioners who were taking refuge in Cambodia is not fair.
Germany: Goettingen Practitioners Hold Series of Activities, Calling For an End to the Persecution that is Extending to Other Countries and Territories
2002-08-22In order to clarify the truth, expose the slander and gain more support from society to end the persecution, practitioners invited the Green Party, Amnesty International, the "For Threatened Nationalities" Association and other organizations to attend the "Together, End the Persecution Against Falun Gong" activities.
Russia: Spreading Falun Dafa at the Crimean Peninsula (photos)
2002-08-22We went to the Crimean Peninsula to clarify the truth to the people of Crimea. On the first day, a lady came to our display and looked over the pictures. When she saw our Falun Gong exercises, she felt that it was what she had long been searching for.
UK: A Practitioner Exposes the Sham Hong Kong Trial in a Radio Interview
2002-08-20The presenter of the programme took great pains to get her facts right regarding the case, talked to me at length before we went on air and was very sympathetic and aware of the negative effects of this trial for Hong Kong and her citizens.
Letter From Nordic Falun Dafa Association To The Hong Kong Media
2002-08-20As a citizen of the world, we appeal to you to express your concerns about the unprecedented so-called trial of peaceful Falun Gong practitioners, presently proceeding in Hong Kong. Falun Gong practitioners are all good people. They insist on appealing with dignity for a stop to the persecution in a peaceful manner. The trial now proceeding has in fact been a sham from the beginning.