Letters from Dafa Associations, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Practitioners Gather together in Sweden for Four Days to Celebrate the New Year
2002-01-07Falun Dafa practitioners from all over Sweden gathered during four days in Gothenburg in order to celebrate the New Year together. The days where very intense since the practitioners practised the five exercises together, listened to Teacher Li’s video-lectures and held discussions about the situation in China. The New Years Eve also included beautiful songs, music and dancing.
SOS Journey Through the Midlands of Ireland Part 1
2002-01-05Recently another practitioner and myself travelled many miles across Ireland to spread Falun Gong and tell people about the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China. I kept a note of all the kindness we met on our travels and would like to share it.
SOS Journey Through the Midlands of Ireland Part 2
2002-01-05 -
A Belgium Practitioners Diary of Telling the Truth about Falun Gong
2002-01-04..every one could perceive that the Falun Gong practitioners cultivated a kind of health, peacefulness, nobleness and dignity.
Photo Report: Two Falun Gong Retreats Held in the U.K.
2002-01-02 -
A Western Practitioner’s Fax to Chinese Police Stations
2002-01-01I also made several copies of the letter and gave it to Chinese people I met, noticing that a personal letter in some ways seems to be better than flyers. One Chinese person, after reading it, even thanked me for trying to help the Chinese people.
Photo Report: Falun Gong Activities in Bratislava
2001-12-29 -
A Formal Meeting with Ukraine National Religious Affairs Committee
2001-12-29The Vice Chairman of the Ukraine National Religious Affairs Committee said, "In our country, any spiritual group including Falun Gong is not forbidden." The meeting lasted about one hour and maintained a friendly atmosphere.
My First Truth Clarifying Activity
2001-12-27I noticed a girl of about four or five being pulled along by a man quickly through the crowds of shoppers, obviously in a hurry to get his shopping finished. I heard the little girl say to the man that had her by the hand, but was not taking any notice of us or her “Look that’s Falun Gong”. He did not hear her but I did.
Stories From Russia
2001-12-27 -
Falun Gong practitioners invited to the Swedish Parliament (Riksdagen)
2001-12-26The Swedish practitioners got the opportunity to inform people about Falun Gong and about the persecution in China. The participants were members of the Swedish Parliament from Vaermland and they showed great interest in Falun Gong and the situation in China.
Greece: Spreading the Truth and Exposing the persecution of Falun Gong at the Council for Greeks Abroad’s 4th annual World Congress
2001-12-25 -
Clarifying the Truth in Greece: Meeting Chinese People at the Airport
2001-12-21Immediately after being expelled from China I came to Greece to tell the Greek people about Falun Dafa and about the horrific persecution that Chinese people who practise Falun Dafa are forced to endure.
Falun Gong Practitioners Visit Northern Ireland
2001-12-21 -
Clarifying the Truth of Falun Gong in Bratislava, Slovakia
2001-12-21Although representatives of the Slovakian Chinese Consulate attempted to spread lies to the practitioners on both days, they were aware that these practitioners are good people and that the threat of punishment through international law is inevitable for both themselves and their Government. They expressed both surprise and dismay that there were 13 practitioners present: they had expected only one. Chinese residents of Bratislava showed a very different reaction when many of the Falun Gong practitioners ate in their restaurant. As well as expressing an interest in learning about the truth and the practice of Falun Dafa, they presented practitioners with gifts after the meal.