Letters from Dafa Associations, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Northern Europe’s First Minghui [Clearwisdom] School Opens in Gothenburg, Sweden
2001-12-11 -
First Falun Gong event in Derby, U.K. is a huge success
2001-12-11 -
Austria: Vienna's Citizens Get to Know the Truth of Falun Dafa
2001-12-11 -
France: Revealing the Truth to Chinese Tourists under the Eiffel Tower
2001-12-07 -
Russian Dafa practitioners Attend Meeting with President Putin
2001-12-07 -
Kindhearted Russian Members of Parliament
2001-12-07Stepping out of the parliament building, I can’t help thinking about China’s Zhongnanhai. Russian citizens can freely enter their parliament building and government offices. They can meet with Members of Parliament and government officials to appeal against any unjust treatment. But standing in front of the doors of Zhongnanhai in China are policemen armed with guns, on guard 24 hours a day. Citizens are strictly forbidden from making appeals or to seek redress for their grievances.
Russia: Artist and Practitioner Zhang Cui Ying Visits Russian Parliament
2001-12-06 -
Irish Practitioners Hold Press Conference
2001-12-05 -
Meeting with Lord Mayor of Cork
2001-12-05 -
Clarifying the Truth and Informing People of Falun Dafa on the Island of Gotland, Sweden
2001-12-04 -
Norway: "You are the Only Ones At This Place who are Genuine"
2001-12-03 -
Britain: Princess Anne Inquires about the Falun Gong Situation in Hong Kong
2001-12-01Princess Anne receives Falun Gong practitioner' family and accepts information package about Falun Gong, saying she will definitely read it.
Photoreport: Falun Gong Activities in Czech Republic
2001-11-29 -
Dutch and Belgian Practitioners Unite to Clarify the Truth at Peace Seminar
2001-11-29 -
Stories from the Falun Gong Activity at Louvain Train Station in Belgium
2001-11-29Before I left I gave him a leaflet. He was so moved that he said to me, “at this special moment on this special evening, you walked into my store and gave me this leaflet. You told me about Falun Gong. How amazing and miraculous all this is! I have a very special feeling right now.”