Letters from Dafa Associations, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Local Media Spreads the Truth about Falun Gong in Arvika, Sweden
2001-10-20 -
Answering Peoples Questions about Falun Gong at Health Expo in city of Karlstad, Sweden
2001-10-20 -
Report on SOS! Rescue Walk Amsterdam to Brussels
2001-10-19 -
Falun Dafa practitioners are invited to the UK Parliament
2001-10-18 -
Falun Gong Rally Supported by MEPs, MPs, Professors and Councillors in the UK
2001-10-18John Bowis MEP said in his statement, "The spirit of the Falun Gong practitioners.... would never be defeated by the suppression." Brian Coleman, Councillor of the Greater London Assembly pledged in his statement his full and firm support to Falun Gong and its followers.
Photoreport: Telling the Truth about Falun Gong in Ukraine
2001-10-17 -
Telling the Truth at UKs Liberal Democrat Party Conference
2001-10-17The overall result of this activity has been encouraging. People were obviously touched by the courageous act of Falun Dafa practitioners in China and the efforts of those practitioners who made them aware of such brutal persecution. Remarks such as I am glad you have come, thank you for coming to tell us this, what you are doing is right, keep up with the good work, the final success is yours, you must let more people know, we will do whatever we can, I wish you all the best; God bless you; we will pray for you and so on.
A Grandfathers Wise Remarks
2001-10-17 -
Secretaries from different, large Companies learn the Truth of Falun Gong from a German practitioner
2001-10-17 -
Chinese Government Official Sees the principle of Good is rewarded with good and evil is met with evil in Action
2001-10-17 -
Overcoming pain, police arrest and mental tribulations as the SOS RescueWalk reaches Poland
2001-10-16I felt nervous in my stomach. At that time I had a sense of what a courageous act it is for Chinese practitioners to step out and distribute Falun Dafa materials in China.
SOS Amsterdam-Brussels Walk Receives Support in The Hague & Rotterdam
2001-10-15 -
Manheim Health Fair in Germany: Falun Gong Outstanding
2001-10-15 -
Support from UK MP, MEP, Professor, and councillors at Falun Gong London Rally
2001-10-15Lord Moyne was the 2nd to speak in support of Falun Gong practitioners. He said that if China does not stop its persecution, it will not be regarded as a civilised country! He also firmly stated that Falun Gong will not fade away because of the suppression of the regime.
Students protest for the release of Zhao Ming when Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji arrived outside Dublin Castle