Letters from Dafa Associations, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
During a Conference in Munich, Over Eighty people From the Waldorf School Wanted to Learn Falun Gong.
2001-10-13 -
Practitioners Receive Support at the UK Labour Party Conference
2001-10-13 -
Brief Encounter at Gustav Adolfs Square
2001-10-12This is my classmate, he says with an Irish accent. We are studying at the same course together in Dublin. It is terrible what is happening to Zhao Ming. Its a disgrace, its really a disgrace.
Her Majesty The Queen of Sweden Accepts Materials About The Persecution of Falun Gong
2001-10-11Everyone, the Royal couple, the secret service, the police, the media, the Royal staff, and ordinary people could witness the upright and noble behavior of Falun Dafa practitioners. The energy field felt strong and upright all along. Thank you Master.
New Zealand Foreign Minister Personally Congratulates the SOS Walkers in Wellington
2001-10-10 -
Telling the Truth about Falun Gong in Monaco, Milan, and Venice
2001-10-09 -
Seeing Jiang Zemin's Sadness from a Conversation with a Representative from People's Congress of China
2001-10-09 -
What is evil?
2001-10-08For example, this man asked quite aggressively: What is evil!? The practitioner who talked to him answered: We just need to take a look in ourselves to see what it is. At this, the man became speechless.
SOS! Global RescueWalk from Amsterdam to Brussels to Start Soon
2001-10-08Its theme is to rescue Zhao Ming and other Falun Dafa practitioners persecuted in China.
My Sixty-one year old Mother's SOS Rescue Walk Begins in Portugal
2001-10-07Through all the trials, tribulations, pain and fear, my sixty-one-year-old mom stepped forward all alone, in a foreign country, on her path to share Falun Dafa.
SOS! Global RescueWalk Across Ireland Concludes: Two Teams Assemble in Cork City of Ireland
2001-10-07 -
Photo Report: National Mobilization Day in Italy - Urgent: Rescue Falun Dafa Practitioners Persecuted in China
2001-10-06 -
Ms. Zhang Cuiying's Chinese Painting Exhibit Opens in Dublin Mayor's Office
2001-10-06The deputy mayor unveiled the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. He said that the beautiful paintings exemplified Ms. Zhang's kind heart and Falun Gong's beneficial nature. He couldn't find a reason for Chinese government to persecute Falun Gong.
Chinese Prime Ministers Visit to Brussels
2001-10-06 -
Truth Clarifying Activities During Chinese Community Celebrations in Manchester,UK