Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Germany: Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance Art Exhibition at the Saxon Federal State Parliament
2007-03-19On entering the glass doors of the Saxon Federal State Parliament building, what comes immediately into view is a huge portrait of a Buddha with a compassionate smile. This art work was painted by Professor Zhang Kunlun, a Falun Gong practitioner in Canada. It is one of the works displayed at the Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance Art Exhibition held at the Saxon Federal State Parliament in the State Capital Dresden.
Belgium: Audience Moved to Tears when Listening to a Young Girl's Story at the ECO-Therapeutica Beurs in Leuven
2007-03-17Falun Dafa practitioners took part in the ECO-Therapeutica Beurs in the city of Leuven. Practitioners constructed a beautiful stand decorated with giant Zhen-Shan-Ren (Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance) characters and a couple of dozen pictures of Falun Gong practitioners peacefully appealing for the end of the persecution.
Bulgaria: Economic Interests Lead to Disrespect for Human Rights
2007-03-17Bulgarian Falun Dafa practitioners were invited to a meeting with Mr. Krasimir Stefanov, Director of the Directorate of Asia, Australia and Oceania in the Foreign Ministry of Bulgaria, with Mr. Zdravelin Georgiev official in charge for China, and with one more official of the Ministry. The meeting was requested by the practitioners after a letter sent by the Ministry to the Sofia Municipality, in which Mr. Stefanov stated that a peaceful appeal by members of Bulgarian Falun Gong Association in front of the building of the Chinese Embassy in Sofia is inexpedient. The reason mentioned was a potential threat to the diplomats of China.
Germany: Practitioners in Munich Raise Awareness of the Persecution of Falun Gong
2007-03-16After studying the display of pictures depicting the Chinese Communist Party's trade in organs harvested from living Falun Gong practitioners, Ms Krunn, a Catholic, told a reporter, "It is impossible for this kind of thing to happen if human nature still exists. It is only because there is no belief in people’s mind, that this kind of thing could happen".
United Kingdom: Practitioners Take Part in the 'Peace Jam' at Bradford University
2007-03-15On a wet and dreary Sunday, four practitioners from Yorkshire were invited to participate in ‘Peace Jam’, an event held in Bradford University. Peace Jam is an international peace education programme that works with Nobel Peace Laureates to educate youngsters, aged between thirteen and seventeen years old in foundations of freedom, justice and peace in the world.
Ireland: New Evidence Exposes the Chinese Communist Party’s Organ Harvesting
2007-03-14Invited by the Human Rights Committee of the Irish Parliament, David Matas visited Ireland. Mr. Matas is an international human rights lawyer who co-wrote a report into organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China. During his visit Mr Matas took part in news briefings, met VIPs and spoke at Trinity College.
Turkey: Raising Awareness about the Persecution of Falun Gong at Mersin University
2007-03-12Turkish Falun Gong practitioners went to Mersin University to introduce Falun Gong and explain the facts about the persecution the practice has suffered in China to teachers and students. Practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises and exposed the Chinese communist regime’s cruel persecution of Falun Gong to passing teachers and students.
Russia: Introducing Falun Gong in Pjatigorsk Medical School
2007-03-11Falun Gong practitioners in Russia held a workshop to introduce Falun Dafa in Pjatigorsk Medical School, a secondary specialised school which trains medical staff. Its curriculum offers courses on how morality affects health. After Falun Gong practitioners introduced Falun Gong to the leaders of the school, the leaders decided to introduce Falun Gong to the students.
France: Human Rights Groups Discuss Organ Harvesting
2007-03-11“Falun Gong has been acknowledged and accepted in many countries around the world. In France, some organisations have understood Falun Gong, but many people and media have yet to really understand Falun Gong at present. We don’t know why the Chinese regime would regard this absolutely harmless spiritual movement based on the universal principles of “Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance” as a threat to the nation and perpetrate the cruel persecution against it. We are against all the atrocities of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners."
Austria: Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance Art Exhibition at the Amstetten City Hall Gallery
2007-03-10The “Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance” Art Exhibition was held in Amstetten. Members of the “Coming for You” Choir assured a festive ambiance during the opening. The visitors were surprised that choir of Austrian singers performed songs in Chinese. The impact of this was shown by the guests’ complete silence and total attentiveness to the exhibited pictures.
Germany: First Performance of the NTDTV Chinese New Year Spectacular a Great Hit in Berlin
2007-03-09On February 27th, 2007, the first performance of NTDTV Chinese New Year Spectacular drew successfully to a close in Berlin. Both the Chinese and the German audience highly praised the artistic conception as well as the performances. The great hit made by the Gala has spread by word of mouth among the Chinese community in Germany.
Denmark's Second Biggest City Plans to End its Friendship with Harbin City in China
2007-03-09“Even if these accusations were a whisper, but only a touch of them is true, it is worthwhile for us to discuss whether we should take it as our sister city. If such terrible incidents have taken place in Harbin, we should not take it as our sister city. Otherwise, how can we face our citizens and Chinese who have escaped from the autarchy and made their home in Arhus? How can we make reasonable justification for ourselves?” Marc Perera Christensen of the Conservative Party
Finland: Finnish People Condemn the Persecution of Falun Gong and Show their Support for Practitioners
2007-03-08Practitioners in Finland set up a display of photographs and posters to inform local people about the persecution of Falun Gong in China. During the activity practitioners distributed leaflets and other information, talked with passersby and collected signatures for a petition calling for an end to the vicious persecution of this wholly peaceful spiritual practice.
United Kingdom: Falun Dafa Group Invited to Cambridge University
2007-03-07The Cambridge Falun Dafa group were invited to the "Big Chill" student event at Cambridge University on Sunday, March 4th. The event was held in King's College and intended to introduce students to relaxing alternatives to help reduce stress. Many students were interested to hear about Falun Dafa and watch the exercise demonstrations.
People Treasured Seeing the Divine Performing Arts in Berlin
2007-03-07“I appreciate New Tang Dynasty Television for providing us with this opportunity to see such a wonderful performance. I have totally changed my attitude toward life and come to know the true meaning of life,” said a Chinese person, after seeing the last show by NTDTV’s Divine Performing Arts in Berlin, Germany on February the 28th 2007. He is not the only one to say so.