Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials

  • The European Coming for You Choir Arrives in Manhattan

    In recent days, members of the European “Coming for You” choir have been filing into Manhattan to take part in NTDTV’s 2006 Chinese New Year Gala held in New York. They came to give three performances at Radio City Music Hall on the 20th and the 21st of January. Western Falun Gong practitioners form the majority of the choir.
  • Germany: A Chinese Couple Warmly Shook his Hands

    " ... Mihai caught them up and started to talk to them in English. He told them what kind of people Falun Gong practitioners are, how the Communist dictatorship persecutes practitioners for believing in Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance, why Falun Gong practitioners tell people the truth and all about the so-called "self-immolation in Tiananmen Square" directed by the CCP. The truth of Falun Gong was revealed. Finally, they shook him warmly by the hand and wished Falun Gong practitioners good luck and success."
  • Switzerland: Anti-Torture Exhibition held in Wintry Weather

    On the first weekend after the New Year a cold front swept through Switzerland. Despite the severe cold, many Swiss Falun Gong practitioners left their warm homes and gathered at Winterhur to hold an anti-torture exhibition. They intended to expose the brutal persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese communist regime.
  • Latvia: Truth, Compassion, Tolerance International Art Exhibition Held in Riga

    "Thank you Falun Gong practitioners for organising such a beautiful art exhibition. There are around a hundred million practitioners all over the world peacefully practising Falun Gong and following the principles of Truth, Compassion, Tolerance. There is a brutal persecution going on in China ... "
  • Germany: Practitioners Expose the Persecution of Falun Gong to the People of Mannheim

    On January 7th, 2006, in Mannheim, Falun Gong practitioners told people about the persecution of their spiritual practice by the evil communist regime in China. An information booth was placed prominently in the pedestrian area, opposite a busy farmers market. Passersby showed great interest and signed the petition to show their support.
  • Slovakia: Introducing Falun Gong the the People of Trnava and Exposing the Persecution Taking Place In China

    Falun Gong practitioners travelled to Trnava on January 14th, a cold Saturday morning, to draw the attention of the people of Trnava to the continuing persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese communist regime. Many people, in spite of the cold weather, showed their support by signing the petition. By midday a great deal of signatures had been collected.
  • Scotland: Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance Art Exhibition Appreciated by the People of Glasgow

    From the 4th to the 14th of January, 2006, the Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance Fine Art Exhibition was held in Hillhead library, Glasgow, Scotland. On display were a total of twelve paintings. Over the course of ten days the paintings touched many people's hearts and allowed people to understand the truth about Falun Gong on a deeper level.
  • United Kingdom: Activities in London's St. Martins Square Draw Attention to Seven Million Withdrawals from the CCP

    According to an Epoch Times report on January 9th, 2006, to mark seven million people withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organisations, volunteer workers from the UK Alliance for quitting the CCP held an open-air photo exhibition and collected signatures in St. Martins Square in Central London on January 7th and 8th, 2006. Chinese people in the UK are more and more willing to discuss the CCP's human rights violations.
  • Russia: Falun Gong Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa and Expose the Persecution in St. Petersburg.

    From January 6th - 8th, 2006, practitioners from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Pjatigorsk, Yekaterinburg, Vladimir State and Ukraine held group study and experience sharing during the holiday period. To introduce Falun Gong to the public and let them know about the persecution happening in China, they also held an anti-torture exhibition on the streets.
  • Czech Republic: Introducing Falun Gong and Exposing the Persecution to the People of Brno

    Brutal human rights abuse, persecution and torture of Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese communist regime - practitioners gathered on January 6th, 2006 to inform the people of Brno about these tragedies. Traditional style Chinese exercise music and demonstrations of the gentle Falun Gong exercises attracted the attention of passersby.
  • Finland: Introducing Falun Gong and Exposing the Persecution in Kouvola

    On Saturday, January 7th, 2006, Finnish practitioners arrived in the pedestrian precinct in downtown Kouvola, a city located in eastern Finland, to introduce Falun Gong to local people. They hoped to let the people of Kouvola know about the benefits of practising Falun Gong and also tell them about the brutal persecution.
  • Slovakia: Welcoming the the New Year in Bratislava

    Falun Gong practitioners in Slovakia celebrated New Year with a peaceful protest at the Chinese Embassy in Bratislava. Although the night was cold, the practitioners were not perturbed by this as their hearts were warm with the desire to let the world’s people know about the human rights abuses against their fellow practitioners in China.
  • Russia: "This is what I want to do most"

    One practitioner was a young man who worked in Moscow. Practising Falun Gong made him energetic. His face was always glowing with health. Using the money saved from his slender income, he had a printing factory print a set of exquisite greeting cards. On the cards was the sentence he wanted to say most.
  • Italy: Falun Gong Practitioners Warn the Argentinean Government to Truly Safeguard the Argentinean People's Interests

    During the New Year holidays, Falun Gong practitioners in Rome practised exercises outside the Argentinean Embassy and distributed leaflets to pedestrians. The Falun Gong Association in Italy expressed its concern about an incident which took place in Argentina to the Argentinean Embassy, as well as talking with the Ambassador's assistant.
  • Germany: "I gained a new life today"

    Solingen is a city in West Germany, which was not well known at all fourteen years ago, but with a big fire taking place on November 23rd, 1992, it became a spotlight of the world. At that time, some right-wing extremists launched an anti-foreigner campaign, and threw beer bottles filled with gasoline at foreigners’ residences, leading to a big fire. Five Turkish women became victims, which caused quite a stir not only in Germany but also in other parts of the world.