Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Speech from the Nine Commentaries in Spain
2005-11-21"Since I started to practise Falun Gong in 1994, I experienced a great spiritual and body improvement. Such changes were happening to my fellow practitioners around me as well. I witnessed the benefits it brought to China’s societal morality and human hearts when Falun Gong was quietly but rapidly spreading in China. From Falun Gong I saw a hope for China, which could be regarded as the very last hope."
Spain: Peaceful, Righteous Appeal and Demonstration during Hu Jintao's State Visit
2005-11-20During Hu Jintao’s visit to Spain, Falun Gong practitioners called for the attention of the world’s people and despite the freezing wind and pouring rain, no matter night or day, seized every possible opportunity to pass this message on to Hu Jintao: Stop persecuting Falun Gong. Bring Jiang Zemin to justice.
Spain: Photo Report: Hu Jintao Visits Spain, Falun Gong Calls for an End to the Persecution
2005-11-19November 13th was the first day of Chinese Leader Hu Jintao's state visit to Spain. On his way to sign a contract with the Spanish Telephone Company, Falun Gong practitioners hung many banners reading “Falun Dafa is Good”, and appealed loudly when his motorcade passed through, saying: “Stop the persecution of Falun Gong”
Germany: Young People Attracted by Falun Gong Practitioners' Tranquil Energy Field
2005-11-19A group of Falun Gong practitioners from different European countries started a twenty-four hour candlelight vigil when Hu Jintao arrived in Berlin on November 10th. When the night came, the practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercise movements and the strong energy field attracted many passersby.
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal in Berlin on the Eve of Hu Jintao’s State Visit to Germany
2005-11-18On the eve of Hu Jintao’s visit to Berlin, German Falun Gong practitioners held anti-torture exhibitions at the Pariserplatz in front of the Brandenburg Gate and the Breitscheidplatz located in the heart of West Berlin. Signatures were also collected and will be passed to the German government.
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Encounter Hu Jintao in Berlin and Appeal to Stop the Persecution
2005-11-17On November the 11th 2005, the second day of Hu Jintao’s visit to Berlin, more than one hundred Falun Gong practitioners continued their 24-hour petition signature collection activities persistently outside Hu’s accommodation, the Adlon Hotel. Hu Jintao and the accompanying Chinese government officials had several chances to listen to appeals made by Falun Gong practitioners.
Germany: Hu Jintao Could Not Miss the Falun Gong Banners During His Visit
2005-11-17Chinese Communist Party leader Hu Jintao arrived in Germany on the 10th of November. International human rights organisations had a clear message for both outgoing German Premier Gerhard Schroeder and his replacement Angela Merkel: We are clearly expressing our concern about the problem of human rights, which is getting worse in China.
German President Meets with Practitioners and German Police Withstand Pressure from Chinese Delegation
2005-11-16When Hu Jintao's motorcade passed by, they could clearly see Falun Gong practitioners' banners. Some people from the motorcade stared at the protesting crowds when they passed by. The highest banner that Falun Gong practitioners expressed practitioners' message to the the Chinese leader.
Russia: Falun Gong Practitioners Expose the Persecution on the Streets of St Petersburg
2005-11-16Falun Gong practitioners from St Petersburg usually hold a rally at the weekend to tell people the facts about Falun Gong, appealing to people for help to stop the outrageous persecution against Chinese Falun Gong practitioners by the vicious Chinese Communist party. Many people sign the petition to call for an end to the persecution.
Germany: Parade for Supporting the Withdrawal from the CCP Attracts German Media and People
2005-11-16During the Chinese Communist Party leader’s visit to Germany, people from European countries and human rights organizations held a big parade in Germany’s capital to support more than 5 million people publicly withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party. The attendees included Falun Gong practitioners, who are being persecuted in China.
Germany: Practitioners Continue Activities Calling Hu to End the Persecution
2005-11-15Since Hu Jintao arrived in Berlin, practitioners have been holding a continuous appeal to call on Hu to end the persecution. German President Horst Koehler called on China to respect human rights. Before Hu's arrival, Koehler met with Falun Gong practitioners and Amnesty International, asking for their wishes and requests.
Germany: Human Rights Picture Exhibition ‘Field of Shame’ held in Germany
2005-11-15From October the 26th to the 31st, international human rights organization IGFM held a human rights persecution picture exhibition entitled “Field of Shame” which was displayed in Nord-Rhein Westfalen, Dusseldorf and Gelsenkirchen. Pictures and articles about Falun Gong practitioners being persecuted in China were part of this exhibition, which was held on the eve of Chinese Communist Party leader Hu Jintao’s visit to Germany.
Italy: Italian Media Pays Attention to “Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance” International Art Exhibition
2005-11-14"Italian Falun Gong practitioners decided to hold an art exhibition in a hall in Andorno...The paintings are of great delicacy and beauty. Through their artistic creations the artists attempted to illustrate a spiritual world: goodness and beauty of a heavenly world can be pursued through meditation and upgrading one’s inner world. Artists used techniques of realism to depict the brutality of torture and the suffering inflicted on the persecuted by Jiang Zemin."
Romania: People in Timisoara Support Freedom and Human Rights in China
2005-11-13On October 5th 2005, a seminar with the title “The Collapsing Red Wall” was held in Timis Court in Romania’s second largest city, Timisoara. The seminar attracted great attention from local media, human rights organisations, academics, students and residents. Romania’s State Television carried a live interview.
Sweden: Practitioners Introduce Falun Gong at a Health Fair in the City of Kungalv
2005-11-13From October 28th until November 1st, Public Health Days 2005 took place in the city of Kungalv, Sweden and many activities connected to people’s health were organised. Among other things, a Health Fair was arranged on October 29th and 31st. More than thirty different organisations took part in the Health Fair and Falun Gong was invited as one of the exhibitors. We received a very good and prominent location in the middle of the hall.