Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Norway: Introducing Falun Dafa and Exposing the Persecution to the People of Bodo
2006-02-19Bodo is a beautiful seaside city in the north of Norway with a population of nearly 50 thousand. On Saturday February 11th, 11 Falun Gong practitioners altogether, including 3 little practitioners, came to the busiest part of Bodo city centre to introduce Falun Dafa to local people and tell them about the persecution of practitioners taking place in China.
Germany: Representatives from the World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong Attend a Seminar on Human Rights in China
2006-02-19It has been a tradition of Germany’s Free Democratic Party’s (FDP) Upper Bavarian Division to hold monthly seminars to discuss issues such as foreign politics, economy, and human rights. On February 7th 2006, the seminar held in Munich had China’s Human Rights as its theme. Mr. Kritzler, representing the World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), and Mr. Thierack, representing the International Human Rights Organisation in Munich, were invited to give speeches.
Germany: Protesting Against CCP Violence and Supporting the Global Hunger Strike Campaign for Human Rights
2006-02-18On February 11th in Munich city centre, Mr. Solomon and Mr. Yuan Zhang carried out a 24-hour hunger strike to strongly condemn the CCP’s gangster violence in attacking Falun Gong practitioners Dr. Yuan Li, and also to support the renowned Chinese human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng’s hunger strike to protest against CCP human rights abuses.
Russia: Journey of Fa-Rectification Photo Exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod
2006-02-18The Journey of Fa-Rectification Photo Exhibition was held in Nizhny Novgorod from February 3rd to 13th. More than forty photos introduced the story of Falun Gong. A stream of people went to visit the exhibition and learned about Falun Gong’s history as it spread to over seventy countries. People also learned how to fold paper lotus flowers.
During Chinese New Year, One Thousand People Sign a Spanish Petition in Support of 7.5 Million People Quitting the CCP
2006-02-18On January 28th, the Spain branch of the “Global Service Centre for Quitting the Chinese Communist Party” (CCP) launched a petition-signing campaign in Madrid to expose the CCP’s brutal violence and to support 7.5 million people quitting the CCP. A 3-hour rally was held, during which almost one thousand people signed a petition to condemn the CCP
Holland: Falun Gong Practitioners Protest Atrocity Perpetrated by Chinese Communist Regime's Hoodlum Agents
2006-02-17Falun Gong practitioners in Holland, together with people from The Epoch Times newspaper and supporters protested in front of the Chinese Embassy in The Hague. They strongly condemned the Chinese Communist regime's hoodlum agents for assaulting Falun Gong practitioner and chief technical officer of The Epoch Times Dr. Peter Yuan Li in the USA.
Germany: A Singer’s Story of Practising Falun Gong
2006-02-17“In 2002 when I read the book Zhuan Falun, I felt that the principle of “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” on which Falun Gong is based are very good. I hoped that I could be a person who lives my life by those principles. After practising Falun Gong exercises, my back pain was miraculously healed."
Denmark: Falun Gong Practitioners Protest the CCP's Violence in Front of the Chinese Embassy
2006-02-16"We strongly condemn the violent crimes committed by the Chinese Communist regime in overseas countries , and will expose its crimes in front of the people of the world. We appeal that the evil backstage manipulators of these kinds of incidents be brought to justice, and also appeal to the international society to together boycott the CCP..."
Norway: A Practitioner's Painting Touches School Children's Hearts
2006-02-16In early 2006, a practitioner made a presentation to several classes at an elementary school to tell the children about the persecution and the torture of Falun Gong practitioners that is taking place in China. The pupils also got to know the story of a little Chinese girl through a painting entitled "Homeless" by Daci Shen, a Chinese artist who lives in New York. The children hoped that everything would turn out fine for the little girl in the end.
Germany: Practitioners Protest Against CCP Violence
2006-02-15In the morning of February 10th, despite the freezing cold, Falun Gong practitioners and staff members of The Epoch Times rallied in front of the Chinese Embassy in Berlin to protest the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for assaulting the Chief Technical Officer of the Epoch Times, Dr. Yuan Li, at his home in Atlanta, U.S.
Slovakia: “The things you're doing are very good. Please continue”
2006-02-15On the morning of Saturday 11th February, Slovakian Falun Gong practitioners visited Piestany in the middle of western Slovakia. They went there to let local residents know about Falun Gong and the cruel campaign of human rights abuses that has been waged against the practice by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for almost seven years.
Falun Dafa in Europe: Falun Dafa is Practised All Over France
2006-02-15Tourists in France will often encounter practitioners handing out leaflets and demonstrating the five sets of Falun Gong exercises. There is a weekly Falun Gong activity at the Human Rights Square under the Eiffel Tower where practitioners go to help people learn more about Falun Gong and the human rights abuses against the practice.
Finland: Embassy Protest Condemns Chinese Communist Party’s Violent Assault in USA
2006-02-14Falun Dafa practitioners held a peaceful protest in front of the Chinese Embassy in Finland on Saturday February 11th. They were at the embassy to condemn the beating of US Falun Gong practitioner Peter Yuan Li, who was beaten, bound and gagged at gunpoint by Chinese Communist Party agents who tricked their way into his home in Atlanta.
Falun Dafa in Europe: Bring the Beauty of Falun Dafa to Spain
2006-02-14 -
Falun Dafa in Europe: Norwegian People on the Cultivation Path