Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Germany: Practitioners Gather at the Chinese Embassy in Bonn to Condemn the Jiang Group's Terrorist Act of Hiring Gunmen to Shoot Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-07-07We handed out a press release to people who were waiting for buses and passing by. Many people came to look at our posters showing the torture methods used upon Falun Gong practitioners in China. After learning about the recent assassination attempt in South Africa, people were shocked. Among the cars passing in and out of the Chinese Embassy, there was one precious Chinese man who smiled at us and stopped his car to ask for a leaflet.
Ukraine: Kiev City Government Website Publishes Ukrainian Dafa Practitioners' Group Exercise Photos
2004-07-07The Ukraine Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was held at the same time as the celebrations taking place for Kiev Day. The official Kiev government website published the photos of group exercises taken by Dafa practitioners.
Spain: Falun Gong Practitioners Peacefully Appeal at the Chinese Embassy on World Anti-Torture Day
2004-07-07June 26th was United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. Practitioners in Spain held a peaceful protest outside the Chinese Embassy. Banners calling for an end to the persecution were displayed on both sides of the road as well as pictures illustrating the various forms of torture that practitioners in China are subjected to.
United Kingdom: Press Conference Outside South Africa House after Jiang Extends his State Terrorism to South Africa
2004-07-06The shooting of a Falun Gong practitioner in South Africa on June 28th prompted people the world over to immediately raise their concerns that this was the latest and most concerning example of the exportation of the persecution of Falun Gong outside of China. Practitioners in the UK went to South Africa House on the 1st of July where they held a press conference and handed out information to the public.
Ireland: Falun Gong Practitioners Held a Press Conference Outside the Chinese Embassy to Condemn the Shooting Incident in South Africa
2004-07-06After hearing that Jiang’s accomplice Zeng Qinghong, who has played a big role in the campaign of genocide waged against Falun Dafa in China over the last 5 years, had visited South Africa and been involved in hiring thugs to shoot Dafa practitioners who were to file a lawsuit against him, Irish practitioners held a peaceful appeal outside of the Chinese Embassy.
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a Press Conference at the Chinese Embassy to Condemn Jiang and his Followers for Their Role in the Shooting of Practitioners in South Africa
2004-07-06Berlin Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference on June 29th at the Chinese Embassy in Berlin to expose the Jiang group’s persecution of overseas Falun Gong practitioners, to call on all governments, the media as well as kind-hearted people to condemn the Jiang group’s hiring of thugs to shoot and injure practitioners.
France: Li Changchun is Sued as an Accomplice to Torture by Falun Gong Practitioners in Paris
2004-07-06On July the 2nd 2004, at 3:20 p.m. in Paris, lawyer Delva filed a complaint to the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris against Li Changchun on behalf of three Falun Gong practitioners, for being an accomplice to torture in the persecution of Falun Gong.
United Kingdom: Falun Gong Seminar Held in the Houses of Parliament
2004-07-06On the 30th of June 2004, a seminar about the persecution of Falun Gong was held in the Houses of Parliament in London and was attended by Lords, Members of Parliament and Falun Gong practitioners. Those who attended were able to gain a better understanding of the persecution of Falun Gong and the situation in China. The MP who chaired the seminar opened by saying, “With the opening of industry and links with China, comes the need to pay attention to human rights.”
Switzerland: Swiss Falun Gong Practitioners Expose Jiang's Crimes on World Anti-Torture Day in Basel
2004-07-06June 26th was International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, sponsored by the United Nations. Swiss Falun Gong practitioners held a photo exhibition in downtown Basel, an important Swiss industrial city, to call upon Swiss people to pay attention to the fate of Falun Gong practitioners, and to stop the Jiang group's atrocities.
United Kingdom: Manchester Falun Gong Practitioners Protest Against the Hiring of Gunmen Overseas to Shoot Practitioners in South Africa
2004-07-05On June 28th, gunmen attacked Australian Falun Gong practitioners who were driving from the airport in Johannesburg. The car was hit at least five times. Of all the practitioners, the only one wearing clothing with the Falun Dafa insignia, David Liang, was shot, causing injuries to his foot. Police have opened a case and assigned an inspector to investigate.
Germany: Falun Dafa Practitioners Participate in Hamburg’s Altonale Cultural Festival
2004-07-05Between June 19th and June 24th, Hamburg celebrated the Altonale cultural festival. Despite the unpredictable weather, more than 500 thousand people attended one of Northern Germany’s most popular cultural celebrations. Falun Gong took part in the Altonale again this year and was included in the festival’s activities, as it registered its booth on time.
United Kingdom: Car Tour Joins Appeal Outside the Edinburgh Chinese Consulate to Expose the Jiang Regime’s Terrorism in South Africa
2004-07-04After hearing that an Australian Falun Gong practitioner had been shot in South Africa by thugs hired by Chinese Vice President Zeng Qinghong, the practitioners taking part in the 2nd 2004 Scotland Car Tour felt extremely concerned over the latest attempt by Jiang and his accomplices to export their brutal persecution outside of China.
Belgium: Practitioners Condemn the Terrorist act of Hiring Gunmen Overseas to Shoot Falun Gong practitioners.
2004-07-04After hearing that gunmen in South Africa attempted to kill Falun Gong practitioners, Belgian practitioners went to the Chinese consulate in Brussels and strongly condemned Jiang’s act of terror. Shocked by news of the incident in South Africa, people at the consulate on business, especially the overwhelming majority of Chinese people, accepted the flyers distributed by the practitioners one after another.
South African Embassy to Austria: "South Africa welcomes Falun Dafa!"
2004-07-04On June 30th 2004, upon hearing that thugs were hired to shoot Falun Gong practitioners, Austrian practitioners called the South African Embassy and told embassy officials about the incident and about the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China. Shortly afterward, an embassy official called Austrian practitioners and said: South Africa welcomes Falun Dafa!
Germany: Practitioners in Munich Expose the Jiang Group's Crimes on the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
2004-07-04On International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, practitioners from Munich held a picture exhibition in Karlsplatz Square, a renowned tourist area, to expose the horrific torture carried out by the Jiang group in its persecution of Falun Gong. Many passers-by were shocked by the brutality of the persecution and signed our petition to ‘Bring Jiang Zemin to justice.’