Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Open letter to the People of Iceland from Falun Gong Practitioners
2002-06-13 -
Spreading Falun Gong during the Annual Long Shopping Day in Sweden (Photos)
2002-06-12 -
Sweden: The Very First Performance of The Lotus Flower
2002-06-12 -
Sweden: Practitioners' Dance Performance at Culture Festival in Arvika
2002-06-10 -
Scotland: Exercise Demonstration Shows Peaceful Nature of Falun Gong to Visiting Chinese Dignitary
2002-06-06We are here not to resist or to be against the government. We just want the Chinese central leaders to see how peaceful and harmonious Falun Gong is and let them know that many people overseas also like this exercise."
Falun Gong Display in Sweden
2002-06-05 -
Falun Gong Practitioners Hand Truth-Clarifying Materials to the Queen of England During Her Visit to Dundee
2002-06-04 -
Norway: Promoting Falun Dafa on Norway's National Day
2002-06-04 -
During Li Ruihuan's Visit, Falun Gong Practitioners from the UK Demonstrate the Exercises and Hold Peaceful Appeals
2002-06-03 -
Peaceful Appeal during Visit of Chinese Vice Premier to Rome and Florence
2002-06-01 -
Falun Gong Popular at Large Book Exhibition in Geneva, Switzerland
2002-06-01 -
Sweden: Falun Dafa Day in the City of Karlstad
2002-06-01 -
"Kiev Day" Celebration--Dafa Practitioners from the Ukraine Participate
2002-05-31 -
Swedish Practitioners Invited to Take Part in Annual Health Expo
2002-05-31 -
Stories from the Meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Commission
2002-05-31One official said honestly, "Jiang Zemin has done many bad deeds!"