Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials

  • Russia: Finnish Practitioners visit their Embassy in Moscow to let them know the Truth about Falun Gong

    During the recent experience sharing conference in Russia activities were orgainsed to let more people know about Falun Gong. In the time between these activities, Finnish Falun Dafa practitioners visited the Finnish Embassy in Moscow to tell them the facts about Falun Dafa and the brutal persecution that has been happening for over four years in China.
  • Germany: Picture Exhibition Exposing Jiang's Crimes of Genocide at Tourist Spots

    People were shocked: How could this be happening in China? The reason for the persecution is simply because so many Falun Gong practitioners were trying to be good people. One after another, the Chinese visitors started to sign their names on a signature collection book that is being used to bring Jiang to justice and to rescue Xiong Wei, a German practitioner currently being illegally detained in China.
  • The Fourth Russian Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference is successfully held in Moscow

    The fourth Russian Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference was held to help Dafa practitioners in Russia and the surrounding areas to improve together and make a further step forward in Fa-rectification.
  • Russia: Photo Report - Many People learn about Falun Dafa at a Successful Photo Exhibition

  • Albania: Zhang Cuiying’s Art Exhibition was held in Tirana

    Guests included government officials, officials from the consulates and Embassies in Tirana, artists, university professors and the media. The exhibition attracted strong interest from the mainstream media and the principle TV stations, including the national TV channel. The media reported on the art exhibition on September the 23rd, and many people later came to the exhibition as a result of these reports.
  • Germany: Overseas Chinese People show Support for Falun Gong

    One Chinese man heard that there was information about Falun Gong available at the display and specifically came to find out more. He also told a German practitioner that China does not have any human rights and that people should support Falun Gong.
  • Sweden: Falun Gong Picture Exhibition Held in Lindome Library

    The exhibition is currently being held at the Lindome Municipal Library. Practitioners went to the nearby city centre to let people know about Falun Gong and the brutal persecution of practitioners in China. People stopped to talk with practitioners and many were pleased to learn more.
  • Sweden: Explaining the Facts to the People of Uddevalla

    Falun Gong practitioners were invited to demonstrate the exercises and introduce the facts about the brutal persecution in China at an adult education college open day. A lot of people at the open day were very interested in Falun Gong. When hearing what was happening, local newspapers and TV stations arrived and interviewed practitioners.
  • Journalist from Local Finnish Paper reports on Falun Gong

    Falun Gong practitioners participated in an expo in the small city of Raahe to tell local people about Falun Gong. A few weeks later, practitioners came back to hold a Falun Gong exercise class for people. One of the participants in the class was a reporter from the local newspaper and she came to write an article about Falun Gong. She felt that the exercises were peaceful and relaxing.
  • Belgium: Clarifying the facts at the Inter-parliamentary Conference on Human Rights and Freedom of Religion and Belief

    “Some people think that the accused Chinese officials have the privilege of ‘Head of State Immunity’. But human rights lawyers say that people who commit the crimes of torture and genocide are not entitled to the privilege of ‘Head of State Immunity’ on the basis of International Law and the Vienna Convention. To seek common peace, I think you all agree that murderers such as Hitler, Slobodan Milosevic and Jiang Zemin should be arrested instead of having the privilege of ‘Head of State Immunity’, otherwise they will do more damage to the human society.”
  • Report from Lapland: "Now we understand you!"

    After Luo Gan’s plane left Finland in heavy fog, a Finnish official walked out of the airport. Two practitioners approached him and handed him Dafa materials. He introduced himself saying: “I am the secretary general of the Lapland Provincial government, I have understood your concerns, and I will forward your materials to the governor."
  • Belgium: Practitioners in Brussels Collect Signatures to Support the Lawsuit against Jiang Zemin

    Many people who heard about the lawsuit were shocked about the cruel persecution that is happening in China and eager to sign their names on the petition. One couple from Italy, despite being visually impaired, were very happy to sign the petition after being told the facts of the persecution. They later wished practitioners good luck in their legal action.
  • The Danish Police Make a Righteous Decision

    This trial of strength between the evil and the righteous was instigated by the Chinese Embassy, but because of Dafa practitioners’ unshakable righteousness, and the strong democratic sense of justice, conscience and human rights of the Danish people and local police, the correct result was decided upon. The Chinese Embassy’s intention to deliberately make things difficult for practitioners by using false accusations ended in complete failure.
  • Germany: The Demand for Multi-Lingual Dafa Leaflets exceeds the Supply

    A TV station filmed practitioners for a long time; tourists from China readily accepted materials, and were extremely surprised to see Falun Dafa banners; an elderly gentleman persisted in trying to obtain the exercise videotape, saying, “I’m sure it is definitely good, I am determined to learn.” The leaflets, in 20 different languages, were soon completely gone.
  • Spain: Beautiful Scenes In the City of Tarragona

    Practitioners sat down to send forth righteous thoughts, before they hung up Dafa banners, displayed pictures and demonstrated the exercises. People stopped to watch and said: “Look! How beautiful it is!” “How wonderful the music is!” Many people took photos with the exercise demonstration as a background. Others asked practitioners for information.