Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Sweden: Practitioners Perform the Lotus Flower Dance at a School
2003-05-12Lotus Flower is a performance, which uses dance, music and poetry to reveal the truth about Falun Gong and the Jiang regimes brutal persecution of over 70 million practitioners. After three performances, Swedish practitioners were invited into each class to tell the students more about Falun Gong and the situation in China.
UK: Promoting Falun Dafa at a Junior School
2003-05-11Through talking about artist and Dafa practitioner Zhang Cuiying, who suffered eight months of torture in Chinese forced labour camps because she peacefully appealed for the human rights of persecuted practitioners, she let the students learn about Falun Gong and the appalling human rights situation for millions of women in China who want to improve their health through this peaceful practice.
A Family of Swedish Practitioners Writes to the President of the USA
2003-05-10"Bringing Jiang to justice is to defend the freedom of humanity and the fundamental values of society. We cannot allow injustice to take over the world. We urge you, Mr. President and Mr. Vice President, to support the lawsuit against Jiang in USA and bring Jiang to justice for his crimes against humanity. You lead the worlds most powerful nation, and you stand for freedom and justice. Countless millions of Chinese have no voice to ask you for themselves. Please help rid them of the tyranny and oppression that threatens their very lives."
Sweden: Practitioners Clarify the Facts to the Swedish and Thai People
2003-05-10The practitioners hope that in the process of rescuing Pirjo, they can help the governments of Thailand and Sweden understand the true facts about the persecution of Falun Gong. They are contacting the Thai Embassy in Sweden, the Swedish Embassy in Thailand, the Swedish government and the media in their efforts to help the Thai government overcome Jiangs influence and release the innocent Mrs Svensson.
Spain: Telling Chinese People the Truth about Falun Dafa in Madrids Chinatown
2003-05-09A shopkeeper said after receiving a Video-CD: Ive never believed the propaganda from Jiangs party. Judging from the movements in history, Jiangs party is used to cheating the public with lies to achieve its aims. Ive never believed their packs of lies. Falun Gong must be good, or there wouldnt be so many people practising.
Poland: Zhang Cuiyings Photo Exhibition lets Many People Learn about Falun Dafa
2003-05-08Zhang Cuiying was welcomed to the Warsaw School of Journalism by the Dean, an audience of journalism students and members of the media who expressed admiration at her paintings and eagerly took part in a discussion. The Dean also spoke and in his speech he concluded with a touching salute to the artist and her personal story. He expressed hope that one day soon Falun Gong in China will be free from persecution.
Sweden: Practitioners hold a Concert in the Exhibition Hall of Gothenburg University
2003-05-07A Chinese scholar told the practitioners with deep conviction, Its good that Falun Gong assists people in improving health. I stand on the side of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. This is opposite to falsehood, evil, and conflict. Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good. Persecuting Falun Gong is totally wrong.
Slovenia: Zhang Cuiying Painting Exhibition is a Great Success
2003-05-06The exhibition attracted many people, including the Manager who was so touched by the paintings that he provided an extra area of the exhibition hall for free. He also invited a Professor of Philosophy to play classical music to add to the peaceful atmosphere, who expressed an interest in learning the exercises and asked about the books as though he had found a brand new field of thought.
Czech Republic: Photo Report from Zhang Cuiyings Painting Exhibitions in Prague
2003-05-04 -
Latvia: Falun Dafa Practitioners Hold Peaceful Appeal Outside the Chinese Embassy in Support of Bringing Jiang Zemin to Justice
2003-05-04From April 26 to 29 2003, Falun Dafa practitioners in Latvia held a peaceful appeal outside the Chinese Embassy, which enabled the media in the Baltic Sea area and local residents to the have chance to learn about the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin and the "610" Office for their crimes against humanity.
Czech Republic: Practitioners Meet with Members of Parliament
2003-05-03Dafa practitioner and artist Zhang Cuiying's visit to the Czech Republic to exhibit her paintings, gave her the chance to meet with many Members of Parliament and government ministers. They were all happy to meet Cuiying and to learn more about the persecution of Dafa practitioners in China. Many invited the artict to return to the Czech Republic to hold more exhibitions in the future.
Hungary: Practitioner Reveals the Details about her Husbands Death to the Budapest-Helsinki Committee
2003-05-03Australian Dafa practitioner Jane Dai, together with Hungarian and Austrian practitioners, met with a member of the Budapest-Helsinki Committee. She gave the committee details about how her husband was tortured to death because he refused to stop practising Falun Gong in China.
Switzerland: Practitioners Commemorate the Fourth Anniversary of April 25 Appeal in Front of the Chinese Consulate in Zürich
2003-05-03In front of the Chinese Consulate, practitioners in Switzerland performed Falun Gong exercises and with this peaceful form demanded that the Chinese government immediately stop this unreasonable persecution. Many passersby were willing to accept Dafa truth-clarifying newsletters. The current SARS epidemic has allowed people to more clearly see through the Jiang regime's lies.
Netherlands: Commemorating the Fourth Anniversary of April 25th Appeal - Falun Gong Practitioners Send Forth Righteous Thoughts Outside the Chinese Embassy
2003-05-03They called for the Chinese government to immediately stop persecuting Falun Gong. They also condemned some of the Embassy staff members for spreading propaganda to slander Falun Gong and deceive the public.
France: Falun Dafa Practitioners Continue to Send Forth Righteous Thoughts Outside the Chinese Embassy to Support Bringing Jiang to Justice