Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials

  • Dublin, Ireland: Chinese People Learn About Ongoing Persecution by Chinese Regime

    Ms. Guo from Jilin Province said she used to believe whatever the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) said. When she passed by the peaceful scene of practitioners doing the exercises, she decided to find out more about the practice and what the CCP had been doing to practitioners in China. A practitioner told her, “Under the CCP’s rule, upright values in China are deteriorating. The suppression of Falun Gong that is based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance has led to the loss of morality among Chinese.” Ms. Guo nodded in agreement and said, “If everyone followed Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, there would not be so much chaos in China.” Looking at the flier in her hand, she said she would read it when she got home.
  • Ukraine: Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa at Kiev Health Exhibition

    Two Ukrainian women talked with a practitioner and listened intently as the practitioner explained Falun Dafa and its values of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. They stayed at the booth and learned more about the practice.“What a good thing. Today, I came across such a good practice thanks to you,” one of them told the practitioner.The two women left after taking flyers about the practice and lotus flower keepsakes with Falun Dafa’s values written on them.
  • Siegburg, Germany: Children Learn About Falun Gong at Local Festival

    A mother from Cologne brought her two daughters and a friend’s daughter to the booth. The three little girls all wanted to learn to make small lotus flowers. During the crafting process, the children learned that the words “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance” on the little lotus flower are the principles of Falun Dafa. The practitioner told them that they should be honest, kind, and humble children in their daily lives. The mother said, “This is so important. These values must be passed on. It is so important that you are here.”
  • The people of Finland admire Falun Gong practitioners: “Thank you for your persistence”

    Sofia told practitioners with tears flowing from her eyes, “It really is very sad.” Jenni, on her way to a yoga class said: “You have done a very important thing, thank you for your persistence.”
  • Falun Gong Practitioners from Europe Wish Master Li a Happy Chinese New Year!

    Chinese New Year 2023 starts on 22nd January 2023. Falun Gong practitioners in different European countries send their greetings to Master Li and wish him a happy Chinese New Year.
  • Practitioners from Europe Wish Master Li a Happy New Year

  • Ireland: Chinese are greatful for the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution

    Ms. Chen, another Chinese, said that she learned from an online video that the CCP’s propaganda about Falun Dafa is all fake. She said that she believes in God and is a Christian, “But the CCP does not allow any beliefs.
  • Spain: Visitors Resonate with Falun Dafa’s Principles at BioCultura Madrid 2022

    Ms. Cristina Vilches, an artist, said, “This is the second time I’ve met Falun Dafa practitioners. I feel a great and pure energy here. It is very strong.” Tears welled up in her eyes and she added, “I must follow the inner voice in my heart and learn Falun Dafa.”
  • Norway: Learning About Falun Gong in a Small Town

    The organizer thanked the Falun Gong practitioners for adding peaceful energy to the exhibition. She admired that the practitioners could practice in such a noisy environment without being disturbed, and said she wished that she could also have that much concentration. She wanted to learn more about Falun Gong.
  • My few realizations from cultivation practice

    Dafa disciples, whilst in the human world should complete the sacred mission of assisting Master rectify the Fa. Of course, we practice cultivation amongst people, and of course we will have human attachments, human sentimentality, but these things shouldn’t become elements that impede a cultivator from completing his or her mission.
  • Having faith in Master and the Fa and looking within. Dafa shows its divine might

    At that time, I felt that the driver must have been controlled by God(s), otherwise how would he know that I wanted to get on the bus, and moreover stop at the crossroads to let on me on the bus? It really was unbelievable, but this really happened. In this way I managed to hurry back to the town hall in just 3 minutes.
  • My experiences from cultivation practice whilst promoting Shen Yun

    Whilst promoting Shen Yun, sometimes I would sometimes treat it as a task to do and treat getting tickets sold as a success. I had to remind myself at all times that the real purpose of this was to save people, so the process was very important, and it required me to incessantly help people get rid of interference.
  • Looking within and surpassing attachment to self

    I discovered that I was no longer afraid to communicate with customers, and my smile became more and more natural. When packing the products, I would carefully unfold the products to check, and then hand them with both hands the products that they had bought, and sincerely wished them a blessing that they could happily enjoy the Shen Yun performance.
  • Letting go of self, welcoming challenges

    I sincerely feel that Master knew that I had a wish to take part in a project of saving people. Master chose me to go forward and moreover helped me all along on this path, to break through my own attachments, enabling me to have more faith in myself, and courageously walk out.
  • My process of getting rid of attachments during cultivation practice

    In the summer of 2020, I was still a practitioner who had just started practicing, when I went to Styrso to see the “Zhen, Shan, Ren art exhibition”. I was deeply moved by these art works and their message, moreover, I began to have the wish to become part of the art exhibition team.