Inside the Labour Camps
Practitioners in Wanjia Labour Camp Call for SOS Urgent Rescue
2001-11-28Male guards went into female cells and strictly controlled them. The officers also put those determined female practitioners into cold and damp confinement cells, where they tortured them in secret.
Practitioners Enslaved at Chaoyanggou Labour Camp
2001-11-28Ten practitioners were forced to load a big truck within 10 minutes. Practitioners had to work very hard. The supervisor of the group kept shouting, "Come on, hurry up!" Those practitioners who had been tortured to the point of emaciation were out of breath after a short time. Their legs were trembling. The skin on their hands peeled off and their hands were bleeding. Mud covered their bodies and faces. They could only rest for a few minutes when the loaded truck went away. But they were not allowed to drink any water. Usually the labour camp does not allow practitioners to drink water at all. The practitioners were only allowed to wash their faces once a week.
Public Security Bureau Commits Crimes in Zhaodong City and Shuanghe Labour Camp in Qi City
2001-11-27The Chief of the Detention Centre, Wu, was so angered that he started barbarously beating practitioners and dragging them around by their hair. He hit practitioner Sun Shuwen with a club, breaking it into two pieces. The bruise on Sun's head swelled to the size of an egg.
Practitioners Have Become Disabled Due to Torture at Zhejiang Shiliping Labour Camp
2001-11-26In the winter, the police stripped practitioners, leaving them only their undergarments. They tied practitioners' hands on seats and forbade them to go to toilet or to sleep. Practitioners were allowed only 2 or 3 mouthfuls of food per day. The doors and windows were left wide open to freeze them. When practitioners passed out from such torture, they would infuse them with medicine and continue with the torture. As a result, a few practitioners became disabled.
Fangqiang Forced Labour Camp Uses the "Three Collection" Method and the "Severe Punishment Team" Against Practitioners
2001-11-26One policeman of team 2 admitted voluntarily: "We have the order from above that we will have to take legal responsibilities if other inmates die, however, we don' t have to take any legal responsibilities if Falun Gong people are tormented to death."
The Savage Torture of Practitioners in the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp of Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province
2001-11-25When the practitioners from the little cells came out, their legs and feet would be extremely swollen; their skin would be pink and dark-purple due to poor circulation, and they couldn't even walk. Under the circumstances of such persecution, many practitioners suffered from scabies over their entire bodies, which made their skin fester and ulcerate. Then when these were popped, there was a lot of pus. Some practitioners suffered from edema over their entire body and could not urinate when they went to the bathroom.
Illegally Detained Practitioners Suffering in "Solitary Compartments" in Wanjia Forced Labor Camp Urgently Need Rescuing
2001-11-24 -
Terrible Crimes in Ping'antai Labour-Reeducation Camp
2001-11-22 -
Qinghai Labour Camp Uses Drug Offenders To "Discipline" Practitioners
2001-11-19A girl named Fan was stripped of all her clothes because she did not cooperate with the brainwashing orders. The guards tortured her with an electric baton and locked her up for seven days in solitary confinement.
Some Facts About the Kidnapping, Severe Beating and Extortion Suffered by practitioners in Wuchang City, Heilongjiang Province
2001-11-18During his illegal detention, his clothes were stripped, and bedclothes sent from his family were confiscated. In the cold winter, he was forced to sleep on the cement floor. He was tortured continuously and his wounds festered. Given these circumstances, he was still severely beaten by criminals (supported by the guards) and that caused the corner of his left eye to bleed. To protest he went on a hunger strike, but he was forcefully handcuffed, punched, and kicked before he was force-fed through a tube, something too miserable to watch. At present, he is forced to leave home to avoid further persecution.
The Inhuman Treatment Practitioners Suffer in the Chongqing Female Labor Camp
2001-11-18Many practitioners were beaten until their noses were battered, faces swollen, and bruised all over the body. Many practitioners were punished by being forced to stand for long periods of time, with hands raised above their heads while holding a urinal pot. In the winter, while being forced to stand for long periods of time, practitioners were only permitted to be clad in their undergarments in the freezing cold weather. They kicked at practitioners using martial arts style "flying kicks" aimed at their lower backs and kidney area and stomped on this same area with both feet. They also stabbed at practitioners' eyes with needles.
The Xinghua Street Police Station, Responsible for the Death of Falun Dafa Practitioner Zuo Zhigang, Claims Another Victim
2001-11-18This is a story that has only recently come to light, one in which a practitioner's family member died as a result of their persecution.
The Changlinzi Labor Camp in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province Cruelly Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners
2001-11-18The illegally detained practitioners were very familiar with a saying in the labor camp, "Move them to do it, or force them to do it; otherwise, cremate them." [Note: The implication of this phrase is that if practitioners cannot be coerced or forced to give up their belief, they will be killed in the process.]
Violent Suppression Can Only Make Practitioners More Resolute: Report from Baimao Labour Camp
2001-11-16 -
Practitioners in Gaoyang Labour Camp Refuse to Comply with the Persecutors' Demands Despite Torture and Abuse
2001-11-16After two days and three nights' of continuous torture, director Yang of the Brigade said wickedly to his staff regarding those determined practitioners who had refused to write the "pledges": "Shock them with higher-voltage batons. Do it every half hour."