Inside the Labour Camps
Police Treat Practitioners Worse than Animals in the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp
2003-05-24Twenty-four people were held in a cell that only had 6 bunk beds. (It is common for labour camps to assign one bed to eight detainees.) Sometimes there were more than 24 people in the cell and some had to sleep on the floor. A toilet bucket, without cover, served all the people in this room. The smell from the bucket and sweat mixed together was gruesome. There were many flies, mosquito and bedbugs.
Appalling Infringement of Human Rights at Xishanping Forced Labour Camp
2003-05-21The so-called "Leifeng Tower" in Xishanping Forced Labour Camp is a dark place of about two square meters (about 20 square feet) that includes two rooms with no sunlight, only ghastly darkness. A stone slab in one of the rooms constitutes a bed while the other room contains no furniture at all. Human excrement is visible everywhere, since there is no toilet. In addition, because rats and snakes have infested the place, rotting animal corpses give off an unbearable stench.
Dark Den of Evil At Women's Forced Labour Camp in Qinghai Province
2003-05-21Here, we once again remind the general public and police officers that "good is rewarded with good and evil is met with evil." Please pay serious attention to the various warnings that have come in recent years, such as the natural disasters and the current SARS epidemic. Please listen carefully to the facts that Falun Dafa practitioners tell you so that you may give yourself and your family a chance to judge right from wrong and good from evil in the future.
How the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Deceives Overseas Reporters and Covers Up Their Crimes
2003-05-19In order to cover up the massive number of Dafa practitioners illegally detained there and how bad the living conditions were, the labour camp police removed most of the detainees. About five to six hundred were shipped to a nearby junior labour Camp's cafeteria by bus, leaving only the detainees who agreed to cooperate with the labour camp and lie to the reporters during their visit.
Atrocities at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp: Physical and Mental Abuse Day and Night
2003-05-17In the Masanjia camp, many Falun Dafa practitioners are being driven to mental collapse under torture and brutal psychological brainwashing. We have heard them screaming in pain from time to time...To the people of the world with global social conscience and a sense of justice: Together let's stop Jiang and his regime's cruel persecution of innocent, kindhearted people who stand strong for "Truthfulness -- Compassion -- Forbearance."
Systematic and Brutal Torture at the Shibalihe Women's Forced Labour Camp
2003-05-16Because of this, the chief of the guards, Chen Lanying, (female, about 30, one of the prime perpetrators) directed male policemen and security guards to drag Zhang into the torture chamber, located in the camps' office building. They broke Zhang's legs during the beating and tied her tightly with thin ropes that cut into her flesh. In the scorching summer, Zhang Hanwen became bedridden due to the torture, for several months, however, the miraculous power of Falun Dafa made it possible for her stand up again.
Torture with 2-Inch Long Needles in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-05-16They shocked her by forcing a long electric baton into her mouth. The shocking completely blistered her mouth. She had extreme difficulty eating and talking. Her head appeared injured and her face was swollen. She could not even open her eyes because of the swelling. Her body was covered with blood. The guards beat her while sitting on her body. They forced her head down and forced a two-inch long needle into her palm, the soles of her feet, and different parts of her body.
Kaiping District Forced Labour Camp Ruthlessly Tortures Dafa Practitioners
2003-05-15The police asked her, "Why have you gone on a hunger strike?" She said: "I didn't break the law, so I shouldn't be locked in here. I will eat only if you let me go home. I was kidnapped because of my belief in Truth-Compassion-Tolerance. The rogue (former leader Jiang Zemin) in power is breaking the law in enforcing this action and is depriving people of their human rights and freedom of belief. This is my silent protest.
Chongqing Women's Forced Labour Camp: 17 Hours of Daily Torture Results in Deaths and Leaves Others Permanently Injured
2003-05-12Some practitioners were forced to squat for 10 hours daily for over 3 months. Some practitioners were even forced to stand still for 17 hours daily for more than 4 months. Some practitioners were tortured with sleep deprivation for 5 days. Some practitioners were kept from taking showers for over a month in the hot and humid summer. One practitioner was handcuffed and hung up with only her toes touching the ground for 17 hours daily for over 100 days, and was even handcuffed to the bed while sleeping.
Jiang's Regime Killed Three of My Family Members
2003-05-11The guards stripped off his clothing and knocked him to the ground with a rope tied tightly around his mouth and head...They then used six electric batons on the sensitive points of his body. They tortured him this way from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. Only a little portion of his skin was left unharmed due to the high voltage electricity of the batons, which smelled of badly burnt flesh. The tight string cut 5cm (about 2 inches) into both corners of his mouth, and he was left unable to eat.
Cruelty Beyond Imagination Towards Determined Dafa Practitioners at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-05-08The prison guards told them, "No matter what crimes are committed against determined Dafa practitioners, it is all acceptable. If they die due to the torture, you can say it was because they were born with a lot of karma [Note: this is a distortion of spiritual principles in order to coerce collaborators to assist in the persecution and absolve them of responsibility]."
Vicious Abuse of Falun Dafa Practitioners at Kaiping District Forced Labour Camp
2003-05-08"I am making a silent appeal. We were force fed, then forced to go to the hospital. You think about it, who is persecuting the good people in the great land of China? Who is breaking up millions of happy families? Who has used foreign investments to build labour camps, detention centres and brainwashing centres, and then used them exclusively to persecute good people?!" The police could not answer her at all.
My Torment in a Shanghai Forced Labour Camp
2003-05-07I found out later that because officer Xia was very angry with them for not being able to brainwash me, the prisoners were punched and kicked and had their merit grades deducted--that is why they vented their anger on me. The head of the prisoners, Zhao Qingliang, yelled furiously, "I have transformed [brainwashed] dozens of people (I got to know later, it was just a few people). Nobody can escape."
Dafa Practitioners Reach The Limit of Their Endurance in Shijiazhuang City Forced Labour Camp
2003-05-05A captain from one group wrote something on a piece of paper cursing Teacher and forced me to wear that piece of paper. He said, "Don't even think about taking it off if you don't write the 'guarantee letters'." Then they sent me to a brainwashing class. They continued to try to force me to swear at Falun Dafa and at Teacher. I refused. Seeing that I wouldn't give in, they cuffed me to the heating pipes in an office and made me stand there, absolutely still.
Barbaric Deeds Occurring Against Practitioners in Nanmusi Female Forced Labour Camp
2003-05-05In September 2000, police went to my daughter's school to threaten her. Police asked her principal and teachers to force her to give up Falun Gong, otherwise she wouldn't be allowed to go to school. The principle didn't co-operate with the police because my daughter is considered to be a good student.