Inside the Labour Camps
Practitioner Has Been Persecuted Severely in Guangdong Province and His Health Is Deteriorating
2002-12-30In January 2002, Xu was arrested. In jail, he was determined and did not give up his belief. He went on a hunger strike for over two months, to protest the mistreatment he was suffering. During the persecution, he lost his hearing. A medical examination revealed that he suffered from gallstones and liver disease.
The Persecution I Witnessed at the Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Sichuan Province
2002-12-28Policeman Yuan Jin threw Tao Juhua's head against a wall until she vomited blood. Zhang Xiaofang, a policewoman, shocked Zhang Yaqun with an electric baton until her face was covered with blood, just because she spoke out for another practitioner that was being tortured.
Masanjia Labour Camp in Liaoning Province Continues to Brutally Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2002-12-28If anyone violates their rules or orders, they will suffer all kinds of physical penalties such as being beaten up, not being allowed to sleep, and being confined in a solitary compartment, etc.
Practitioners Nearly Escape from Wangcun Forced Labour Camp
2002-12-27The interior of the grisly water dungeon in the labour camp is a big cement pool. Next to it is an iron rack that is used to hang people in the water, and above that is a cement cover. The people inside this grim chamber can't tell whether it is day or night. The water is so deep that people cannot touch the bottom and have to move continuously and keep awake.
Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Intensifies Its Persecution While Dafa Practitioners Remain Steadfast
2002-12-25Dafa practitioners are not afraid or shaken by this evil persecution. They are persistent in their righteous thoughts and righteous actions and they always conduct themselves openly and nobly.
Practitioner Finally Released from Tuanhe Labour Camp after undergoing Inhuman Tortures
2002-12-23The "intensified classes" use many vicious forms of torture to persecute practitioners, including tying them to beds at night for weeks or months on end, and confining them in cramped metal cages... so that one cannot stand up straight. Practitioners are also cuffed and hung up, tortured with electric batons, and forced to stand for long periods of time. They are tortured to the limits of their endurance.
Exposing the Vile Acts of Depravity Against a Practitioner in Kaiping Labour Camp
2002-12-22Wang was also beaten brutally by the police and prisoners for shouting, "Dafa is good!" The vicious guards tied her to a tree, struck her jaw violently and repeatedly, causing her to bleed from the mouth. They also strapped a muzzle on her mouth in order to prevent her from shouting out.
"Hell On Earth" Labour Camp Tortures Dafa Practitioners
2002-12-19Immediately after the dangerous force-feeding, these two practitioners were handcuffed and severely tortured, seriously harming their physical and mental health and robbing them of all dignity. After the severe torture, one of the practitioners was diagnosed as having serious illnesses including nephritis, pleurisy and ascites.
Update on Practitioner Currently Held in the Qingsong Women's Labour Camp in Shanghai
2002-12-07Li Ying, a Falun Dafa practitioner from China and the fiancee of an Australian citizen Lee Cheezong, is being illegally detained in Qingsong Women's Labour Camp in Shanghai. We want our fellow practitioner Li Ying to be released as soon as possible and reunited with her family.
Force-Feeding and Torture of Dafa Practitioners in Xiangfan City No 2 Detention Centre
2002-12-06The head of the detention centre, Doctor Ou forcibly fed porridge or salt water to the practitioners. If the practitioner being force-fed resisted, Doctor Ou would increase the pressure of the injector to cause pain and injury to the practitioner's throat, esophagus, and stomach.
Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners Intensifies at Changlinzi Labour Camp
2002-12-04The persecutors would hang up practitioners, shock them with electric batons, cover their heads and beat them, including hitting them in their private parts. The tragic cries from tortured Falun Gong practitioners were heard all the time through out the day and night in the vicinity of Changlinzi Labour Camp...They also use needles to puncture the nails, trample the nails and toes.
Appalling Scene in a Labour Camp: Five Guards Brutally Kick a Practitioner to Try to Make Him Renounce His Belief
2002-11-30Once, five guards surrounded a Dafa practitioner, forming a circle. The practitioner was lifted up and thrown to the ground, then lifted up again and thrown down again, kicking him repeatedly in the process. This was repeated again and again. The guards said that all they wanted to do was to get this Dafa practitioner to say three words: " I give up."
Brutally Tortured at Xidayingzi Labour Camp in Chaoyang City
2002-11-29Police used several high-voltage electric batons to shock him many times on his neck, the bottoms of his feet, and on other sensitive body parts, which resulted in Wang losing consciousness. Wang is now unable to walk because of the severity of the resulting injuries.
Masanjia Labour Camp Authorities Brutally Torture Dafa Practitioners
2002-11-27Their arms, leg and feet are tied to chairs. Some practitioners have been forced to sit there for two weeks, some for one month, and some for even longer. The practitioners were only allowed to use the bathroom twice a day.
Three Years of Detention Cannot Change My Determination
2002-11-23Police officer Wang Lixin rushed in and kicked me to the floor, then hit both of us with a wooden rod about 2.5 centimetres thick and 80 centimetres long until it broke in half...the group head, Ding Wenxue, brought me to an office and punched me in the face repeatedly. My mouth was full of blood and my nose was bleeding. Afterwards, the pain was almost unbearable when I tried to eat...practitioner Cheng Wan's neck was covered with blisters after being shocked by electric batons, as parts of his skin and flesh were burnt.