Inside the Labour Camps
Dalian TV Station Fabricates Program To Cover up the Persecution of Dafa Practitioners
2003-08-26Before the reporter arrived, the police hid the steadfast Dafa practitioners in a place that received no sunshine, then opened the restricted library door and arranged for an actor to perform. They said that Hao Wenshuai made the practitioners only do light labour. The fact is that the practitioners were forced to work from 5:00 am to 9:00 pm or even 10:00 pm without a break. What the reporters heard were not the facts, but outright lies. The people who were interviewed were either swindled or forcibly brainwashed under the high pressure. Why didn't they allow the news reporter interview the practitioners who suffered 2 to 3 years of torture without giving up their belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance?"
Harsh Situation of Falun Dafa Practitioners at Shijiazhuang Labour Camp
2003-08-25Bai Yuzhi was arrested in August 2002. Since then, she has held a hunger strike in protest. On April 10, 2003 she began to vomit blood. She was force-fed daily, and her nasal cartilage became distorted as a result. She almost went blind. She could barely walk and she was carried on the backs of those who force-fed her. The No. 2 Labour Camp reported her as being "critically ill," but the "610 Office" would not allow her to return home.
Dafa Practitioner Ms. Liu Chengyan In Critical Condition from Torture at the Second Detention Centre of Fushun City
2003-08-24The guards commanded criminals to beat her brutally, which caused Ms Liu to go into shock. On July 14, 2003, when Ms Liu was taken to Fushun Central Hospital for emergency treatment, she was still wearing foot-shackles and handcuffs. The detention centre then tried to extort money from her family members. Since her family did not have any money, the detention centre decided not to let her receive any treatment. Instead, they took her back to the detention centre on July 21. Now, Ms Liu is in critical condition and her life is in grave danger.
Examples of Inhumanity Toward Falun Dafa Practitioners in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province
2003-08-23He Naifeng put Dafa practitioners in chains, poured cold water on them, and shocked them with electric batons. Sometimes he used more than one electric baton, and then beat them with hard rubber sticks. When he finished with them, they were swollen all over, covered with purple and blue wounds, and their skin and flesh were torn open. He pried open their mouths with bamboo sticks, inserted a very thick tube into their mouth, and then used a funnel to pour food into their mouth. He has personally beaten every practitioner who has been detained in the county detention centre. He would beat them first and then interrogate them.
Police in Wangcun Labour Camp, Shandong Province Torture Dafa Practitioner Ms. Sui Hongju
2003-08-22The police in Wangcun Labour Camp carry out force-feeding on Dafa practitioners who go on hunger strikes to resist the persecution. At the same time, they shamelessly charge them a 70 Yuan "force-feeding fee." One practitioner has already been on a hunger strike for several months. The labour camp has extorted more than 2000 Yuan in force-feeding charges from her.
Cruelty and Brainwashing at Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp in Changchun
2003-08-21Hou Zhihong was the most notorious prison guard in Section Six of Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp in Changchun city. After he was transferred to Section Seven, he has become the head of the team for direct persecuting Falun Gong practitioners . He is known for using torture and deception to coerce practitioners to write the so-called "Disassociation Statement" [A statement to declare a dissociation with Falun Gong and promise not go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong].
Gross Contraventions of Human Rights Against Falun Dafa Practitioners in Baimalong Labour Camp
2003-08-20Each practitioner was force-fed by 7 or 8 drug addicts. They brutally forced soup and concentrated salt water down the throats of the practitioner once every half hour by violently forcing spoons into their mouths. Some practitioners who endured this torture received blisters in their mouths or developed coughs that remain to this day.
Lifting the Veil on The Brutal Torture in the Tumuji Forced Labour Camp in Inner Mongolia (Part 1 of 2)
2003-08-19Practitioner Wang Zhichen, pointing to practitioner Wang Xiaodong who had been beaten up, asked the prison guard why he beat Mr. Wang. Wang Liwei replied, "Does this count as beating people?" As he was saying this, he was pushing and beating Wang Zhichen. Later, Wang Xiaodong was confined to a small cell. Wang Zhichen was brought to the office by guard Zhi Wenqi. There, Zhi Wenqi forcefully grabbed Mr. Wang's throat and shouted, "I am the devil!" He choked Wang Zhichen so hard that Wang could not breathe.
Guanshan Forced Labour Camp Commits Vile Acts Against Dafa Practitioners
2003-08-18Yu Li, the guard who was responsible for keeping an eye on the cells, would oftentimes return drunk during the night, and would yell at practitioner Jiang Junsong saying, "I'll beat you for no reason." Then he would tell the criminals, "You guys take care of him. If anything happens, I'll explain it to the authorities."
Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp: A Vile Concentration Camp
2003-08-14The guards in this forced labour camp flaunt the banner of "education, transformation by persuasion, and saving people" while perpetrating deceit, torture, and destruction to reach their goal of forcing Falun Gong practitioners to give up their belief. During the winter, prison guards would strip off the outer clothes of steadfast practitioners and let them freeze outside all night long.
Gross Mistreatment of Dafa Practitioners in Jiutai City
2003-08-10They slammed Zhao Guoxing's head against the heater, causing Mr. Zhao to bleed heavily. When the policemen viciously beat up Cao Xiaowei, he cried out loudly to expose the mistreatment and to request a talk with those policemen's bosses. However, when their bosses came, they didn't punish those policemen; instead, they accused Mr. Cao of fighting with them. They extended his sentence for another two months and didn't allow his relatives to visit him.
"Report Box": New Form of Deceit at the Heizuizi Female Forced Labour Camp
2003-08-09This "Report Box" was placed right in the cafeteria. If a practitioner wanted to place a report, he or she had no choice but to do so in front of everyone in the cafeteria, thus, it became unlikely for anyone to report or expose wrongdoings. Furthermore, attempting to report anything would trigger reprisal and revenge by those camp deputies who were afraid of their atrocities being revealed to the public. For example, Dafa practitioner Ms. Zheng Shixiang from the 2nd Brigade was cursed, beaten and electro-shocked by the deputies after she made a report.
Toxic Drugs and Violence: Exposing the Crimes in the Banqiao Women's Forced Labour Camp of Tianjin City
2003-08-08The camp began its so-called "class for breaking [the will of] determined practitioners" on February 17, 2003. All Dafa practitioners in the camp were sent to this class. First, they underwent repeated bouts of being brutally beaten, while only being allowed two hours of sleep per day. They were confined in small solitary cells. The guards, afraid that their evildoing would be witnessed, hung up curtains to block the small cells from view.
Brutal Torture of Female Falun Dafa Practitioner in Several Labour Camps
2003-08-05Neijiang City Detention Centre treats detainees inhumanely. The management there uses torture tools and cash fines. Everyday, each detainee only had a ration of less than a half a pound of food. Each daily necessity was used by the detention centre to make a huge profit. If one detainee violated the rules, all the people in the room would be made to pay a cash fine.
The Misery in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-08-04Masanjia Labour Camp follows no laws in its persecution of Dafa practitioners. Determined Dafa practitioners' terms were casually extended for as long as the officials wanted. Some practitioners' terms had already expired but many excuses were used to extend their terms and continue to persecute them.