Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Mr. Cao Guitang from Hebei Province Arrested Five Times for Practising Falun Gong
2012-11-06Mr. Cao Guitang and his wife are in their late 70s and once suffered many illnesses. After they became Falun Gong practitioners, they became healthy without seeing a doctor. They could have enjoyed their retirement, were it not for the 13 years of persecution of Falun Gong in China. Their home was ransacked and their belongings confiscated. Chinese officials threatened, arrested and held them in forced labour camps. Just a month ago, they were arrested again because they were distributing DVDs of the Shen Yun Performing Arts show [a world-class traditional Chinese cultural show]. This was Mr. Cao's fifth arrest.
Jilin Province Police Arrest Practitioners, Ransack Their Homes
2012-11-06Over the course of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)13-year persecution Falun Gong practitioners, the Jilin 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and Public Security Bureau, under the command of the Political and Legal Committee, have adopted the most despicable means to persecute practitioners. They have used undercover police officers to follow practitioners, ambush them, and break into their houses. The police have arrested practitioners and extorted money from them. Robbing practitioners of their property has become their official duty. Police have also freely ransacked practitioners' houses, taken away their belongings and damaged their property, acting like bandits.
Practitioners Arrested After the “700-Signature Petition Incident”
2012-11-06When Xi Jinping invited a U.S. governor to visit Daizhai Village in Zhengding, agents from the Zhengding 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and the police used this as an excuse to arrest Mr. Li on June 7th. Mr. Li is being held at the Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp. Villagers were shocked that the authorities arrested Mr. Li because a U.S. governor was coming for a visit. As a result, 200 villagers and those from nearby areas, totalling 700 people, signed a petition calling for the release of Mr. Li. The police then went from household to household asking the villagers who had signed the petition. They made it known that “whoever signed the petition would be in trouble.” Sixteen practitioners and their family members were arrested and tortured since July 22nd, 2012.
Shenyang Schoolteacher Detained for a Month, Her Child in Tears
2012-11-06Ms. Han Qing, 42, teaches at the Liangzhong County Vocational High School in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. She was arrested and has been detained for almost a month. Her family went to the Shenyang First Detention Centre and delivered clothes to her, but the detention centre did not allow them to see her. It was said that the police fabricated evidence and submitted the case to the Procuratorate. Very distressed at the turn of events, Ms. Han's teenage child, now on his/her own, was reduced to tears.
Former Engineer Mr. Chang Shi with the Jilin City Telecommunications Bureau Arrested
2012-11-06Mr. Chang Shi, his wife, and their 19-year-old daughter were arrested in Jilin City on August 9th, 2012. Mr. Chang's wife, Ms. Zhang Jingdong, was terribly abused while she was in police custody. Within just 10 days she was in critical condition. She was taken to the hospital for emergency treatment. Mr. Chang's arrest has now been officially approved. His wife and daughter have returned home.
The Systematic Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Beijing Women's Prison
2012-11-02Newly arrived practitioners have to get up around 6 a.m. and go to a small room used just for brainwashing. They have to spend the whole day there, and all their meals are brought in so that they cannot leave or get a break from the intense situation. Those practitioners who refuse to do forced labour are also taken there for brainwashing. The brainwashing goes on all day and does not stop until the other prisoners finish working and come back. The prison specifically chooses the most low level prisoners to find fault with and verbally abuse the practitioners who remain steadfast. Using the techniques the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) used during the Cultural Revolution, they hold “struggle sessions” in which 20 or 30 handpicked prisoners sit in a circle surrounding the practitioners, criticizing and yelling at them.
Couple Arrested; Police Threaten to Send Daughter to Orphanage
2012-11-02Mr. Zhou Jiafu and his wife, Ms. Bai Guixia, are Falun Gong practitioners from Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province. Approximately 20 police officers waited outside the building where they live on September 20th, 2012. Once Mr. Zhou returned home the police arrested him. They also ransacked the family's home and confiscated their computer, printer, over 10,000 yuan in cash, several mobile phones, and informational materials about Falun Gong. Ms. Bai was also arrested later. Police also took the couple's 11-year-old daughter to the police station and threatened to send her to an orphanage.
The Unjust Trial of Mr. Wang Yulin
2012-11-02Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Yulin's home was raided by police in March. His personal belongings were confiscated, and he himself was framed and arrested. On October 12th, the court of Binchuan County started the trial for Wang Yulin. The prosecutors concocted charges saying that Wang Yulin “Utilised a cult to block the implementation of the law” (Article 300 of criminal law). The so called “evidence” were the Shen Yun [a world-class traditional Chinese cultural show] and Prophecy & Life discs. Police claimed they had found the discs. However, the officials did not show up to testify. In fact, the room where the discs were placed could be opened only Mr. Wang and his wife. Others had no way to enter that room, so the testimony was a pure lie.
Ms. Yang Lirong from Inner Mongolia Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison
2012-10-30Ms. Li Yuzhi was arrested at her home on February 29th, 2012, by police. They confiscated her computer, printer, and over 60,000 yuan. Xu, Liu and two other officers waited at Ms. Li's home for several hours and claimed that they would arrest whoever showed up. That afternoon Ms. Li's daughter, Ms. Yang Lirong, brought her good friend Ms. Zhang Cuimin to her mother's home. They were both arrested. Ms. Yang and her mother were tried in Songshan District Court on August 22nd. Ms. Li was sentenced to three years, and, as expected, Ms. Yang was given a severe sentence—eight years— because her family hired a lawyer and they refused to plead guilty.
Linyi City Court in Shandong Province Holds Secret Trial for Innocent Falun Gong Practitioners
2012-10-30Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Deng Liangcun and Ms. Fu Guiying were abducted by police on June 6th, 2012; however, their arrest warrants were issued on July 6th. Their family members hired attorneys for them from Beijing. The Lanshan District Procuratorate and Lanshan Police Department attempted to shuffle responsibilities to each other and blocked the attorneys from visiting the practitioners. Lanshan Court secretly put them on trial on October 8th, without notifying their families.
Ms. Chen Xiaoyue Tells of Forced Injections Taken in Guangdong Women's Prison
2012-10-26In 2008 I was arrested for distributing Falun Gong flyers in public and sentenced to three years in prison. In Guangdong Women's Prison guards did not allow me to sleep, made me sit on a small stool, and forced me to stand for long periods of time. In the prison's attempts to “transform” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] me, I was threatened, tortured, and brainwashed every day. I was injected with unknown drugs on January 11th, 2011, and I had a headache and felt dizzy for days. I kept collapsing when I tried to walk and had chest pain.
Ms. Tian Xiaoping Wrongfully Sentenced to 14 Years in Heilongjiang Province
2012-10-26Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Tian Xiaoping, 51, was one of the victims in the “big arrest” in Shuangcheng that occurred on November 13th, 2011. She and four other practitioners were sentenced to 14 years in prison. Two others were sentenced to 13 and 11 years, respectively. The attorney was astounded when the court ignored the prosecutor's recommendation of three to five-year sentences. Falun Gong practitioners work very hard to follow Truth-Compassion-Forbearance in their lives. They should not be detained at all, nor should they be sentenced.
Mr. Chen Deguan from Lanzhou Detained for Over a Year; His Wife Arrested Again
2012-10-26Mr. Chen Deguan from Lanzhou is 66 years old. He has been detained for over a year. His wife, Ms. Sheng Chunmei, was arrested for the second time in two years on July 28th, 2012, and is also currently detained. Officials attempted to put Mr. Chen on trial, the judge delayed the trial indefinitely at the last minute when his defense lawyers showed up.
Mr. Sun Jianzhong from Tangshan City Brutally Tortured
2012-10-23Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Sun Jianzhong has been arrested many times since the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999. He was previously sentenced to seven years imprisonment and has been subjected to all kinds of torture and abuse. His ribs were broken twice, his eardrums were ruptured twice, and his thigh was injured. While Mr. Sun had his hands cuffed behind his back, he was punched and beaten and slapped in the face.
Shandong Jiaonan 610 Office and Public Security Attempt to Unjustly Sentence Falun Gong Practitioners
2012-10-23On March 6th, 2012, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Qibing was arrested for sending out Falun Gong material exposing the persecution. The police raided his home and confiscated his computer, printer, and informational materials. He is being held in Jiaonan Detention Centre. During his first hearing his family noticed that he had a problem walking. He and all the other practitioners were handcuffed and shackled. Families were not allow to visit them after their arrests.