Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Mr. Yu Kaixin and His Wife, Ms. Tan Shunbi, Face Sentencing
2009-12-23On November 18th, 2009, Mr. Yu Kaixin and his wife, Ms. Tan Shunbi, were arrested by the Jinsha Police Station while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong. They are being detained in the Pi County Detention Centre. Police officers threaten that they will be sent to prison. Their family now feels great pressure to pay the bribes the officials demand.
Ms. He Aier Repeated Arrested, Harassed and Brainwashed
2009-12-23Sixty-one-year-old Guangzhou resident Ms. He Aier used to suffer from severe heart disease until she began practising Falun Gong in 1997, after which she miraculously regained complete health. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Gong in 1999, the officials constantly harassed her. She was held in brainwashing centres five times and subjected to both physical and mental torture. She recalls one detention centre: "I heard gut-wrenching screams (of practitioners) throughout the night."
Mr. Gao Yuguang from Shenma Corporation in Henan Province Persecuted
2009-12-22Mr. Gao Yuguang was arrested again on July 23rd, 2008 and officials from the Ministry of National Security charged him with distributing emails with Falun Gong contents on the Internet. Police officers arrested him. On January 16th, 2009, he was tried at the Zhanhe District Courthouse in Pingdingshan City but was not allowed to have any lawyers present to appeal for him nor were any visitors allowed in the courtroom. Currently, the whereabouts of Mr. Gao Yuguang are unknown. This is the fourth time Mr. Gao has been imprisoned for practising Falun Gong.
Practitioner Zhang Yunping's Family Members Arrested When They Tried to Visit Him at Jidong Prison
2009-12-21Hao Baoxin, head of the Fourth Division at Jidong Prison, ordered dozens of officers, including prison guards, armed police and local police to arrest family members of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Yunping when they tried to visit him at Jidong Prison. Hao Baoxin rushed toward the family and shouted hysterically at Mr. Zhang's wife, "You have committed a crime! You practise Falun Gong!" Zhang Yuping's wife shouted at him, "What is wrong with practising Falun Gong? What crime did I commit by practising Falun Gong?" Hao became speechless. The family went to the Jidong Prison Affairs Office, to file a complaint against Hao Baoxin.
Practitioners Tortured with "Carrying a Sword on the Back"
2009-12-20"Carrying a sword on the back" is one of the cruellest methods employed for torturing practitioners. The guards first pull the practitioner's hand behind his back by pulling his hand over the top of the shoulder of the same hand. They then pull the other hand up from the lower back. The wrists are then handcuffed together. Although most people who are tortured like this feel extreme pain in less than twenty minutes, practitioners are forced to stay in this position for up to four hours.
Mr. Mei Dazuo from Wuhan City Sentenced
2009-12-19Mr. Mei Dazuo runs a business in Xiaodongmen, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, selling floor boards. Mr. Mei is an honest, well-respected businessman. However, because of his firm belief in Falun Gong and the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, the Chinese Communist Party has brutally persecuted him. On October 22nd, 2009, he was sentenced to four years in prison. When Mr. Mei's lawyer said that his client had not violated any law, the judge agreed with him but said that they did not have the final say in the matter, because such a case was subject to the decision of the Political and Judiciary Committee and the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong).
Police of Xianyou County, Fujian Province Persecute Falun Gong Practitioner
2009-12-19On August 11th, 2009, chief Yang and officer Xie Desheng of the Domestic Security Division in Xianyou, Fujian, and police from the Daji and Longban village police stations broke into the home of Falun Gong practitioner Zheng Zeyu and ransacked it without a search warrant. They broke household items and alarmed Zheng Zeyu's only relative, his younger brother Zheng Zexin, who suffers from leprosy. The neighbours begged the police to stop tormenting the unfortunate brothers, who had been orphans since childhood. But the depraved officers ignored them. Zheng Zeyu became homeless. His brother was left on his own, unable to take care of himself.
Sujiatun District Court in Shenyang Tries Ms. Yu Jingzhen
2009-12-18On December 3rd, 2009, Sujiatun District Court in Shenyang City held a trial for Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yu Jingzhen. Ms. Yu's lawyer Mr. Jin Guanghong made a not-guilty defence. Ms. Yu Jingzhen has practised Falun Gong for thirteen years. On the afternoon of July 28th, 2009, the police from Donggou Town Police Station arrested her when she was distributing Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution, and detained her at Shenyang City Detention Centre. Lawyer Jin Guanghong delivered a good defence for his client. He pointed out that distributing Falun Gong materials doesn't violate any law, nor does it interfere with law enforcement. It is the citizen's right of freedom of speech, as protected by the constitution.
Arrested 13 Times, Mr. Jiang Guobo Now in Critical Condition
2009-12-17Mr. Jiang Guobo was arrested at his temporary place of work on the morning of February 27th, 2009. Police officers covered his head with a black bag and manhandled him into the police car. He has been held at the Changle Detention Centre ever since. During the months since his most recent detention, Mr. Jiang has been subjected to inhuman tortures without letup. During the cold winter nights, he was forced to stand outside all night long wearing only thin clothes until he lost consciousness due to hypothermia. He has been chained to the "death bed" with both feet and hands shackled until he vomited blood and his life was in grave danger.
Li Guihua from Jiujiang City Persecuted Again for Her Beliefs
2009-12-16On November 29th, 2009, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Guihua was arrested by police. The 60-year-old lady was exposing the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong in front of the First Middle School of Jiujiang City. At around 5 p.m., a gang of policemen broke in and ransacked her house. Among the officers was a young, but fierce, officer who was physically rough with Ms. Li's husband. Ms. Li Guihua has been arrested, imprisoned and sentenced to imprisonment in labour camps several times where she has suffered brutal persecution.
Dong Zhikun and Geng Shuhua from Yunnan Forestry College Secretly Sentenced to Prison
2009-12-15On November 25th, 2009, relatives of Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Dong Zhikuan and Ms. Geng Shuhua went to the Kunming Intermediate Court to demand information about their family members. Both practitioners have been detained in Panlong No. 1 Detention Centre since March 1st, 2009. Their families have not been allowed to visit them. Kunming Intermediate officers held secret hearings in September, 2009, to sentence Dong Zhikun and Geng Shuhua to prison. Their families received no prior notice of the hearings. Mr. Dong was sentenced to three years in the No. 1 Prison of Yunnan Province. Ms. Geng was sentenced to one-and-a-half years in the Longpan No. 1 Detention Centre.
Mr. Wang Qingguo and Others from Xin'an County, Luoyang City Arrested
2009-12-14Mr. Wang Qingguo and Mr. Zhang Wuxiu were arrested on November 24th, 2009. They are now in the Luoyang City Detention Centre. Police ransacked their homes and took Falun Gong books, information materials about Falun Gong, and other items, causing great suffering and hardship for their families. After practising Falun Gong, Mr. Wang became considerate of others and is always ready to help others. His neighbours and other villagers saw the magnificence of Falun Gong through him.
Mr. Li Zhigang's Right to Appeal Denied by 610 Office and Harbin City Court
2009-12-12On November 12th, 2009, the Harbin City Nangang District Court sentenced Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Zhigang to five years in prison. His family hired attorneys to represent him in court. However, the Nangang District Court and Detention Centre hindered the judicial process by rejecting the lawyers' requests to meet with Mr. Li. As a result, the lawyers have yet to obtain Mr. Li's signature, which is needed to appeal.
Shijiazhuang City Intermediate Court Sentenced Mr. Song Aichang
2009-12-11On June 22nd, 2007, Mr. Song Aichang was arrested at home by local police and has been held in a detention centre ever since. On September 22nd, 2008, after Mr. Song had been detained for over nine months, during the first trial, Qiaoxi District Court sentenced him to three years in prison. Mr. Song deemed it an unfair trial and an unfair sentence. He appealed to Shijiazhuang City Intermediate Court, and two fair-minded attorneys represented him in court. However, Shijiazhuang City Intermediate Court upheld the original three-year sentence, although it did not legally have jurisdiction in the case.
Ms. Liang Yu from Dalian City Tortured and Sent to Forced Labour Camp
2009-12-11Ms. Liang Yu was arrested and detained at the Dalian Detention Centre for further persecution. The brutal torture scarred her body all over. Soon after, she was sentenced to two years' imprisonment in a labour camp, and in mid-August transferred to the Masanjia Labour Camp in Shenyang City. Ms. Liang's parents are both in their seventies and eighties. Over the past three months, they have travelled a long way to see their daughter, only to be rejected by the prison police. The reason given them was that Ms. Liang Yu "refused to transform." [forcibly renounce Falun Gong].