Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Ms. Xuan Hehua from Yuanlin County, Hunan Province Forced to Become Homeless
2007-03-18In July 2005, Ms. Xuan Hehua, 55 years old, was arrested by local police when she was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and was held in the local detention centre for 15 days. In March 2006, Ms. Xuan was reported to the police when she sent the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party to officials of her work unit. On May 16th, 2006, police got Ms. Xuan out of her bed to arrest her. She received a suspended trial and an announcement that the local prosecutor was suing her four months later.
Crimes Committed inside Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Zizhong City, Sichuan Province
2007-03-18There are five types of labour practitioners are forced to do: embroidering flowers on fabric (such as bedsheets, curtains, and table cloths); b. making toys; making ornamental items for clothes; making artificial pig hairs; and carrying and transporting goods (to and from the trucks). Every person has a fixed amount of labour they must perform, and they are not allowed to stop or sleep until it is finished. If they finish early, they must help those who are slower. Works starts at 7:30 a.m., and finishes at 11:00 p.m. (in 2005 it was even worse - they got off work every day at 2:00 a.m.). Even taking out an hour and a half for the three daily meals, the amount of time worked each day is as many as 13.5 to 15 hours.
How a Doctor Suffered from Persecution
2007-03-17In October 1999, I went to Beijing to appeal. When I arrived at Tiananmen, a soldier asked me who I was. I said that I was a Falun Gong practitioner and I wanted to visit the government appeals office. I was taken to Qianmen Police Station. I refused to tell them my name and address. To punish me, they handcuffed my arms behind my back, one from above and another from below. They then changed their tactics and hung me up by my hands to a steel cage. My toes could barely touch the floor. The officers closed the door, turned off the light, and left me there alone. With my body weight on my hands, I felt as if I was being deformed. My body felt like it was being torn to pieces. After a long time, the officers lowered me down. This torture did not stop until the next morning. I could not move my hands for a long time.
Employee of French Company PCM Arrested in Beijing
2007-03-16He was supposed to take part in a managers’ meeting of the French company PCM on March 14th, in Angers, France but Ma Jian, manager in charge of the PCM Beijing office, selling oil pumps, was arrested on February 28th in Beijing as he was working. The witnesses present during the arrest say they saw six plain clothes policemen arriving and asking for Ma Jian. After a heated discussion with the employees, the policemen remained alone with Ma Jian in his office. Then he disappeared and his whereabouts are still unknown.
Additional Evidence of Crimes that Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp (Liaoning Province) Officials Have Committed against Practitioners
2007-03-16The Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp clinic has for several years been used by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials for persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. The clinic's medical staff cooperates with the guards and participates in the persecution of practitioners. They use cruel methods in force-feeding practitioners that are beyond imagination. Practitioner Shi Zhongyan died in April 2003 as a result of force-feeding. In 2005, in order to resist the force-feeding, practitioner Mr. Qi Mingli bit the feeding tube. Guard Shi Zhenshan pulled the tube back and forth repeatedly in and out of Mr. Qi's nose and beat him on the head. If a practitioner starts bleeding from the nose, the guards continue their rough handling while verbally abusing the practitioner.
More Facts about the Persecution in Jiangbei District, Chongqing City
2007-03-16Ms. Huang Zehan is a retired teacher in her 60's. While taking an early morning stroll on February 1st she was arrested by a few police officers. She demanded to know why she was arrested. Seeing that some bystanders were watching, one officer said that it was because she was taking illegal drugs. Ms. Huang immediately denied this, saying, "I don't take drugs, I am a Falun Gong practitioner." She then proceeded to say how good Falun Gong is. The officers put a bag over her head, and dragged her into a van. She was then taken to the Yuzhongqu Detention Centre. On February 6th, Ms. Huang was sentenced to two years of forced labour and sent to Chongqing Women's Forced Labour Camp. She refused to submit to the detention and escaped from the camp on February 16th.
Crimes Committed by Authorities at the Wangcun No. 2 Forced Labour Camp, Zibo City, Shandong Province
2007-03-15The Wangcun No. 2 Forced Labour Camp has a total of eight teams. The Falun Dafa practitioners are concentrated in the seventh and eighth teams. The police intentionally isolate these two teams from the others over the long-term. They use all kinds of brutal ways to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners including electric shocks, hanging them up, locking them on the bed with their arms crossed, forcing them to sit on a small stool and facing the wall for a long time, not allowing them to sleep, forcing them to stand for a long time, brutally beating them, locking them in the solitary compartment, deceiving them, inciting them to be against each other, and so on.
A Practitioner Recounts Three Years of Persecution In Masanjia Forced Labour Camp (Liaoning Province)
2007-03-13At one point, I was persecuted to the point that I could not take care of myself, but I refused to be "transformed." They took me to another room for new methods of torture. Guard Liu Yong hung me up for several days. One day he said, "Let's do some physical exercises." He pulled on my arms until he dislocated the joints. They burned my nose and my hair, and used cigarettes to burn my hands. They used wires to hold my mouth open and inserted cigarette butts and dirty papers into it. They used needles to puncture my back, hands, arms and head. They hung me by my hands and tied my legs and feet. They used iron wires to tie my knees. It was an unbearable torture, but I withstood it.
Practitioners Tortured at the Wuyuan Forced Labour Camp in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
2007-03-13In the summer of 2004, policeman Sha Huimin led several inmates to beat practitioner Mr. Cheng Guangxing. They punched Mr. Cheng and shocked him using electric batons. They kicked Mr. Cheng onto the ground and stomped on his chest. They hit Mr. Cheng's legs with a pickax handle so viciously that it disabled Mr. Cheng. More than six months later, Mr. Cheng still had trouble walking. Detainees in the labour camp were forced to work on farms during the busy farming seasons. During the slack season, they usually had to work from 7 am to 2 am to make fake diamonds for the labour camp to sell to foreign countries. Every practitioner detained in Wuyuan Forced Labour Camp has suffered all kinds of tortures.
Details of Brainwashing Methods Used by Qingpu Women's Forced Labour Camp in Shanghai
2007-03-13Recently, in order to reach their goal of completely "transforming" former Falun Dafa practitioners who had been forcibly brainwashed, they prepared a rubber figure and said that it was the Teacher of Falun Dafa [Teacher Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa]. The prison guards ordered the brainwashed practitioners to beat the rubber figure to show their complete "disassociation" from Falun Dafa. They organised them to burn Falun Dafa books. Every one of them had to burn at least two books. The prison guards even said that only those who dared to step on the pictures were completely giving up Falun Gong. They would see whether they dared to step on the pictures and to burn the books.
Mr. Zhang Guoli Was Persecuted to the Brink of Death at Dalian Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province
2007-03-11On February 14th, 2007, when Mr. Zhang Guoli walked into the courtyard of his home, unsteadily, with his clothes in his hands, his parents and elder brother came out from the house to receive him. They could hardly believe that standing in front of them was their beloved son and brother that they had been missing for many days. Mr. Zhang Guoli was so thin and disfigured that he was almost unrecognisable. The moment he stepped into the room, he fell down and lost consciousness. Zhang Guoli's parents and brother cried and ran over to hold him. owever, policeman Han Wei still said that they were not supposed to send Mr. Zhang Guoli home from Dalian Forced Labour Camp.
Three of Mr. Cao Jiwei's Relatives Arrested by 610 Office Head When Requesting a Family Visit
2007-03-11On the afternoon of February 22nd, 2007, police arrested practitioners Mr. Li Zhenfang and Mr. Cao Jiwei. The police confiscated 5,800 yuan. Policeman Wang Jinshi cruelly beat Mr. Cao Jiwei. He pulled his hair, slapped his face, and stepped on his hand and ground it into the gravel. At about 9:00 a.m. on March 1st, Mr. Cao's elderly mother, his wife, and his elder sister went to the home of Wang Fucai, the head of the 610 Office, requesting a family visit with Mr. Cao Jiwei. Wang did not open the door. Instead he called police officer Dai Chunjie from the Political and Security Section. Dai Chunjie beat and arrested them.
Mr. Xie Mingyi in Liaoyang County, Liaoning Province Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison
2007-03-11Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Xie Mingyi was sentenced to eight years in prison. On February 13th, 2007, Xie Mingyi's wife received a notice that Xie Mingyi was secretly sentenced for "violating the execution of law." He would not accept the sentence and has already appealed to the higher court. The CCP's arrest and sentencing of Dafa practitioner Xie Mingyi greatly pained his family and friends. Villagers who knew the truth got very angry and all spoke out for justice, "He did nothing wrong." Xie Mingyi's wife takes care of their two young children while struggling to maintain a normal life.
Ms. Xu Jiling Suffered a Mental Collapse Due to Torture
2007-03-09Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Xu Jiling is currently detained in Shandong Province First Women's Labour Camp and has suffered a mental collapse. The camp brutally tortures practitioners with 14-15 hours of hard labour every day. The main product at the labour camp is stuffed animals. Each detained practitioner must finish 20-30 per day, otherwise points are deducted, which results in extended detention. Practitioners are exhausted every day, and some cannot bend their fingers. On January 22nd, 2007, four to five guards took turns beating one female practitioner with a thick wooden club until the club broke in half.
Savage Brainwashing Attempted at Hebei Provincial Prison for Women
2007-03-09In May 2006, the Hebei Provincial Women's Prison created a so-called "attack team." At first they formed teams comprised of four "collaborators", to surround Dafa practitioners and spread rumours. If practitioners resisted, they were attacked. When practitioners refused to be "reformed", their next step was to carry out the so-called "stewing the eagle," by taking turns torturing Dafa practitioners day and night, and depriving them of sleep.