Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Mr. Xie Hongmin Was Sent to a Brainwashing Centre in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province after His Forced Labour Term Expired
2006-12-27After July 20th, 1999, Mr. Xie Hongmin went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa and hoped the state leaders would stop persecuting Falun Gong. He was arrested in Beijing and sent back to Chengdu City. He was first detained in Chengdu Drug Rehabilitation Centre. Then he was sent to Dayan Forced Labour Camp for one year of forced labour. After his release, he was kept under surveillance by his local hometown government. He was arrested for leaflets exposing the persecution and sentenced to four years of forced labour and sent to Guangyuan Forced Labour Camp.
The Shanghai City 610 Office Fabricated Evidence to Put Mr. Lin Mingli on Trial
2006-12-27On the morning of November 10th, 2006, the Putuo District Court of Shanghai City sentenced Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Lin Mingli to six years in prison, but the trial is based on fabricated evidence. During the trial, the prosecutor only provided Ms. Li Hua's statement and one disc as evidence, and Ms. Li Hua, the witness, wasn't present at the trial. Ms. Li Hua called the disc the "master disc," but in fact, any disc can be used as a master disc to make copies. More importantly, this disc was not found in Mr. Lin Mingli's house, but was provided by Ms. Li Hua.
Mr. Cao Dong, Arrested Immediately After Meeting With VP of European Parliament, to Stand "Trial" on Friday in Lanzhou City Court, Gansu Province
2006-12-26Gansu Province People's Court, a body of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) totalitarian rule, is planning to put Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Cao Dong on trial. Mr. Cao Dong met with Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott on May 21st, 2006 and exposed the persecution of Falun Gong to him. For this, the CCP is arranging for him to be tried on charges including: Illegally connecting with an international "anti-China force". Ever since Mr. Cao Dong was arrested on the day of his meeting with the European Parliament Vice President Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott, his parents, parents-in-law, and his later-released (from Beijing Women's Labour Camp) wife have not been allowed to visit him.
Exposing the Crimes Committed By 610 Officials in Wuhan City, Hubei Province
2006-12-25The brainwashing session has its own working system. It starts with "transformation." "Transformation" is to break down your faith, and strangle you mentally and spiritually, which is part of the policy of attempting to completely eradicate and eliminate Falun Gong practitioners. They deceive and force the practitioners to listen to material defaming Falun Gong. They do not allow the practitioners to speak about any of the benefits they experience after practising Falun Gong.
Communist Party Personnel from Tianjin City Arrest Falun Gong Practitioner Li Yuzhen After Using Deceitful Means to Enter the Home
2006-12-24On November 15th, 2006, personnel from the Tong An Li residents committee in conjunction with Communist Party police broke into Falun Gong practitioner Li Yuzhen's home. They used the excuse of wanting to discuss a People's Congress election to deceive the practitioner into opening the door. They arrested her after they searched her home, confiscated her family's property and imprisoned her at the detention centre in Nankai District Police Department.
Practitioner Mr. Yan Zhenxiang Unjustly Arrested
2006-12-24At noon on November 13th, 2006, Chinese Communist Party officials went by car to the home of Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Yan Zhenxiang. The two ordered Mr. Yan to go to Ziyang for a two-day "study session." Yan Zhenxiang firmly refused. The two officials were surprised and disappointed. Then eight people came out of the car and carried Yan Zhenxiang out of his home. His wife screamed in fear.
Mr. Chen Xuzhong from Yongchang County, Gansu Province, Again Sent to Forced Labour Camp
2006-12-23Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Chen Xuzhong, employed at the Hexibao Electricity Plant affiliated with the Jinchang Electricity Bureau in Gansu Province, was arrested in early August 2006 and sentenced to two years of forced labour in November 2006. He is now being persecuted at Group 16, Division 6 at the Pingantai Forced Labour Camp in Lanzhou City. The guards are refusing to let his practitioner parents visit him.
Practitioner Ms. Zhang Xiumei is Violently Brainwashed at the Lanzhou Women's Prison in Gansu Province
2006-12-22Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhang Xiumei was sentenced to four years in prison in 2001 for persisting in her belief. She is still held at the Jiuzhou Development Zone Prison in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province. The guards coerced her to write a guarantee statement to renounce Falun Dafa and frequently brainwashed her, shocked her with electric batons, and beat her.
Non-Practitioner Witnessing Six Days of Brainwashing Sessions
2006-12-22Two years ago, I heard from a friend, a policeman involved in the persecution of Falun Gong, about how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes Falun Gong practitioners. Before that, I had only heard about Falun Gong and the crackdown from the CCP-controlled television media, but I did not know any details. After listening to my friend, however, I understood how brutally the persecution was conducted and how the CCP and its followers had done such a thing to destroy people's humanity.
Elderly Mr. Cheng Huazheng from Anshun City, Guizhou Province Repeatedly Arrested
2006-12-2264-year-old Cheng Huazheng had only recently been released from the notorious Zhongba Forced Labour Camp after having been imprisoned for three years. While he was imprisoned, he was frequently deprived of sleep for as long as two weeks and frequently and mercilessly beaten for several hours at a time. He suffered multiple bone fractures and internal injuries from the savage beatings. Mr. Cheng was tormented until he came close to a mental breakdown, and to this day, he is often disoriented.
Hong Kong Resident Ms. Zeng Aihua's Family Deceived by Shanghai 610 Office
2006-12-21On December 8th, 2006, after enquiring through many departments about Hong Kong Dafa practitioner Zeng Aihua's situation and whereabouts, and after being misled for over a month, her family was shocked to finally learn that her case had already been brought to public prosecution on November 1st, 2006. The Public Security Bureau, as well as the Procuratorate, deceived the family and the lawyer of Zeng Aihua, as they kept telling the family and lawyer that the case was still in its investigation period, and no further decision had been made. They obstructed the efforts of the lawyer who lost precious time in making a thorough investigation and preparations for the case. The Shanghai 610 Office is attempting to bring Zeng Aihua to a trial in the near future.
Ms. Li Bin Escapes to the U.S. and Recounts the Psychiatric Abuse She Suffered at Siping Mental Hospital in Jilin Province
2006-12-19I was arrested in November 1999 at a Dafa cultivation experience sharing conference in Guangzhou City, and the police sent me to Siping Mental Hospital in Jilin Province in January 2000 because I wouldn't give up my belief. I was cruelly tortured. I was sentenced to one year of forced labour in April 2000, and I was subsequently held at Dongcheng Detention Centre, Beijing Labour Reeducation Dispatch Division, and Xinan Women's Labour Camp in Beijing. I rubbed shoulders with death from constant abuse. I arrived in the US in July 2004.
Exposing Crimes at Tumuji Forced Labour Camp in Inner Mongolia from My Own Experiences
2006-12-19I was arrested on June 28th, 2004, and sent directly to the Tumuji Women's Forced Labour Camp to serve a three-year sentence. Arriving there, they searched me and my luggage; even the toilet paper was opened. Then they put me into a "reformation group," isolated from all others. I ate in the cell and was followed all the time, even when I was sleeping or going to the toilet. They subjected me to around-the-clock mental torment, tried brainwash me with propaganda, and tried to force me to write the three statements (to denounce Falun Gong). Three female guards and two criminal inmates watched me. I refused to listen to the them and refused to compromise in any way. They got angry and kept on insulting me, refusing to let me sleep.
Police in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province Arrested 18 Falun Dafa Practitioners Within One Month
2006-12-19Since October 30th, police in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province have arrested eighteen Falun Dafa practitioners. On November 25th, four people from the National Security Division of the Police Department in the Xinghualing District of Taiyuan City took Ms. Li Yukun from her home, accusing her of distributing copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party . On November 26th, Ms. Li was imprisoned at the Taiyuan City Detention Centre.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Speak Out against Slanderous Accusations in Longshan District Court in Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province
2006-12-18On December 6th, 2006, the Longshan District Court of Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province put nine Falun Dafa practitioners on trial. These nine practitioners spoke out righteously against the slanderous accusations. Mr. Zhao Yan stepped forward. After being detained for nearly eight months, this young man's weight had gone from 200 pounds to 150 pounds. His face was very sallow. He was asked, "Do you admit to all the crimes you have committed?" He answered, "No, cultivating Falun Gong is an innocent act!" The Judge was very angry and ordered, "Record what he says!" After more than three hours, the Court session concluded without resolution.