Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Entire Family of Hubei Province Dafa Practitioner Has Been Illegally Detained in Labour Camps
2003-10-05Over four years of bloody persecution, Mr. Zhou's house has been searched more than ten times. During some of the searches, policemen stole money and property. One day in November 2001, a motorcycle disappeared from the house and was never found. Mr. Zhou's colleague witnessed four policemen carrying the motorcycle to the police car and driving away, no better than common thieves.
Burying Practitioners Alive and Throwing Live Snakes Inside Their Clothing Are Among the So-Called "Reforms" Practised In the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp
2003-10-04They also tortured Dafa practitioners by shocking them with electric batons and a painful form of electric shock torture using rotary telephones to deliver the current. Practitioners were buried alive, until almost their last gasp. Policeman Zang Haili even put a live snake into a female practitioner's clothes.
Wudang Court Hands Illegal Sentences To Practitioners Who Participated in Broadcasting Falun Gong Programmes on TV
2003-10-02On August 22, 2003, the Guiyang Wudang Court again came up with some unjust excuse to prosecute practitioners. This time, in the name of supposedly "damaging broadcasting and TV installations," they illegally sentenced Falun Gong practitioners
Falun Gong Practitioners Detained in Changchun City's Chaoyanggou Labour Camp Are Cruelly Tortured
2003-10-01Other than allowing for one short break to walk outside the cells during the SARS epidemic, the officials had not granted practitioners any outdoor activities. The meals offered lack of nutrition. Practitioners are given one small bowl of rice water, a small steamed bun, and a small pickled vegetable to be shared among four people. Carrot or cabbage soup without any oil or flavour is served for lunch and dinner. Many practitioners suffer from malnutrition as a result of living off these meals for a long time.
Nearly One Hundred Handan City Police Surround Village to Illegally Arrest Practitioners and Ransack Their Homes
2003-09-30The head of the Quzhou "610 Office," the Handan City "610 Office" director arrived at Houcun Town. Then with the help from Houcun Town Police Station Director Niu Mingtang and Assistant Director Li Bin, they drove to Chenyangu Village in 11 police vans and blocked every street entrance of the entire village. Armed with pistols, electric batons, and rubber clubs, the police and officials ordered everyone to stay in their homes and threatened to shoot anyone who disobeyed.
Disabled Man Who Lost Sight in Both Eyes Due to Persecution Wants to Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice
2003-09-30My healthy body became very weak and I eventually lost my sight in both eyes. Due to my disability it was extremely difficult for me. However, when the "sensitive" days came, the policemen still came to my house often to harass me and brought great mental stress to my family members and me. During these four years, the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners conducted by Jiang Zemin's regime has been brutal. I'm accusing Jiang's political gang of inhuman persecution against Falun Dafa and Falun Dafa practitioners and I want to bring them to justice.
On the Verge of Death from Torture, Stony Hearted Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp Still Refuses to Release Female Dafa Practitioner
2003-09-28Qiu Yuxia is so weak that she cannot care for herself. She has to be fed by others and carried to the toilet. The heartless camp policewoman, Chen Chunmei, still insists that Ms. Qiu is only pretending, and ordered her to go to work as usual. Since Ms. Qiu can't move, Chen orders four people to carry her to the garage and leave her lying there, and carry her back at night when they finish work. Qiu Yuxia's life is in grave danger.
Eyewitness Account of Persecution in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, and An Unforgettable Lesson Learned
2003-09-28In front of the new practitioners, the policemen put on an air of being very friendly and considerate. They used polite words to persuade practitioners to give up the practice of Falun Gong. They used both vicious and manipulative methods, feigning kindness, toward determined practitioners. They fully exploited those who cooperated and gave up their practice. When the newly detained practitioners gave in to them, the police and collaborators sent them to brainwash the determined practitioners.
List of Wicked Persecutors at the Hefei City Public Security Bureau
2003-09-28Crime #1: police bring along floppy disks containing Dafa material, and seek opportunities to load the floppy onto practioners' computers. If there is none, the next step is to leave it in their homes, then use it as "evidence " to illegally seize the practitioners.
Despicable Tactics Used In Baiyin City Brainwashing Centre
2003-09-27The evildoers in this the centre force practitioners to read materials that defame Dafa and to view Video CDs that slander Dafa in attempts to brainwash them. They force Dafa practitioners to memorize the content of defamatory posters on the wall. If the Dafa practitioners refuse to co-operate, they threaten that "they would use extreme measures.
Illegal Sentences Follow Arrests at Experience Sharing Conference in Jiaohe City
2003-09-25Three tiers of policemen heavily guarded the courtroom building, and additional undercover police were stationed to prevent Falun Dafa practitioners from entering the courtroom to witness the trial. All members of the courtroom audience were appointed by the prosecutors, and no one else was allowed entry. A local resident living near the courtroom building said, "I have never seen a trial like this. In the past, anyone could enter the courtroom and listen, but this time, no one can even come close to the building..."
Practitioner Sent to Forced Labour Camp After Suining City Police Extortion Scheme Fails
2003-09-24On July 16 2003, while he was out running errands, Falun Dafa practitioner Gong Suliang of Suining City, in Sichuan Province, was rudely interrogated by two local policemen, one of whose names is Han Chengzuo. They discovered a Falun Dafa book in Gong Suliang's possessions and arrested him. Gong Suliang was sent to Lingquansi Detention Centre for one month.
Carefully Staged Event at Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp Misleads and Deceives Chinese and Foreign Reporters
2003-09-23The Tuanhe Labour Camp also set up a detention branch that did not use overt violence, and so could be used to showcase the "education through labour accomplishments" and a "civilized window" to deceive people. Mr. Yang Baoli, former branch lead, once proclaimed, "Branch 5 forbids physical punishment or any crude mistreatment!" Actually, this and the new branch dorm, built later for camp personnel, were just a show for outside visitors. Upon arriving at Branch 5, the two new practitioners were forbidden to talk to other detainees, and thus, they did not know what the actual situation was for other firm practitioners.
Police Atrocities in Deyang Forced Labour Camp
2003-09-23Because I did not give up the belief of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," I was cruelly tortured on four separate occasions in one year. Later I was transferred to another prison section. This section used the excuse of military training to physically punish and torment steadfast practitioners. We were woken up at 5:00 a.m. every morning and forced to stand facing a wall for a long period of time while all other prisoners were still sleeping.
Poem: Infinity
2003-09-23To raise oneself complete fromAll that would quell our spark of origins. Behold such breadth of wonder,Here, the Fa calls every realm to reckoning,Standing unvanquishable, This hour so close to heart!