Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Zhou Huisheng Persecuted to Death at the Yuemingshan Forced Labour Camp, Anshan City
2006-08-16In the Autumn of 2005, Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhou Huisheng was speaking to people about the facts of Falun Dafa when police arrested him. He was sent to the Yuemingshan Forced Labour Camp for a one year sentence. On July 26th, 2006, the forced labour camp notified his family members by phone to take Mr. Zhou home. By that time he was unconscious and on the verge of death. His head was bleeding internally and there were clots. He was discharged from the hospital only two days after he came in because the doctor refused to treat him. He passed away on July 30th, 2006.
Ms. Li Guixiang's Lower Jaw Dislocated, Nasal Feeding Tube Left in Her Stomach for Two Weeks
2006-08-16My name is Li Guixiang. Because of practising Falun Dafa, I was imprisoned in Qinghai Province Female Labour Camp for three and a half years. During this period, I suffered various tortures. At the end of August 2003, because of revealing the persecution to people, I was arrested by police. I protested their illegal action, and jumped from a high place. At that time, I went unconscious, and my whole body could not move. After regaining consciousness, they still took me to the labour camp. I went on a hunger strike to protest. After ten days, the police started to force-feed me. After two months, they dislocated my lower jaw, and poured food into my mouth. The process was so cruel that no one could bear to watch.
Jinzhou City Forced Labour Camp Intensifies Its Brutal Torture of Falun Dafa Practitioners
2006-08-15In late May of 2006, Jinzhou City Forced Labour Camp, located in China's Liaoning Province, began a new round of intensified persecution in an attempt to "transform" Falun Gong practitioners, kindhearted people dedicated to the principles of Truth, Compassion, Forbearance. The guards are putting drugs in the food that cause abnormalities in the bodies of the practitioners. They continue brutal torture using torture instruments, handcuffs, various versions of hanging a person up, interrogation, threats, and various mental and physical abuses.
Brutal Torture in the Sichuan Provincial Women's Labour Camp
2006-08-14Since 1999, Falun Gong practitioners have been detained and persecuted in the Sichuan Provincial Women's Labour Camp. Criminal inmates were put in charge of practitioners and used various means of torture. Their methods included brainwashing, physical torture, sleep deprivation, loss of toilet privileges, working long hours (18 to 20 hours daily), hanging practitioners up in unnatural positions, tying them up with rope, force-feeding them with saltwater solutions, forcing them to drink their urine, putting human excrement under their pillows, pinching their nipples, stabbing their genitals and forcing them to sleep on wet bedding.
Ms. Yu Chunxiang and Three Other Practitioners Force-fed Daily for over a Month at Masanjia Labour Camp
2006-08-13Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Yu Chunxiang was sentenced to forced labour in 2004, and now her term in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp has been extended. Her family requested her release many times, but they haven't been allowed to visit Ms. Yu Chunxiang in person. According to practitioners who have been just released from the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, Ms. Yu Chunxiang and three other practitioners have been on hunger strike to protest the persecution for more than a month. They are being force-fed every day, and their lives are in danger.
Calling for the Rescue of My Father, He Sanpu, Held at a Brainwashing Centre in Henan Province
2006-08-12In July 2000, we asked many people before finding out that my father had been sentenced to two years of forced labour. My mother and I immediately went to the labour camp with some clothes for him. I then saw him for the first time since his disappearance. The detainees were doing heavy manual labour and turning over sand for casting iron. Then a man walked up to me. I looked at him carefully and finally recognised my father. He used to be strong and healthy, but at that point he was skin and bones. His hands were deeply bruised by the coarse sand. I lost control and cried loudly.
Many Falun Dafa Practitioners on Hunger Strike in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp
2006-08-10Many Falun Dafa practitioners are detained in the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province. In order to protest the persecution, practitioners began a group hunger strike on August 1st, 2006. Guards have brutally force-fed the practitioners. One guard has been calling Falun Dafa practitioners' families, asking them to visit these practitioners recently, and threatened that if these practitioners still refuse to eat, they would be force-fed. All the family members were asked to sign their names on a piece of paper stating that if these practitioners' lives are in danger, the labour camp administration is absolutely not responsible!
After Severe Torture, Elderly Practitioner Zhang Peiyun from Sichuan Province Given Nine and a Half Year Sentence
2006-08-10On February 24th, 2006, the People’s Court of East District in Panzhihua City sentenced 60-year-old Ms. Zhang Peiyun to nine years and six months’ imprisonment. At the police station, when she was arrested, she was hung up for nine days and nine nights. In those nine days, she was not allowed to sleep. As soon as she closed her eyes, policewoman Tian Ping poured cold water onto her chest. Her clothing was always wet. A heavy policeman, about 5.9 feet tall, fiercely beat Ms. Zhang Peiyun’s head, which gave her a very painful headache. Policeman Tian Ping said, "We treat Falun Gong even fiercer than those who commit homicide and arson." Tian Ping pinched Ms. Zhang’s wrists and shoulders, causing her even more pain.
610 Office in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province Abducts Nine Falun Dafa Practitioners
2006-08-09The 610 Offices in Shandong Province have recently abducted over nine Falun Dafa practitioners. These practitioners are believed to be detained in the Linglong Brainwashing Centre and the Zhaoyuan City Detention Centre. Bo Fucheng suffered severe torture in Zhaoyuan City Detention Centre. Witnesses say police repeatedly beat him unconscious and then woke him up with ice cold water. He was also hung up and handcuffed for a long time. Relatives were not allowed to visit him.
Non-Practitioner Couple Sentenced to Prison Because Wife's Older Sister Practises Falun Gong
2006-08-09Presently in the women’s prison, there are 169 older people whose ages are from 60 to 74. They were sentenced to prison terms of 4 to 12 years. The women’s prison falsely tells outsiders that it implements humanity in its management, but actually the torture of the minds of Falun Gong practitioners is very serious. A Falun Gong practitioner who is 64 years old persisted in her practice, so the police tortured her by way of sleep deprivation. This eventually caused the blood vessels in the elderly lady’s brain to leak, causing hemiplegia and paralysis on one side of the body. According to the medical examiner’s appraisal, as well as the law, she qualifies for release in order to seek medical treatment, but the police didn’t release her until recently, giving all kinds of excuses.
My Experience of Being Arrested and Persecuted by the Dehui City Police Department
2006-08-08In early March, a practitioner and I were arrested in our home by police and taken to a hotel used to persecute practitioners. Several policemen tortured me. They pulled me up from the ground, pushed me into a big chair and handcuffed my hands behind the back of the chair. I refused to cooperate with them and they started to pour water into my mouth. Two of them used a hard object to forcibly pry open my mouth. One person made an effort to pull my handcuffs downward and pulled my hair. Due to extreme pain, I started to stamp my feet, and then they tied my feet to a chair and continued persecuting me. During this period, they would pause for a while when they felt tired. Meanwhile, a policeman wrote down a list of false charges against me.
The Persecution I Experienced During the Last Few Years at the Hands of the Jiamusi Police
2006-08-08On December 13th, 2002, police and officials, searched my house and confiscated even the money given to the children as a New Year gift! They took me to Youyi Road Police Station. I was sent to the detention centre that night. I was held in the detention centre for twenty days and was sentenced to a year and a half in a labour camp. I suffered inhuman abuse and torture in the labour camp. I refused to cooperate with the persecutors, refused to do the "homework," "weekly reports," and to shout propaganda. I was forced to sit from morning until 10:00 p.m., and received all types of corporal punishments. I was released on May 6th, 2004.
The Persecution I Suffered at Shayang Forced Labour Camp in Hubei Province
2006-08-07On the evening of September 30th, 2003, I was sitting in meditation. Suddenly a group of policemen rushed in and arrested me and another practitioner. My husband asked, "Why are you making an arrest?" The police simply did not pay attention to him. We were transferred to Shayang Women's Forced Labour Camp. The female police guard instigated the criminals to humiliate us. They used scissors to cut our hair and forced us to stand for a long time without sleeping. On the third morning at Shayang, the criminals led me to a room and tied both of my hands behind me to a stool and inserted a metal soup spoon in my mouth. They used another metal spoon to turn in my mouth for more than an hour. They didn’t stop even when my teeth started to break off. They kept torturing me like this until I fell unconscious from the pain.
Persecution against Practitioners at Shaanxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp
2006-08-05Ms Xu Lanzhen was detained and tortured in an isolated cell that was dark and damp. Wardens tried to "transform" her. As they could not force Xu Lanzhen to give up her belief, they instructed drug abusers Yan Pingping and others to beat her. The wardens on duty did not pay attention to Ms. Xu screams of pain, and they allowed the drug abusers to torture practitioners at will. Ms. Xu was forbidden to purchase daily necessities, to see family members, or to sleep, but was forced to work day and night, and only at the end of the day could she use the toilet.
An Account of Jilin Province Practitioner Mr. Pan Zhaowen's Arrest and Persecution by National Security Agents
2006-08-05On December 13th, practitioner Mr. Pan Zhaowen was secretly arrested by local national security agents. After the Minghui [Chinese version of] website reported this incident, many practitioners inside China and abroad were very concerned. Mr. Pan Zhaowen went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Failing to force Mr. Pan to renounce Dafa after exhausting their methods, the national security agents then extorted 10,000 yuan from Mr. Pan's relatives and released him before the Chinese New Year. They claimed that Mr. Pan participated in the interception of TV signals and operated an underground publishing place.