Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office

  • The Persecution I Experienced in Yang'ai Forced Labour Camp

    In August, 2001, I was detained for what turned out to be four years at Yang'ai Forced Labour Camp in China, for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. In the beginning, I worked more than twelve hours every day wearing a prison uniform. I was then transferred to the Eighth Branch in 2005. For every practitioner there were two inmates assigned to monitor them closely. The group of three stayed in a single room with the windows tightly shut. Practitioners were watched around the clock. We were not allowed to leave the room, even for meals.
  • Details of the Brutal Torture I Received at Zhongba Forced Labour Camp in Guizhou

    I was detained at Zhongba Forced Labour Camp in Guizhou from January 9th, 2003, to July 14th, 2005. During that time, I was brutally tortured by the camp guards. Their methods of torturing are extremely brutal. The following are examples: They kicked my face with the bottoms of their shoes; they hit me until I fell to the ground and then stepped on me. After I got up, they hit and kicked me until I fell again; they twisted my hands backward. Two persons, one at each side, blocked my feet with theirs. Then, they suddenly pressed on my back and pushed me to the ground. My head hit the ground and bled; they used cigarette butts to burn my palms, creating blisters.
  • Exposing the Jiangbei Brainwashing Centre in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province

    This brainwashing centre was built with the hard-earned money collected from the general population by the Chinese Communist Party. It is used to persecute practitioners who follow the principles of "Truth, Compassion, Tolerance." On June 12th, 2006, Luo Gan, Zeng Qinghong, and other perpetrators came to Harbin. Since that time, the 610 Office in Harbin has escalated the torture against practitioners and held many brainwashing sessions. They take turns holding the brainwashing in different regions of the city. Each region assigns the task of arresting practitioners to street committees, which in turn assigns the task to local communities. They first deceive the practitioner, saying that he needs to come for a meeting. If he refuses, they will drag him to the Jiangbei brainwashing centre.
  • When the First Women’s Labour Camp in Shandong Province Failed to Destroy a Practitioner's Conscience, They Subjected Her to Severe Torture

    The labour camp cruelly tortured a practitioner by locking her in a "small cell" and depriving her of sleep for 13 days. The cell was no more than one metre wide and four to five meters long. The cell never received any sunlight and was unheated. The cell was so cold that one could suffer frostbite in the feet despite wearing very thick shoes, and one would need to wear three winter coats to stay even somewhat warm. One had to defecate and urinate in the cell. This caused the air inside the cell to be extremely filthy and foul. This practitioner was tortured in the cell for 13 days during the coldest part of winter.
  • Officers in Huludao City Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners

    Five police officers noticed practitioners Mr. Yang Jiangwei and Mr. Pei Zhihua speaking to people about the facts of Falun Dafa in Gaotai Township on the evening of August 6th, 2006. The officers chased the practitioners in their police car until the two fell into a roadside ditch. The fall severely injured practitioner Mr. Pei Zhihua. He could not move his legs and had a shattered jaw. The police sent Mr. Pei to a hospital, notified his family, and left. Mr. Pei’s family is poor, and it will be hard for them to pay the medical expenses.
  • The Persecution I Experienced and Witnessed at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp

    The team leader bound my legs with a rope. Zhang Chunguang tried to hold me still by planting her feet on my legs and forcibly gave me an injection. Like a beast, she beat prisoners at will. In mid-winter, she stripped me of my insulated coat and hung it on a line, and for two days in a row forced me to stand in the cold outside the room. She humiliated me by taking pictures of me holding a black carton. One time my required fitness exercise movements were not quite up to par, so I was dragged into an open area and savagely beaten by police officers.
  • Recent Arrests and Extortion of Falun Gong Practitioners by Gucheng County Police in Hebei Province

    In March 2006, the 610 Office started another round of persecution against Falun Gong practitioners. Police arrested practitioners, sent them to forced labour camps, and extorted money from them. According to an inside source: "The director of the police department assigned quotas to each subordinate section and police station. We dared not touch the real criminals, so we decided on Falun Gong practitioners to make up the numbers. It was easy to do and profitable, since we could hold them until they forked over the money. When the police department ran over budget, they would arrest 30-40 Falun Gong practitioners and get 200-300 thousand yuan."
  • Brutal Persecutions in Kaiping Forced Labour Camp

    A building in the camp was built for the purpose of jailing Falun Gong practitioners. On one occasion, camp director, about twenty male guards, and the female guards in charge of practitioners brought a bag of "constraining belts," a bag of handcuffs, and electric batons to the building. They rushed into several rooms, tried to pull practitioners out of their rooms, and beat and cursed them. When we heard the sounds of beating, cursing, and electric shocks from other rooms, we understood that the practitioners in the other rooms were being seriously beaten again. The sounds of crying, screaming and cursing all mixed together. Practitioners were beaten so that their heads were cut and bloody. Blood splattered all over the hallway and in the rooms.
  • The Humiliation and Suffering I Endured During My Detention in Beijing's Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp

    I started practising Falun Dafa in 1996, and benefited physically and mentally from the practice. I held the position of manager at a well-known foreign company in Beijing prior to the regime's ban of Falun Dafa. I worked hard and my achievements were outstanding. My superiors had great trust in me. Later, during the persecution against Dafa practitioners, my company forced me to resign due to pressure from the Communist regime. The police arrested me five times because I appealed for Dafa, did the Falun Gong exercises in public and exposed the persecution. My most traumatic incidents took place after the last arrest. My experiences are a demonstration of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) fanatic wickedness and evilness.
  • Ganjingzi District Court in Dalian City, Liaoning Province Plans Show-Trial for Mr. Xue Xinkai and His Mother

    According to an accurate source, Ganjingzi District Court of Dalian City, Liaoning Province, recently made plans to bring Dafa practitioners Mr. Xue Xinkai and his mother Sun Shuyun to trial at 9:00 a.m. on July 18th, 2006. This source disclosed that all arrested Falun Gong practitioners are given so-called "court hearings," but it is well known that these hearings are only superficial. The prison terms given to Falun Gong practitioners have been already decided, but simply not yet announced at the time of the hearing, so in reality the judge merely plays out the procedure. So long as a hearing is held, the judge's duty is completed.
  • A Falun Dafa Practitioner from Jiamusi City Recounts the Persecution She Suffered

    When I was in the forced labour camp, because I refused to renounce Dafa, I was handcuffed behind my back twice. Police used high voltage electric batons to shock me and at the same time beat and kicked me. They also pulled my hair. The brutal handcuffing behind my back torture severely injured my arms. It took over a year for my right arm to heal. My left arm was even more injured. In the evenings it hurt so much that I could not fall asleep or turn. I could only rely on the practitioner next to me to help me to turn over during the night.
  • Mr. Wang Xiaodong Was Unjustly Tried, His Mother Followed and Harassed

    It has been more than four months since Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Xiaodong from Huadian City, Jilin Province was arrested at home while carrying water to his house. Because he would not confess to the police, they tortured him using methods that included force-feeding with petrol and a machine used to shake his head. The 610 Office planted fabricated evidence to take Mr. Wang Xiaodong to court, but the Huadian City Procuratorate rejected their requests three times for a lack of sufficient evidence. The 610 Office continued to collect so-called "criminal evidence" and after several delays the Procuratorate held a closed trial for Mr. Wang Xiaodong on July 6th.
  • Brutal Torture in Wangcun Women's Forced Labour Camp

    I was sentenced to a 2-year term of forced labour and sent to Wangcun Women's Forced Labour Camp in Shandong Province. A guard said, "Don't you want to practise? I will let you completely enjoy it. You have to enjoy it no matter what." She ordered collaborators to forcefully put my legs in the full lotus position and bind them with rope. They also twisted and tied my arms behind my back. It felt so painful that I could not help crying. They stuffed my mouth with a dirty rag and sealed my mouth with transparent tape. I was tortured in this way for two days. Then they forced me not to sleep for six days and nights. Yan Shuming beat me whenever my eyes closed. In this way, they did not allow me to sleep for six days straight.
  • Recollections of Ms Yu Lianchun and Her Persecution Death at Jinan Women's Forced Labour Camp

    I was very shocked a few days ago when I read the news on the Internet that Ms Yu Lianchun had been persecuted to death. In September 2000, when I was imprisoned at the First Women's Labour Camp Yu Lianchun was transferred to the Division where I was held. She looked very young even though she was nearly fifty years old. I was told that she was subjected to a lot of torture while she was at the First Division. She was beaten many times by the police and inmates because she refused to give up practising Falun Gong. She was only allowed to sleep four hours per day, and was not allowed to sleep until everyone else was asleep. She had to begin work at the warehouse before everyone else got up. She was forced to attend brainwashing classes and she received unceasing threats every day. She became absent-minded, had dull vision, and sometimes talked to herself.
  • Acts of Violence Committed in the Handan Forced Labour Camp

    Li Qingsong, a Falun Gong practitioner in Hebei Province, served his term of forced labour and was supposed to be released on July 25th, 2006. However, he was directly transferred from the forced labour camp to a brainwashing class by the Handan Municipal Government. He is vomiting blood, and his life is in danger. His mother, who went to the Handan Forced Labour Camp to pick him up, was beaten and consequently suffered a fracture, as well as high blood pressure and a stroke.