Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Eyelids Pierced with Needles and Suffocated with Smoke: Tortures Practitioner Wang Bingwen Endures at Qingdao Forced Labour Camp (Photos)
2006-04-02While he was illegally detained at the Qingdao Forced Labour Camp over last two years, Falun Dafa practitioner Wang Bingwen has suffered devastating and shocking inhumane treatment. In order to "transform" Wang Bingwen, the police deprived him of sleep for 14 consecutive days, suffocated him with smoke, burned him, stabbed him with needles, and beat him. After being beaten to the point that he lost consciousness, they continued beating him to awaken him. They tied him onto a stool so that he could not move at all. As a result, Wang Bingwen's muscles became seriously atrophied.
Revisiting the CCP's Crimes in Anshan in Light of Sujiatun Concentration Camp
2006-04-02On August 27th, 2002, her abusers tortured Ms. Zhang Li so cruelly in Anshan Detention Centre that her life was hanging by a thread before she was finally sent to the hospital. Because the police denied her any medical treatment until it was too late, she subsequently died. As confirmed by eyewitnesses, Ms. Zhang Li's trachea and armpit were sliced open as she was dying. After each interrogation, others witnessed that she was scored with bloody knife wounds.
New Witness: There Are Dozens of Similar Concentration Camps
2006-04-01After the first two witnesses exposed the Sujiatun atrocities, another witness who identified himself as "a veteran military doctor in the General Logistics Department of the Shenyang Military Region" stepped forward to point out that the Sujiatun Concentration Camp indeed exists, organ harvesting and cremation of bodies is done routinely there, and some are even cremated while still alive. He stated that the Sujiatun hospital is only one of 36 similar concentration camps. Findings from the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong point to a similar situation.
Ms. Zhou Guilan Arrested by Police in Daqing City
2006-04-01Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhou Guilan is in her 60s and lives alone in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province. At around 3:00 p.m. on February 26th, 2006, policemen arrested her at home. They cut the electricity first, then stormed into her apartment when she came out to check the plugs, ransacking her place. Ms. Zhou Guilan's daughter and son went to the police department every day for three days to request a visit with their mother, but they were refused. It was still very cold, and the police refused to allow them to send her warm clothes.
CCP Harasses and Arrests Practitioners in Yanji City Prior to the Two Congresses
2006-04-01From February 28th, 2006, until the beginning of the Two Congresses (Congress for People's Representatives and Congress for Political Consultation), the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) conducted another round of persecution against practitioners in the Yanbian area, including eight counties and cities such as Yanji, Tumen, Antu and Longjing. The situation in other areas is unknown due to the information blockade. This was part of a nationwide persecution against practitioners during the Two Party Congresses.
After Medical Parole for Torture-induced Terminal Illness, Ms. Chen Weijun is Again Detained at Heilongjiang Women's Prison
2006-03-31Ms. Chen Weijun was illegally arrested and detained during the past six years. She has suffered excruciating pain dozens of times, and was released only after her life was in danger. She was attacked and beaten with electric batons, was hung up, force fed with a nasal tube. They pulled the feeding tube back and forth after it had been inserted, then left the tube inside her stomach for a long time until the tube grew green fuzz. This happen repeatedly. She was diagnosed with late stage uterine cancer. The cancer had spread and she was given three months to live. She was not bailed out until August 2005, but was arrested again on October 17th. Currently she is still being persecuted in the Heilongjiang Women's Prison in Harbin City.
A Practitioner Recounts her Horrific Experience in the Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp
2006-03-29"During the 70 days and nights, they brainwashed me. Liu Junling slapped my face numerous times each day. The evil criminal acts of Liu Junling and other instructors of Team 4 in the Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp injured my body and mind so severely that I was on the brink of a mental collapse. When I went to bed after the 70-day torture was over, my body ached as if it were falling apart and I could hardly sleep. The pain in my lower limbs lasted even longer. What's more, the mental wounds continue to bleed and will never heal."
Appeal to Rescue Practitioner Ms. Wu Jingjuan from Guangdong Province
2006-03-27On January 20th, 2006, practitioner Ms. Wu Jingjuan, who has been "illegally detained" in the Guangdong Province Kedong County Detention Centre, filed an appeal letter to the Jieyang City Intermediate People's Court, refuting the decision made in January by the Kedong Court to sentence her to three years. Ms. Wu Jingjuan is now detained in Kedong County Detention Centre. We appeal to people around the world for support and rescue efforts.
Cruelty in Henan Province Forced Labour Camp
2006-03-27In January 2004, Mr. Ma Lucheng, a practitioner from Jiaozuo, Henan Province, was taken to the Third Forced Labour Camp in Henan Province after he had already been on a 43 day hunger-strike in a detention centre. On the same evening, Jia Zhigang, the squadron captain of the third division, forced a pot of boiling water into Mr. Ma's stomach, causing him immeasurable pain. Director Liu pretended to be nice and took him to the hospital. In fact the officials tried to recruit him in brainwashing other practitioners, which was rejected by Mr. Ma.
Family Members of Falun Dafa Practitioners Persecuted at Baimalong Labour Camp Appeal to the International Community
2006-03-26We had previously exposed the atrocities at the Baimalong Forced Labour Camp on September 1st, 2005. The labour camp received many phone calls and faxes sent from overseas to condemn their crimes. The atrocities did not stop, however, but escalated. The labour camp authorities and the CCP agents launched a frenzied retaliation against the people who signed the public letter. Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Yunlan was tortured until she had a mental breakdown, after which her family took her home. In November 2005, the CCP agents hit and killed her with a car in order to destroy evidence of their crimes.
Even the Guards Call Guangdong Sanshui Women's Labour Camp a "Hell on Earth"
2006-03-26Guangdong Sanshui Women's Labour Camp is a place that even the guards call a "hell on earth." The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has the guards adopt all kinds of horrible and vicious methods, such as instigating criminals to abuse Dafa practitioners, not allowing sleep or toilet visits, and forcing practitioners to squat for unbearably long periods of time.
Reenactment of Torture Methods at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp - Part 6 (Photos)
2006-03-26A practitioner who has been on a hunger strike for a long time has his arms and legs cuffed to the four corners of a metal bed. The guards insert one end of a rubber tube into the practitioner's nose and down his throat to his stomach. The guards push corn porridge and rotten vegetable soup from the other end of the tube into the practitioner's stomach.
Reenactment of Torture Methods at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp - Part 5
2006-03-25Guards and an inmate yanked practitioner Ms. Zou Guirong's hair and forced her to stand on the floor while they took turns shocking her. The guards laughed hysterically as they shocked her, saying, "This is fun! [She is] funnier than a monkey in the zoo." Ms. Li Suyun was shocked on the chest with eight electric batons, each capable of releasing 300,000 volts. Smoke rose from her body and the smell of roasted flesh could be detected outside the building.
What I Know about the Persecution at the No. 2 Women's Camp in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2006-03-23In April 2005, Ms. Cong Aidong became mentally disordered after the guards savagely force-fed her. She accidentally swallowed two metal clips, which caused excruciating pain. She was sent to the hospital a few times but her condition didn't improve after nearly 1,000 yuan was spent on medical examinations. The labour camp authorities hid the truth and prevented her from receiving medical further treatment. She lived in agony. Zhang Lei handcuffed Ms. Cong to the radiator pipe for more than 10 hours, during which time she was not allowed to use the toilet.
Reenactment of Torture Methods at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp - Part 4 (Photos)
2006-03-23Re-enactment of torture method: split legs and head against the floor. The practitioner's legs are split open to the maximum while he is handcuffed with his arms behind his back. The guards press his head downward until his face touches the floor. The practitioner's tendons are torn; it is excruciatingly painful. In mid-October 2000, practitioner Zou Guirong, who was later tortured to death, was tortured this way. She wrote, "Guards and collaborators pushed me down, tied my hands behind my back and pressed my head toward my thighs. My body bent like a compressed spring. I could hardly breathe and I screamed."