Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Torture Methods at the Ping'antai Forced Labour Camp in Gansu Province, Part 1 (Re-enactment Photos)
2005-12-14This is an extremely cruel torture. According to the drug addicts, no one can last ten minutes while being tortured this way. The practitioner's arms are pulled behind him. His hands are tied together so that the inside of his wrists are turned away from the body, and he is then hung by a pair of handcuffs. The pain is so excruciating that the practitioner usually cannot move his arms after a few minutes and will not recover until after a few months. Practitioners have become disabled through this torture.
Methods Used to Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners at Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp - Part I (Re-Enactment Photos)
2005-12-13This photo shows a re-enactment of the torture method of spreading the body. Guards at Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp tie a practitioner to the metal bars of the bed with the arms and legs spread apart. Guards and criminal inmates (under the instruction of the guards) take turns beating the practitioner, kicking the practitioner's abdomen, forehead, back, face and mouth.
The Heinous Acts of Officer Zhao Shuang of the Changlinzi Labour Camp
2005-12-12Zhao Shuang is head of Division No. 5 at the Changlinzi Labour Camp in Harbin City. He is extremely cruel when persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. He follows the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and frequently said, "Killing a Falun Gong practitioner is just a matter of filling out a form saying it was a normal death. The labour camp has a large enough death quota." Zhao Shuang often told practitioners, "Torturing you is entertainment for me! Don't tell me about humanity! I do not have any humanity! If you make me upset, I might torture you to death."
My Experience in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province
2005-12-11In the summer of 2002, I was reported to the police for telling the facts of Falun Dafa to people who had been misled by the government propaganda and exposing the persecution. The local security office sentenced me to three years of forced labour and then sent me to the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. During the three years I was tortured at the Masanjia Labour Camp, my husband also suffered tremendously at home. During the three years of detention in Masanjia I suffered every day under intense labour and was only served stale and mouldy food.
The Hebei Province Brainwashing Centre Continues to Inflict Harm
2005-12-10Practitioner Ms. Wang Ruo'e was taken from her home and brought to the brainwashing centre on September 6th, 2005. Although she is elderly and already in her seventies, the authorities did not allow her to get a proper amount of sleep and forced her to write the "three statements". Against her will, she signed them, when she could no longer bear the physical torture. The next day she became very depressed about what she had done and tore up the document, declaring that she refused to be brainwashed. Ms. Wang Ruo'e has still not been released.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Jinfeng Recounts Persecution at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-12-08My name is Wang Jinfeng. I am 40 years old and live in Liaoning Province. On May 23rd, 2002, I was sentenced to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp for two-and-a-half years. During this period I witnessed the guards beating and torturing Dafa practitioners. They tied the practitioners' legs, shocked them with electric batons, slapped their mouths, forced them to squat, didn't allow them to sleep for days on end, forced them to stand on a small brick and detained them in solitary confinement, among other methods.
Belated News: Mr. Liu Zhirong From Gansu Province Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison for Disseminating the Truth
2005-12-08Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Liu Zhirong was a teacher. He was arrested and held in detention several times since 1999, because he went out to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa. In July 2002, Liu Zhirong left the detention centre. The police searched for him and lived at his home for several days straight. They intimidated his wife to turn him over to the police, but she refused. The police followed and monitored his family. During the time Liu Zhirong lived away from home, he broadcast videos telling the facts of Falun Dafa in Gansu Province. On October 25th, 2002, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison at the Chengguan Court in Lanzhou City.
Parents of Ms. Gao Rongrong Speak Out to Demand Justice for their Daughter Who Was Disfigured and Tortured to Death
2005-12-07"Our daughter Gao Rongrong, 37, was subjected to inhuman torture in Longshan Forced Labour Camp. The guards shocked Gao Rongrong for six to seven hours. The skin of her face, ears, neck, back and ankle were severely burned and charred. There were big blisters. Although she escaped for the prison hospital she was later re-captured and tortured to death. Why did they inform us one week after Gao Rongrong was admitted to the hospital and in a deep coma? If they had informed us on the day (June 6th) when she just was admitted to the hospital, Gao Rongrong could have been saved with her family's support. Why and how could this turn out like this?"
How I Was Persecuted at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp - Even Today I Still Have Difficulty Walking
2005-12-07"I was brutally tortured at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. After three years of torture, I developed many diseases including heart disease, hypertension, vasculitis, cystitis and diabetes. Even now, I still have difficulty walking. In early November 2002, the division leader tried to force me to wear a label indicating that I am being "re-educated" through forced labour. I sternly refused and said, "I am a good person. I didn't commit any crimes. I refuse to wear such a label." Upon saying this, I was tied up with ropes by the guards for three days. The police hung me by handcuffs for more than two hours each night. Some practitioners were tied up like this for more than twenty days."
The Torture and Persecution I Experienced at the Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp
2005-12-07"I was arrested while distributing materials about the truth of Falun Gong in December 2002. On January 6th, 2003, the public security sub-bureau of Jiamusi suburb sent me and nine other practitioners to the local labour camp without any legal procedure. We were led into dorms on the first floor, in which there were "collaborators" awaiting us. These people surrounded me and persuaded me to write statements to betray Dafa, but I told them I would never do such a thing. Then some of them pressed me on the bed, and wrested one of my arms under the side of bed to my back and the other arm up from my shoulder. Then they kept me in this position and handcuffed the wrists tightly. The handcuff cut into my muscle and I suffered painfully."
Rape Victim Ms. Liu Jizhi: "I Want to Expose the Evil Persecution"
2005-12-06"Why is it so hard to be a good person in China? They dared to do such violence to me, a good lady in her fifties. I hereby call on all people with conscience to pay attention to the evil crimes that happened to me. If the persecution of Falun Gong does not stop, these tragedies will continue. Right now, I am suffering after the shock of being raped, I feel blurry minded, and my lower body is in constant pain. If I did not know from Falun Dafa that suicide is a sin, I probably would have already left this world. I lost the courage to live, and the confidence to face the world. I only hope the world's people will wake up. I wish this persecution will end soon, and wish these kinds of crimes will end soon!"
The Persecution at Shuangkou Forced Labour Camp in Tianjin
2005-12-06"I am going to expose all I have witnessed when being an inmate in the Shuangkou Forced Labour Camp. Since practitioners are often transferred between teams and we were not allowed to talk to each other, also, all the tortures happened secretly. The first night of being there I was beaten with a big pickax handle, which is a torture every newcomer is subjected to. 67-year-old Zhang Baozhu, who was a government official, was beaten to the ground with the pickax handle. The guard yelled at him, "Now will you write a repentance letter?""
Authorities from the "Legal System School" in Zhangjiakou City Cruelly Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners
2005-12-05Dafa practitioner Mr. Liu Jianjun was twice at the brink of death, and Ms. Zhao Xiaolu was tortured until she sustained brain damage. She lost the vision in her left eye and her leg muscles atrophied. She has not recovered. To this day, she still stumbles whenever she walks. In May 2002, four officers arrested Ms. Li Hong at her home. They took her to a brainwashing centre, where she was completely deprived of personal freedom for 32 months and was violently tortured. She could not meet with or take care of her family. Wang Runcheng, the head of the brainwashing centre threatened practitioner Wang Zhong saying, "If you try to escape, I'll shoot to kill!"
58-Year-Old Dafa Practitioner Ms Yang Zhilan Recounts Her Six Years of Suffering Persecution
2005-12-04"The police at the Plaza Precinct of Hengyang City arrested me on a tip while I was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution, and kept me in custody for 15 days. At the precinct, a young officer beat me savagely, grabbing me by the hair and repeatedly throwing me against the wall. He kicked me ferociously, and I was not allowed even to sit for the whole night. The pain in my head lasted for a year. Fifteen days after I was in detention, my husband got me out, spending over 4000 yuan as "asking-for-favour fees"."
Practitioner Ms. Wang Caixia from Gansu Province Lost Her Home and Family due to Persecution
2005-12-04In April 2001, Ms. Wang was arrested and taken to a detention centre, where she was subjected to inhumane torture. She went on a hunger strike to protest. Police held her on the ground, pinched her cheeks, and pried her teeth open with chopsticks or an iron spoon before violently force-feeding her. They continued to hit her until her face was swollen and she nearly chocked to death. The prison doctor even inserted a tube into her stomach and filled it with highly concentrated salt water, which caused her to vomit and suffer greatly. Ms. Wang nearly died several times.