Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office

  • Persecution Reports from Yang'ai Forced Labour Camp in Guizhou Province

    Practitioner Ms. Wang Shanchun is currently being held in the Yang'ai Forced Labour Camp where she is being tortured. When Ms. Wang was held in Anshun City, she was handcuffed to the torture bed for 33 days. The wound on her back that resulted from repeated beatings started to rot and grow maggots. She was restrained on the torture bed with both handcuffs and shackles, and the guards brutally force-fed her. She was forced to urinate and defecate in her clothes.
  • Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Guards Laugh While Torturing Practitioners

    "In December, 2002, after a few months of being on a hunger strike, guards tied up my waist for a few hours, handcuffed both of my hands on my back, and tied both of my legs in the double lotus position for several hours continuously. As the time period was very long, my bones and muscles became excruciatingly painful - so painful that I screamed out loudly and lost consciousness. Policeman Zhang Chunguang shocked me with an electric baton so severely that my heart was twisting, both of my legs trembled, and I was dizzy. The pain was so bad that it seemed my heart had torn apart, while the police was laughing wholeheartedly."
  • Practitioner Ms. Su Baoli Recounts 18 Unconstitutional Detentions

    On July 20th, 1999, the wicked Chinese Communist Party started persecuting Falun Gong. That date marked the end of our peaceful life. In the past six years, hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners, including myself, have experienced unprecedented cruel persecution only because we persisted in our belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and being good people. Our families were broken up, and many of us were thrown into prison. I was detained 18 times in violation of the Chinese constitution, and my family was fined 43,500 yuan. I recently broke free from the latest incarceration and cannot put into words the amount of suffering I have gone through.
  • 74-Year-Old Ms. Fan Defang Prosecuted in Chongqing City

    Police arrested Ms. Fan Defang, a 74-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner from Chongqing City, and practitioner Ms. Yuan Suxian on January 28th, 2005. Ms. Yuan Suxian was tortured to death, and Ms. Fan Defang was illegally prosecuted. Ms. Fan Defang and Ms. Yuan had picked up several Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution off the ground and gave them to passers-by. They were arrested. Ms. Fan was bedridden the entire time she remained in the detention centre. Police were worried that Ms. Fan would die in the detention centre, so they told her family to take her home with the caveat that she would be tried later.
  • Practitioner Ms. He Xiuling Was Tortured to Death in 2004; Her Husband Is Still Forbidden to See Her Body

    "My wife, He Xiuling, persisted in Falun Dafa cultivation and for that she was tortured to death on March 11th, 2004. Those responsible were Communist regime agents from the 610 Office in the Yantai Police Department and others. Her body remains in frozen storage in a Yantai City funeral home. As of today, the unjust detention and murder of He Xiuling has not been investigated by the authorities, nor have the guilty parties been brought to justice."
  • Baoding City Party Members Persecute Dafa Practitioners Over TV Interception Incident in Tianjin

    Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities in Baoding City, Hebei Province plotted to hold an illegal trial of Dafa practitioners Wei Haiwu, Liu Yongwang, Zhang Rongjie and Zhi Zhanmin at the Baoding City Xinshi District's Court at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, February 17th. These Dafa practitioners were arrested last August on the grounds of the TV interception incident in Tianjin. Amongst these practitioners, Liu Yongwang has been persecuted most brutally and is currently on the brink of death.
  • Exposing the Savage Treatment of Practitioners in the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp in Harbin

    Zhao Shuang, head of the No. 5 Division at this forced labour camp, used extremely cruel methods to persecute practitioners. Besides using high-voltage electric batons, tying practitioners to a metal chair, handcuffing them to a bed, hanging them up, beating and slapping them, he used other methods. This thug also pinched, pushed, and poked practitioners' bodies, pinched practitioners' private parts, and used a plastic bag to cover practitioners' heads.
  • Imprisoned for Not Swearing

    Mr. Z, a non-practitioner, was thrown into jail because he did not want to swear - isn't that hard to believe? However, this really happened under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) brutal regime. A Falun Dafa practitioner had given Mr Z some information explaining the facts of Falun Dafa and the police caught him with them. The police questioned him repetitively, "Are you a Falun Gong practitioner or not?" Mr. Z said he was not. The police said, "If you are not a practitioner, swear at Li Hongzhi a hundred times, and we will let you go home. If you refuse to swear, you will be sentenced to one year in a forced labour camp." Mr. Z responded, "I never had problems with him, why should I swear at him?
  • Man or Beast? Revealing the Root of Forced Labour Camp Brainwashing

    The police's mentality is split. On the one hand, they have to employ their animal nature to brainwash the practitioners. Yet, on the other, they disguise the evil with a false front of human nature to lead practitioners astray. To sing the Same Song, they present their human nature for others to see. They force themselves to believe that beating up and yelling at people every day is a form of kindness done for the tortured person's own good. They think that by implementing the "law" (though in fact the persecution of Falun Gong is entirely illegal) they can avoid personal responsibility. In reality, however, they are very clear who is in contempt of the law. They cling to the communist heaven-on-earth illusion despite its inherent evil nature.
  • 75-Year-Old Woman Practitioner Facing Unlawful Sentence

    A 75 year old Falun Dafa practitioner, Zhu Yuezhen, from Jinan City, Shandong Province was once again arrested, and faces an imminent sentence. Ms. Zhu was arrested on December 1st, 2005, while she was walking along a road, and was held in a detention centre in Jinan City. Previously, the lawless officials of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) threatened that they would demand her husband to divorce her and that they would withhold her pension, and expel her from the Retirement Centre where she lived. She has been beaten, cursed, and arrested many times.
  • Wang Bo Recounts How the CCP Deceived, Brainwashed, and Used Her, Part 4

    "In fact, the CCP has brainwashed the young generations like this since it came into power. It forces you to surrender unknowingly! It stops you from realising that you should protect your rights! It forbids you from speaking up! It forbids you to have a different opinion! I realised later that according to the CCP's book, protecting the CCP is not "getting involved in politics," but if you do not agree with the CCP, you are "getting involved in politics." The Chinese people have been scared deeply by all the various political movements [of the Communist Party] during the past years."
  • Wang Bo Recounts How the CCP Deceived, Brainwashed, and Used Her, Part 3

    "Later my father witnessed that the torture of practitioners in the brainwashing centre became more and more brutal. One practitioner was deprived of sleep. They were so sleepy that they fell to the floor. Consequently their mouth and teeth were injured. They even wrote sentences slandering Dafa on a practitioner's clothes. There have been many cases like this. My father found himself being deceived. Later, he managed to escape from the brainwashing centre. Fearing that I would escape too, they tightened their monitoring on me."
  • Practitioner Ms. Yang Lijuan Suffers Persecution in Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp

    Jilin City Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yang Lijuan was transferred to the provincial Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp on September 23rd, 2005 after having been arrested one month ago, had a confession extracted by force, and unjustly sentenced. The camp police are applying tortures such as shocks with electric batons and denial of sleep to continuously persecute Ms. Yang. Her family visited her. When asked by family members what was going on, in front of the camp police and instructor, Ms. Yang talked about the tortures she suffered. She talked about how she had been hung up, force-fed mustard water for more than five hours, tied to a metal chair and shocked by electric batons.
  • Cruel Persecution of Practitioners at Sichuan Province's Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp

    With encouragement and support of the guards, drug addict criminals thought of many wicked ideas to persecute practitioners. They locked up practitioner Ms. Geng Xiaojun in a dark place and hung her up for one day and night before letting her down. When they saw that she still refused to cooperate, they crossed and folded her legs together, and used a rope to tie her legs in this position for over ten hours. Ms. Geng was only released when she lost consciousness from the torture.
  • Wang Bo Recounts How the CCP Deceived, Brainwashed, and Used Her, Part II

    "In early 2001, at Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp, we practitioners did the Falun Gong exercises as a group. The guards thought that I had organised the activity. They didn't treat me the same way they did other practitioners. The others were subjected to physical and verbal abuse, and handcuffed at will. They faked kindness towards me. This form of persecution is quite shameless, because while they lull you into trusting them, they persecute you. You are unaware of their true intention, and eventually they'll put you in a position where you feel better off dead than alive."