Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
American Citizen in Hong Kong Hires an Attorney to Rescue Her Mother, Who Has Been Sentenced to Forced Labour Camp in China
2005-09-16The police detained 62-year-old Ms. Yuan Yuju and sentenced her to one year in Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp. As soon as her daughter, US citizen, Ms. Liang Zhen received the news, she expressed her intent to hire a lawyer on her mother's behalf. She will also try everything she can to have her mother and older brother released.
Falun Gong Practitioners Suffer Persecution in Heilongjiang Province Between January and August of 2005
2005-09-14Li Jun, head of the National Security Division at the Huanan County Police Station in Heilongjiang Province, and his subordinates have been constantly and illegally arresting and sending Falun Gong practitioners to prisons and forced labour camps for several years. Between January and August 2005, eleven Dafa practitioners and their family members were arrested and subjected to extortion.
Male Prison Guards at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Persecute and Humiliate Practitioner Ms. Zhao Shuyun
2005-09-14Ms. Zhao Shuyun was imprisoned in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province because she practises Falun Dafa. Ms. Zhao felt she should not be detained at the labour camp, as it was not a crime to practise "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," and refused to wear the prison uniform. On July 7th 2005, Ms. Zhao was told to go to Captain Zhang Xiurong's office. Over two and a half hours later, Ms. Zhao left the office wearing a prison uniform and with bruises all over her body. She also had lost a lot of her hair and her regular clothes, including her underwear, were torn. Ms. Zhao was severely traumatised both physically and mentally after being violently abused and humiliated. She was at the edge of collapse. She ached badly all over and felt dizzy.
Tianjin Dafa Practitioner Mr Ma Yongyue Unjustly Sentenced to Three Years in Prison
2005-09-13In June 2005 Ma Yongyue was arrested at the local market and given no reason for his arrest. Police took him to a detention centre, where he was physically abused. On July 10th 2005, Ma Yongyue was unjustly sentenced to three years in prison by a local court and his family didn't receive any notification regarding the trial.. Ma Yongyue didn't accept the verdict of the court and filed an appeal to a higher court to request unconditional release.
An Account of the Inhuman Torture I Suffered at the Hands of Police in Dalian City
2005-09-10"The policemen lit nylon ropes and allowed the flaming plastic to drip on my arms. My hands and arms were covered with blisters due to the burning, and many scars were left after the blisters were gone. During the daytime, they ordered eight people to beat me. They asked me whether I would continue to practise Falun Gong. I would say yes, and they would slap my face with the sole of a shoe. Every inch of my body had been struck at some point. When the policemen saw that I was not afraid of death, and that they could never "transform" me, they gave up. On January 26th 2005, I finally went back home."
The Persecution in Nanchang City: Chen Meili Loses Her Eyesight Due to Persecution
2005-09-10Practitioner Ms. Chen Meili is in her sixties. She is the chief physician at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Jiangxi Medical University. The Xihu District Court of Nanchang City sentenced her last year to 8 years in prison because she practises Falun Gong. Those responsible ignored the fact that Ms. Chen suffered from high blood pressure, and put her in the forced labour camp hospital. Now, due to the persecution, she has lost the sight in both of her eyes.
Sixteen-year-old High School Student Sun Yanpei Held by Shandong Province "610 Office" for Over Two Weeks
2005-09-0916-year-old Ms. Sun Yanpei, a student from the No. 1 High School of Zhaoyuan City has been held by the "610 Office" for more than two weeks. She is currently being detained in an isolated building of the Nanling Southern Gold Mine in Taishang Village, Linglong Town. In order to conceal their illegal activities, the authorities have labelled the building as the "Legal Education and Training Centre," but it is actually a brainwashing centre where Falun Gong practitioners are persecuted.
I Was Tortured 26 Different Ways during My Two Years of Detention in the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp in Chongqing City - Part 3
2005-09-09"When I was in the Strictly Controlled Team, Zeng Zhiping from Tongnan County asked me, "Oh! how did you come to look like this?" I said, "Zhang Liang sent me to a labour camp. Policemen and convicts in the Xishanping Labour Camp abused and brutalised me. My condition is proof." Zeng Zhiping looked surprised. When I was sent back to Tongnan County, Zeng said, "You stay here for several days, then you can go home." But I was delivered to a custodial centre and detained there. Liu Yong came to visit. When he saw me he said, "How come you look so old?" On the morning of March 5th I began a hunger strike. Vicious officers said, "As soon as you eat and write a guarantee statement, you can go home.""
I Was Tortured in 26 Different Ways during My Two Years of Detention in the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp, Chongqing City - Part 2
2005-09-07"The two years of savage beatings and other abuses and mental torment at the hands of common prisoners and the guards in Xinshanping Forced Labour Camp gave me a broken nose, broken front teeth and severe injuries to my chest, ribs and internal organs. I was so weak and thin. But even in that condition, after my release from the forced labour camp I was still sent to the Tongnan Detention Centre for an indefinite period of incarceration."
My Personal Experiences with 20 Torture Methods -- Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp Treats Human Life as Worthless
2005-09-06"I was detained and brutally tortured in the 5th and 1st brigades at Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp. In the end, my heart disease recurred due to the persecution. Because the labour camp officials do not care about human life, they agreed to release me only after two more deaths were registered. After two more deaths they would have reached their allowable quota for deaths, and to avoid having to answer for my death, they said they would release me. I experienced 20 different torture methods in the Camp."
I Was Tortured 26 Different Ways during My Two Years of Detention in the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp, Chongqing City - Part 1
2005-09-06"I was arrested and held at the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp for two years and was subjected to 26 different kinds of torture: I was tied up. The guard then elbowed my spine with brute force and punched my chest heavily with his fists. I had to stand in the military posture, sit upright and march using three different kinds of steps; I was exposed to mosquitoes, was forced to carry sandbags, stand against a wall, run on the drill ground, do push-ups, jump like a frog, walk like a duck and stand in sweltering heat; the perpetrators choked me and hit my face until my front teeth were broken; they force-fed me, pulled my ears, hit and broke my nose; they hit me with spiked clubs and jammed their knees into my sides; they starved me and forced me to squat. I was emaciated and was force-fed three times (twice the force-feeding caused hemorrhaging and I was rushed to the Accident and Emergency). I was on the brink of death. More than 50 different perpetrators personally tortured me."
Persecution of Practitioner Lu Hongwei in Forced Labour Camps in Liaoning Province (Re-Enactment Photos)
2005-09-05In mid-May of 2001 Fuxin Labour Camp officials brutally shocked Falun Dafa practitioner Lu Hongwei with 4 electric batons. Two high-voltage batons were tightly pressed against his temples. Another was used to beat his head, and the last one was used beat him all over the body. Lu passed out several times during the torture.
The Cruel Persecution I Suffered in the Shijiazhuang Second Detention Centre
2005-09-04Every other day, they would insert a tube into my stomach through my nose and force-feed me with two bags of soy powder mixed with 300ml water and salt. They called this force-feeding, but in fact it is a brutal torture method. I was in great pain during the whole process. Four people would hold me down by pressing on my legs, twisting my arms and locking my head in a certain position, and then the doctor would insert a tube as thick as a small finger into my nose and down into my stomach, causing me to choke and vomit. To make me thirsty for water, they would put a large amount of salt into the tube as well. In order to prevent me from having a heart attack, each time they started the force-feeding they would stuff a few pills into my mouth.
Ms Liu Yaokun Tortured in Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp, Unable to Take Care of Herself
2005-09-0345-year-old Ms Liu Yaokun was arrested by three policemen in 2003, and then sent to a labour camp. Police guards brutally tortured Ms. Liu in Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp both physically and mentally. Policemen beat her, kicked her lower body, and twisted her neck until Ms. Liu fainted. They then left her alone in a cold room trapped in the position of "big back-cuffing." Later, they chained her onto the bed frame. Her body was directly exposed to the cold floor for about 40 minutes. At 8 o'clock when the shift changed, the guards found that her heartbeat was unusual, so they released her from the "big back-cuffing," but still left both of her hands cuffed onto the bed frame. As a result, she can no longer take care of herself, but she is still detained in the labour camp.
Ms Sun Dongxia and Mr Ge Mingyu from Qingdao City Given Heavy Jail Sentences for Exposing the Truth About the Persecution
2005-09-02Ms. Sun Dongxia and Mr. Ge Mingyu, two Falun Dafa practitioners from Qingdao City, were detained by the police for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. Recently the Magistrate Courts of the Sibei and Lichang Districts unlawfully sentenced Ms. Sun and Mr. Ge to five and eight years in jail, respectively. The Qingdao Daily and the Bandao Metropolis newspapers widely reported this illegal trial. Ms. Sun Dongxia's daughter is now living with her grandparents. She is not able to pay her school fees and her living expenses for the next term.