Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Schoolteacher Ms. Dong Xiuqin Suffers Mental Collapse From Torture at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-10-01Ms. Dong Xiuqin once taught at a primary school in Liaoning Province. She was subjected to inhuman torture at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp and has suffered a mental breakdown. When she was told that she would be arrested again if she did not "transform," she once again broke down. She stopped drinking and eating, did not feel hot and cold, sometimes ran about naked and spoke incoherently, and screamed and yelled uncontrollably. Because of persecution by the Chinese Communist Party, Ms. Dong has become a mental patient.
Exposing Evil Deeds of Vicious Policemen from the Qianerdao Township Police Station of Jilin City
2005-09-30Qianerdao Township police arrested practitioners with a pre-planned scheme. They had already gathered information on these practitioners after long-term monitoring of local practitioners who are persistent in practising Falun Gong. The police waited for opportunities to persecute them. When a police officer found that a practitioner's wife had disappeared, he told the other officer, "It does not matter if we lose one since we have already reached our arrest quota."
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Bi Daihong Died From Torture at Dalian Forced Labour Camp
2005-09-29Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Bi Daihong was sentenced to two years of forced labour after being arrested for telling the facts of Falun Dafa to people who had been misled by the government propaganda. She was brutally tortured at the labour camp and developed symptoms of late-stage ovarian cancer. Eight inmates beat her until she was covered with wounds and bruises and the labour camp extorted 4,000 Yuan from her parents. She passed away soon after she was released from the labour camp, on September 1st 2005.
The Torture I Experienced in the Huludao Labour Camp in Liaoning Province (Re-Enactment Photos)
2005-09-28"In December 2000, the Huludao Labour Camp in Liaoning Province violently brainwashed and persecuted Dafa practitioners in order to force us to "reform"1. Seven or eight policemen shocked all the parts of my body with 6 or 7 electric batons at the same time and asked me if I still insisted on practising Falun Gong. Some of them even stood on my stomach, jumping up and down. They seemed to be enjoying themselves."
Married Couple Sentenced to Forced Labour
2005-09-28Mr. Li Xiaodun and Ms. Li Qiuxiang, husband and wife, are villagers from Hebei Province. The local police have been constantly harassing them for years with detention, brainwashing attempts and extortionate fines, simply because they are Falun Gong practitioners. In late August 2005, she was sentenced to two years of forced labour at the Baiding Forced Labour Camp.
The Heizuizi Women's Labour Camp Forces Practitioners to Produce Artificial Butterflies for Export (Photos)
2005-09-27The Heizuizi Women's Labour Camp not only tortures Falun Dafa practitioners using cruel means but has also forced them to do hard labour for 16 to 18 hours a day, fabricating artificial butterflies and birds for export and making large profits of foreign currency for the labour camp. The white feathers used to make the butterflies are dyed different colours. Sometimes, the workload cannot be completed in time because the foul smell from the stored feathers causes nausea and headaches. The noxious feathers also cause rashes, itching, and swelling of the face, hands, and body.
Practitioner from Guangdong Province Tortured to Near Death, Almost Cremated Alive
2005-09-26"In March 2002, police officers arrested me. They kicked and punched me 65 times. Even though I am elderly, they still tortured me like that! I was sent to a forced labour camp, where I was shocked by an electric baton until I lost consciousness. When I woke up, I found I was in a small room with horrible odours. I found out that it was the mortuary. Later, I learned that I had been unconscious in that small room for three and a half days. They were preparing to cremate me but stopped when they discovered that I was still breathing."
Dafa Practitioner Ms Jiang Lanying from Jiangxi Province Persecuted to the Brink of Death
2005-09-23On June 1st 2005, more than ten police officers took the parents of Ms Jiang Lanying to the labour camp hospital. Jiang was bound to a bed and was forced to take injections. The officers said, "We will not set her free until she dies." At that time police officer Wang Wei viciously claimed, "I don't care whether you sue me. I just want to let her die." On August 16th, her family received notice that she was in extreme life threatening condition, but were not allowed to visit the hospital to see her.
In Memory of Mr. Ma Jujun, a Falun Dafa Practitioner from Xinjiang Province
2005-09-22"Because Mr. Ma Jujun constantly appealed for Dafa, corrupt officials sentenced him to two years in a labour camp. After his release, the 610 Office arrested him and sent him to a brainwashing centre for further persecution. Because he was steadfast in his belief, he was frequently trailed, monitored, harassed and threatened. Later, he was arrested and sent to the Mental Hospital in Urumchi where he suffered inhuman torture. He was persecuted to death on September 27th 2004."
Ms. Wang Li Detained for Five and a Half Years
2005-09-22During the past 6 years, practitioner Ms. Wang Li has only been able to live at home for nine months. She is still in the Liaoning Province Women's Prison and is currently locked in a small cell in isolation. Every time the family talks about Wang, they cry a lot. Wang's mother-in-law repeatedly said, "My daughter is very capable and devoted to her parents. Now see how much she is suffering in there!" Wang's mother-in-law not only misses Wang, but also has to take care of her young granddaughter as well as support a broken home that used to be happy and blessed.
Recalling the Dreadful Days When I Lived and Was Persecuted in China
2005-09-19"After I came to Canada in 2005, my health and spirit visibly improved the moment I arrived here. The most important thing is that in Canada, one can freely practise Falun Gong because Canada respects one's freedom of belief. I cannot help but shudder whenever I think about my days under the persecution in China. Under the persecution, my husband was murdered, my son and daughter-in-law could not find a job, we could not visit our friends and relatives, and my son and I could not go back home. I don't want to keep the memory of that terror in my mind."
Ms. Deng Caijuan Receives Inhuman Treatment at Sanshui Women's Forced Labour Camp
2005-09-19Ms. Deng Caijuan has been in Sanshui Forced Labour Camp since May 2004. There are no words to completely describe the excruciatingly painful persecution Deng Caijuan has suffered in the labour camp. Every time the police search her home, the family members are horrified. Her mother has lost over 30 lbs. She said she frequently worries about her daughter, not knowing if she will live or die, and she has trouble sleeping at night.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Ma Xueqing from Dalian City Arrested for the Seventh Time
2005-09-19On the morning of July 28th 2005, the police followed 36-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Ma Xueqing and arrested her once again on her way to work. Later, they searched her home. Currently Ms. Ma is being detained at the Yaojia Detention Centre in Dalian City. This is the seventh time that Ms. Ma has been arrested and the fourth time her home has been ransacked. Because she has been practising "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" for the past six years, Ma Xueqing has been repeatedly persecuted. The authorities have detained her for a total of 137 days. They searched her office twice and they extorted 7,000 yuan from her.
Young Practitioner Describes Six Difficult Years of Persecution
2005-09-17"My name is Xingxing and I am 15 years old. In November 2000 the police arrested Mum when she was telling people the truth about Falun Dafa. At 2:00 a.m., a group of people suddenly broke into my bedroom and searched all over the place. They made a big mess by turning everything over. I was supposed to attend school the next morning, but did not get any sleep that night. They confiscated many items from our home. That day I truly experienced the terrifying feeling of being a robbery victim. From that day on I could no longer call out "Mum" when I returned from school. Mum was not home any longer."
Ms Wang Dandan Suffers Inhuman Persecution
2005-09-17"When I first arrived at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, the guards pretended insincerely that they cared about me and wanted to help me. They asked some collaborators to "reform" me. A few days later, the guards showed their true faces. They beat me whenever they saw me meditating. They handcuffed me to a bed so that I could not stand up or squat down, and I had to stay on my knees for seven days and nights. My knees and wrists were broken, and my wrists were burned."