Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Zunyi Medical College Graduate Mr. Wu Zhongran Is Suffering Persecution at the Zhongba Labour Camp
2005-08-04Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wu Zhongran graduated from Zunyi Medical College in Guizhou Province. He was sent from a brainwashing class to the Guizhou Zhongba Labour Camp where he is suffering from brutal persecution. His tormentors repeatedly spat into his mouth and forced him to swallow. He is also constantly violently punched, kicked and beaten. Mr. Wu's whole body is full of bruises and even now his legs have not recovered enough for him to walk normally.
An Senbiao from Daqing City Suffers from Severe Loss of Weight and is Tortured to the Verge of Death
2005-08-0338-year-old Mr. An Senbiao was locked up and was forced to put on shackles weighting about 33 lbs. Normally, these shackles were reserved for people facing the death penalty. In the Suihua Forced Labour Camp, Mr. An was burned, pricked with needles, force-fed washing powder, shocked with electric batons, sexually assaulted, and is now on the verge of death.
Several Practitioners Brutally Persecuted at Jilin Prison - Their Situation is Dire
2005-08-02The guards and officials at Jilin No. 2 Prison have been brutally persecuting unjustly held Falun Dafa practitioners. Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Fengcai is 33 years old, and lived in Fengchan Village, Mingyue Town, Antu County, Jilin Province. He is now being held in the No. 3 Prison Area. On May 13th 2005, Wang Fengcai was subjected to forcible brainwashing. He refused to compromise. The police and three "collaborators" locked him in a solitary confinement cell. Wang Fengcai went on a hunger strike to resist the persecution and became critically ill. He has been sent to Jilin Railway Hospital and is on the verge of death.
The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Nanmusi Forced Labour Camp
2005-08-01Each Falun Dafa practitioner detained in Nanmusi Forced Labour Camp was targeted by two or three "personal cangues" - the criminals designated by the police to forcefully control the practitioner's behaviour. The practitioners who do not give in are usually attacked verbally or beaten. They have to stand facing the wall for long periods of time and are deprived of sleep or not allowed to wash their faces or take a shower. Even relieving their bowels is forbidden. Some are persecuted by electric baton shocking or being hung up with their hands cuffed behind their backs.
Manipulated by the "610 Office", Shiyan City Court Sentences Ms. He Jiao to Prison
2005-08-01After Ms. He Jiao was illegally sentenced to three years imprisonment, her husband became destitute and homeless in order to avoid being illegally arrested at home. Their nine-year-old daughter had to live with her uncle's family in the countryside. Upon hearing the news, He Jiao's mother immediately fell ill with increased high blood pressure and a nearly collapsed spirit. She was unable to get out of bed for days.
More Facts about the Persecution Suffered by Mrs. Du Guihua in Jiamusixigemu Forced Labour Camp
2005-08-0144-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Mrs. Du Guihua was unjustly arrested in October 2002 and sentenced to three years in the Jiamusixigemu Forced Labour Camp, where she suffered all sorts of torture and brutal persecution, and developed numerous tumours in her body. She was released in 2005 after her family's persistent requests.
Falun Gong Practitioner Zheng Zhihong Sues for Unlawful Persecution
2005-08-01Mr. Zheng Zhihong is a Falun Gong practitioner from Hubei Province. His father, Mr. Zheng Zhong, died because he was severely persecuted for his belief in Falun Gong. On March 11th 2004, his father's work unit organised a memorial service for him. Mr. Zheng Zhihong delivered a eulogy at the service. On May 20th 2004, he was arrested because of the eulogy. The local court issued a preliminary verdict and Mr. Zheng appealed it. On February 28th 2005, the intermediate court denied his appeal and upheld the original sentence, a five-year prison term. Mr. Zheng, other Falun Gong practitioners and people with a sense of justice think he should be cleared of the charges.
Atrocities at Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp: Burning Fingernails, Using People as Punching Bags, Violent Beatings
2005-07-31The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhang Xiangfu four times because he persisted in practising Falun Gong. At Tiananmen Square, a police officer pushed him to the ground, stepped on his head and beat him until his face became deformed. At the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp the guards burned his hands until they turned black and his fingernails fell off. The back of his hands were scorched and he was also forced to sit in a metal chair for 15 days straight. The perpetrators also invented a torture. They put handles on needles and shot them at the practitioners like darts. The needles stuck deep in the flesh and caused excruciating pain.
Exposing the Crimes of the Female Guards at the Kaiping Forced Labour Camp
2005-07-28The female guards from the women's group of the Kaiping Forced Labour Camp in Tangshan City, Hebei Province, have cruelly persecuted practitioners both mentally and physically. They intensely threatened, pressured, and deceived practitioners and sent them to be brainwashed. Chen Zhaoguang is 47 years old. She was a glib talker and good at making other people suffer. When a prisoner talked with a practitioner, Chen Zhaoguang specifically held a meeting of the prisoners and beat the prisoner who talked.
The Persecution Experienced by Practitioner Ms. Chen Liguang Inside the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-07-28Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Liguang, 42 years old, is from Liaoning Province. Because she practises Falun Gong, she has been arrested and tortured under orders of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials on numerous occasions. Her home was also ransacked, eventually forcing her to leave the area and wander homeless around the country for nearly two years. In September 2003, Ms. Chen was arrested once again by police officers. During the next more than twenty months of detention, Ms. Chen suffered agonising struggles inside the infamous Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province.
Exposing Crimes of the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp (Part I)
2005-07-27"I have been unjustly held at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp since 2001. In May 2001, the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp started a brutal persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners. For an entire month, they continuously and viciously tortured about a hundred practitioners who refused to give up their beliefs in Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. Falun Dafa practitioners endured unimaginable mental and physical pain. The whole place was engulfed in terror."
Misguided Parents Help Brainwashing Centre Persecute Their Daughter Mi Xiaozheng
2005-07-26When Mi Xiaozheng started a hunger strike against her imprisonment, the guards in the brainwashing centre force-fed her several times without a physician's supervision, ignoring the risk of severe injury. Mi Xiaozheng' parents, misguided by the Communist Party's propaganda, did not stand up for their own daughter; instead, they blamed everything on their daughter's refusal to be "transformed." Her mother begged the so-called "teaching assistants" to transform her daughter by all means. With the support of her parents, the brainwashing centre persecuted Mi Xiaozheng even more severely.
Over a Dozen Falun Dafa Practitioners Tortured and Unjustly Sentenced to Long Prison Terms in Gansu Province
2005-07-25In early September of 2002, the police unjustly arrested 13 Falun Dafa practitioners. Following former president Jiang Zemin's ruthless policy regarding killing Falun Dafa practitioners ("It is not a crime to beat them to death, just accuse them of having committed suicide"), the police brutally tortured the practitioners. Practitioners Mr. Li Yuhai and Tang Pinghu's hand joints were dislocated as a result of the torture. They were sent to the hospital to have their joints relocated, and an acquaintance actually witnessed the surgery. Sources have revealed that practitioner Mr. Huang Ruzhong was hung from the ceiling. Several days later, his trousers were still left in the room he was tortured in. Practitioner Ms. Zhou Xiuying was in her 60's, yet after she was tortured, she was hung up for an entire day and night.
Persecution Methods Used in Some Prisons and Forced Labour Camps in Shandong Province
2005-07-24"I have been imprisoned in labour camps and detention centres many times. I was physically and mentally humiliated and viciously beaten. I spent three Chinese New Years in detention centres. I was not able to have a family dinner with my husband and child. My elderly parents and my child have suffered tremendously. In China, many families are being persecuted. The entire country is under the red terror. One of my fellow practitioner's children became an orphan at less than two years old. Many practitioners cannot go back to their homes because of the persecution."
Arrested and Tortured: Practitioners Mr. Zeng Zhaoxin and Mr. Qiao Mingxi from Henan Province
2005-07-24Since Mr. Zeng Zhaoxin went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, he was fired by his company. He was therefore destitute and homeless. After he heard that Yalan Company was recruiting workers, he went there for an interview on the afternoon of May 8, 2005. He was arrested by the police from Nanyang municipal public security bureau. Right now, he is imprisoned in Shangzhuang Detention Centre in Nanyang City and is suffering from persecution. Another practitioner Mr. Qiao Mingxi, who was the new security guard of Yalan Company who was hired only a few days prior to his arrest. As a matter of fact, Mr. Qiao had been released only 20 days after he had been imprisoned for three years and ten months.