Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Urgent Appeal on Behalf of Practitioners Illegally Detained in Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp
2005-12-01Practitioners Ms. Zhao Shuying and Ms Chen Aihong wrote a letter to the camp director to expose many camp team leaders' crimes. On July 22nd, 2005, the letter was found in Chen Aihong's bed by the police when they searched the cells. In retaliation, on September 14th, Li Xuejun came to Class 4, where Chen Aihong was detained, and suddenly struck Chen's head. It led Chen's heart disease to recur. In protest, Chen Aihong went on a hunger strike and requested a meeting with the camp director. Ms. Zhao Shuying also joined the hunger strike, but Li Xuejun did not allow them to see the director. Instead, he handcuffed them on September 16th and sent them to Gaoyang County Hospital for force-feeding.
The Persecution I Suffered and Witnessed in Nanmusi Labour Camp in Sichuan Province
2005-11-30"The labour camp tramples practitioners like dirt. Practitioners are casually beaten to death or disability. Camp guards once goaded an inmate to beat a fifty-year-old female practitioner to death. This inmate assaulted the practitioner in a locked bathroom. The practitioner was taken out when she had only one breath left. The camp guard ordered me to get medicine from the clinic and said that the situation was very serious. I was told to go back to my cell when I returned with the medicine. No practitioners were allowed to leave their cells. Two hours later, two former practitioners carried away a stretcher. I never saw that female practitioner again. A few days later, an inmate told me that she died from the beating."
Family in Mainland China Persecuted, Hong Kong Resident Calls on Hong Kong Legislative Members for Help
2005-11-29Hong Kong resident Ms. Dong Ming's family lives in Zhejiang Province. Since many of her family members started practising Falun Gong they have benefited mentally and physically. However, since the beginning of the persecution of Falun Gong, the family was often harassed, had their home ransacked and was arrested. These frequent incidents traumatised the ageing father. He became paralysed and passed away on March 19th, 2005. This sad turn of affairs caused the over 70-year-old mother to become ill.
My Personal Experience in Dabei Prison
2005-11-28"I was sentenced to three years in prison and sent to the Dabei Prison in Liaoning Province. The prison guards did not allow me to go to the toilet; many times I soiled my trousers. In the winter, they forced me to sit on the cement floor and tied me up with ropes every day. Whenever I cried out, male prisoners would beat me fiercely. They forced my mouth open and stuffed it with rags or with my own socks, which they had taken off my feet. Then they used bandages to gag me. They also pulled my hair to the point that much of it came out. Every day I was forced to endure hardships like these."
Five Falun Gong Practitioners Attempted an Escape from the Brutal Persecution at the No. 2 Labour Camp of Shandong Province
2005-11-28On October 24th, 2002, five Falun Gong practitioners walked out of the No. 2 Labour Camp of Shandong Province. A large number of guards jumped into cars to drive after the escaping Falun Gong practitioners, who had left through the entrance to the labour camp. The local artillery troop was also called in to help with the search. The men got almost two and a half miles away before they were caught. The practitioners were confined, kicked, beaten with electric batons and hung up by handcuffs. They were deprived of sleep for an extended period of time. Their bodies were covered with wounds from the torture. A permanent scar was left on Pan Weiyou's face.
The Torture and Enslavement of Practitioners in Shandong Province's Second Women's Forced Labour Camp
2005-11-27Shandong Province's Second Women's Forced Labour Camp's guards look for work that is so time- and labour-consuming that nobody wants to do it. They then force practitioners to do the work. The work includes, for example, cutting the ends of thread for clothing (local work from Wang Village), wiring the windings (local work from the electrical winding manufacturing station at Wang Village and a toy factory in Weihai City), and gluing glass vases and coloured glaze handiworks plated with silver (work from a handiwork exporting factory in Qingdao City). The glue used in some of these tasks is made with methanol and formaldehyde. Methanol is toxic to people's eyes, and long-term exposure can cause blindness.
Older Practitioner Ms. Li Shuming in Lingyuan Left Deaf after Years of Brutal Torture
2005-11-26Ms. Li Shuming is in her 50's. She has been taken away by the police many times for practising Falun Dafa and sent to the local labour camp. Whilst in detention a policeman suddenly slapped Li Shuming in her right ear heavily. She was stunned by the heavy stroke. She felt her ear was suddenly stuffed by something and so was her head. She had an unspeakable feeling of misery. After quite some time, she came to her senses. Due to the severe torture she experienced, she lost her hearing, which has brought great suffering to her life.
Our Child Needs a Father's Love, We Need a Complete Family - a letter to the Police Chief in Guangzhou
2005-11-26"On November 22nd, 2004 at around 10:30 p.m., police barged into my shop and arrested my husband and mother-in-law, who was reading a Falun Dafa book. I heard no news of my husband and mother-in-law. I was left all alone with a two-month-old baby in the freezing winter. My shop was also forced to close and I had difficulty making ends meet. It was only later, when I received a letter from my husband, that I found out that both he and his mother were being unlawfully held and were sent to forced labour camps. Our family's finances are in bad shape. When the baby is sick, there is no one to help me."
Crimes Committed During Hubei Province's Fourth Brainwashing Session of 2005
2005-11-25This year, the fourth wave of brainwashing activities in Hubei Province was conducted by the "Hubei Provincial Legal Education Centre." The officials and staff there resorted to all sorts of cruel and brutal methods to mentally torture the Falun Gong practitioners, in an attempt to force them to give up their belief in Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. What the staff of the brainwashing centre feared most, including Communist Party members and the so-called "experts and professors," were the phone calls made by overseas Falun Gong practitioners.
Persecution Escalates in Guangdong Province
2005-11-25On September 12th, a dozen officers from the Meihua Street Police Station in Guangzhou City broke into practitioner Shi Lei's home and took him away, saying they wanted to "summon [Shi Lei] and obtain some information." When Shi Lei's wife asked them to present the arrest warrant, the police only flashed a slip of paper that read, "Using x cult to disrupt implementation of the law." When Shi Lei was taken downstairs people heard Shi Lei shouting, "Help! The police are abducting and beating me!"
Hebei Province Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp Cruelly Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners
2005-11-24Some of the torture methods deployed by the forced labour camp include: Force-feeding faeces: This torture was used when practitioners went on hunger strike to protest the unjust persecution. Several practitioners were sent to the hospital when they vomited after the force-feeding. Each practitioner had to pay 50 yuan for each force-feeding; placing a large poisonous lizard on the practitioner, then the lizard is shocked with an electric baton, causing the practitioner to be shocked and poisoned at the same time.
Fan Yongcheng and His Wife from Gansu Province Were Persecuted and Are Now Apart (Photo)
2005-11-23Fan Yongcheng and his wife Lei Zhanxiang lived in Jinchang City, Gansu Province, and started practising Falun Dafa in 1997. Since July 20th, 1999, they have been persecuted again and again because they have persisted in practising Falun Gong. In January 2000, the couple went to Beijing to appeal to the authorities on behalf of Dafa. After returning home, they were detained. In the detention centre, Mr. Fan couldn't eat. He vomited whatever he ate. Fifteen days later, when he had lost the ability to walk, he was released and sent home supported by two people. On September 9th Mr. Fan was sentenced to 12 years in prison and Ms. Lei has been homeless for the last five years.
First-hand Accounts of the September 23rd Large-scale Arrests of Practitioners in Daqing City (Photos) Part 2
2005-11-22When Mr. Zheng Hongjun was arrested, he was pushed into the police car barefoot in only his underwear. His sister and brother tried to stop the arrest, but were attacked by the police. His father, in his 60s, was so scared he fell onto a bed, pale faced with terror. Mr. Zheng's 65-year-old mother, who had never had heart problems, developed an irregular heartbeat due to the arrest. Zheng Hongjun's daughter, who has been disabled and bedridden for ten years and cannot speak clearly, was threatened to the point of crying and almost fell onto the floor from her bed. Now Mr. Zheng has been detained at the Longfeng Detention Centre for over 20 days.
Retaliatory Persecution in Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp
2005-11-22For years, in order to "transform" them, the forced labour camp have continued persecuting practitioners who simply believe in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." They have used many brutal methods of torture, such as: tying a victim to the bed; sleep deprivation; sitting on a metal chair for a long time; hanging, electric shock; being hung up with the hands shackled behind the back; handcuffing in a one position for a long time; sitting in a lotus position on wooden sticks; hitting the ankles and joints with a clothes hanger; burning fingers, toes, or feet with cigarettes; hearing loud noises through headphones; knocking the helmet with a stick; gagging with a dirty mop; and wiping the mouth with dirty toilet paper.
Repeated Arrest of Luo Jiabin and His Wife Jiang Yulian from Hunan Province
2005-11-22Recently, Dafa practitioners Luo Jiabin, a former air force pilot, and his wife Jiang Yulian, a nurse, were arrested. Participating in the arrest were agents from the 610 Office and officers from the Hongjiang City Police Department. The police arrested Ms. Jiang Yulian on the street. The child cried loudly and sadly and was later sent back home by some kind hearted people. The grandmother looks after the child now.