Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
The 110 Emergency Hotline Is Used as a Tool to Persecute Falun Gong
2003-11-19After the police abducted one Dafa practitioner, the practitioner witnessed this scene: A 110 staff member's mobile phone rang suddenly and they realised that they were being notified of an emergency to which they would have to respond. The person in charge said, "Turn off the mobile phones and pagers, and do not let them know where we are. Arresting an escaped criminal is not the same as arresting a Falun Gong practitioner. Falun Gong practitioners do not fight back when they are beaten or sworn at, and we can arrest them any time. However, it could be life-threatening to have to arrest an escaped criminal. What if something should happen to us?"
Dafa Practitioners Held Indefinitely by Shibalihe Women's Labour Camp
2003-11-19While other non-practitioner detainees in the labour camp were widely praised or received reduced detention sentences for guarding or persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, the Falun Gong practitioners received extended terms of detention. The labour camp generally asks for one month extension of practitioners' terms from the Labour Education Bureau, but the latter usually gives at least three months extension or even longer. Many Falun Gong practitioners have had their terms extended from three to eight months simply because they refused to take part in exams aiming at attacking and defaming Dafa. There is no rule for such extensions at all; the labour camp simply did it at will using any random excuse.
Evidence of Persecution against Practitioners at the Third Labour Camp of Xuchang City
2003-11-19For the slower workers, they would use what's called thinking re-education (or brainwashing) to prolong physical punishment. Sometimes the punishment could last until 4:00 a.m. in the morning and then they would not be allowed to sleep. For those that did not finish their work, they had to bring their unfinished work back to the dormitory to finish it. Usually they had to work until sometime between 2:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. in the morning in order to finish it.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Xie Guiying's Mother Talks about Her Daughter's Unjust Death
2003-11-18Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Xie Guiying, who lived in Huainan City, Anhui Province, was tortured to death in October 2000. Her mother, Xin Gonghua, was devastated but had nowhere to turn to for help. Three years have passed since then and all she could do was to tell everyone about her daughter's tragic death. In food markets, shopping plazas, residential areas, on the street sides, from her friends to complete strangers, the public is also spreading the facts about how practitioner Xie Guiying was tortured to death. Below is the story that Xie Guiying's mother related about how her daughter was tortured to death.
The "610 Office" and Shuangyashan City Detention Centre Torture Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-11-18Bai Shuwen and guard Zhu Yaru whipped three practitioners. They forced practitioner Zhang to sit on the metal chair for four days and three nights. Zhao told them that she could not be put on the chair because she had heart disease. Xu Enjiang, a detention doctor then yelled, "We will just bury you if you die." Then he forced her to sit on the chair. At around 1 p.m., Zhao had a heart attack. Since then, she often had heart problems and could not take care herself until the end of June.
Shen Xiaodu, Grandson of the China Democratic League Founder Tortured with Intense Heat at the Xinhua Forced Labour Camp
2003-11-18Because Shen Xiaodu never gave in, he was then taken to the brick kiln of the 4th Group of the 4th Brigade [hottest kiln at the Xinhua Forced Labour Camp]. First, they put him in the "Cold Gate" (which is above 40 C, 104 F). Then, they put him in the "Middle Gate" (which is above 60 C, 140 F). When Shen Xiaodu did not give up, he was put in the "Fire Gate" (which is above 80 C, 176 F). Shen Xiaodu still refused to give in. The "Fire Gate" that he was put in was not a regular one; it had just been opened. The temperature was extremely high, and the bricks were still glowing.
Ruthless Torture of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Banqiao Forced Labour Camp
2003-11-17Mr. Zhang Wensheng was also forcibly held in a brainwashing class for several days. Criminal inmates kept his eyes open with a match so that he was unable to blink. He was continuously beaten in an attempt to force him to swear never to practise again. His body was swollen and he could not walk. He had to be helped to the bathroom. Under such pressure, he was forced to recant his belief. He was beaten again before an official meeting designed to further humiliate and reinforce that the practitioners had recanted their belief. On September 10th, Zhang Wensheng refused to write a summary of serving his terms and was tortured further and deprived of sleeping.
Cases of Criminal Persecution in Huludao City Labour Camp
2003-11-17Due to the torture, Mr. Wu was extremely weak and did not have even enough strength to walk. In December, when he was on the verge of death, he was sent to a hospital. He was diagnosed with terminal tuberculosis. In order to avoid responsibility, Huludao City Labour Camp officials released him on bail for medical treatment. He was skin and bones when his family picked him up and he died a few days later. He was 35 years old when he died.
Brutal Brainwashing in Wuhan Women's Prison
2003-11-17Two prisoners pressed her down and another one squatted behind her back, grabbing her hair and pulling it down, in order to take the photo by force. Because she refused to recite the prison rules, she was tortured with the method of "digging the wall" for two days. Since she was detained in the 4th Section of No.1 Division, she was often deprived of sleep and was not allowed to use the toilet, as a punishment for refusing to write statements renouncing and slandering Falun Gong.
Three Years of Hardship and Torture Cannot Change Practitioners' Hearts
2003-11-16After ten days of this, they no longer asked me anything, but routinely tied me up very tightly as soon as I had finished working each day. When I was half-hung, there was no point of support for my whole body other than my tiptoes. This time, after tying me for several days, they said they would let me go to sleep as long as I did not awaken earlier than they did. One day, I was beaten just because I had gotten up before them to fold my blanket. Another time, because I had been caught talking, the person on duty and the prisoners stuffed a dirty rag in my mouth, sealed it with tape, then beat my face and mouth, which became red and swollen. The person on duty also threw some hard-soled boots at my head.
Recent Information on the Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners Mao Changqing, Li Jianguo, and Tian Yuxi from Henan Province
2003-11-16Several police officers held him down and pried his mouth open. During the force feeding some people also tickled his armpits in order to force him to comply. The three practitioners appealed the unjust sentence. The Wancheng district court did not hold any new trial but soon issued an order to "maintain the original judgment." The Wancheng District Court did not follow Chinese law in sentencing these Falun Dafa practitioners; instead, it followed the order from Jiang's regime and sentenced the practitioners at will.
Behind the Façade of the Staged Singing and Dancing in Henan's Shibalihe Forced Labour Camp Lies Savage Torture
2003-11-15The police at the labour camp seriously violate the law by opening and withholding practitioners' mail and packages that their families send. Practitioners do not have the freedom to correspond. They are not even allowed to wear watches. Practitioner Chen Yujing's family sent her a watch and other gifts, which were all withheld. The police can cancel practitioner's visiting hours at will, and visiting family members are turned away...On the day when the practitioners were locked up, viciously beaten and hemorrhaging from the savagery, in the courtyard, the labour camp criminals were made to sing and dance for the video taping of a sham happy scene for TV propaganda: showing the "tender loving nurturing" by the labour camp during the transformation of the practitioners, and the "wonderful life" the practitioners have while in the camp.
Savage Torture in the Women's Team of Dalian Forced Labour Camp
2003-11-14There were 130 practitioners illegally detained in the women's team of Dalian Forced Labour Camp. From 5:00 in the morning until 8:00 in the evening, they were forced to perform slave labour every day. The Chinese law concerning forced labour stipulates that shifts cannot be more than 6 hours per day. At the same time, policemen there subjected practitioners to various types of savage torture in order to force the steadfast Dafa practitioners into giving up Falun Gong.
Vile Torture Used on Dafa Practitioners on a Daily Basis in Dalian City Labour Camp
2003-11-13In the first few weeks in Dalian Labour Camp, the guards tried to destroy us with heavy labour. They ordered me to take rocks (picked out from the coal) back to the mine shaft. They required me to move 120 wagons full of rock each day and they said I had to run. I collapsed on the first day, because I was too weak, but I had to do the same heavy labour the next day. Sweat poured out of my body. I was covered with salt crystals from the sweat. I felt dizzy under the baking sun. But I tried to be strong and never lowered my head.
Ten Dafa Practitioners Face an Illegal Trial with Righteousness in Anhui Province
2003-11-12During the trial, fully armed police filled both inside and outside of the courtroom. The "610 Office" specifically arranged news media to come interview, attempting to cook up more news to slander and frame Dafa. However, the ten practitioners were very steadfast and righteous in the courtroom, despite the fact that they were not given a fair hearing. They shouted in unison "Falun Dafa is great! Falun Dafa is a practice! Restore the reputation of our Teacher!"