Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Falun Dafa Practitioner, Dr. Li Jinke, on the Brink of a Mental Collapse in Xuchang Forced Labour Camp
2003-11-09In Xuchang Labour Camp, Dr. Li Jinke suffered many excruciating kinds torture and torment that would make most people tremble with fear...At present, he has been tortured into a semi-conscious state, and he is on the brink of mental collapse. In order to save this young doctor from dying in Xuchang Labour Camp, a dark den of evil, we appeal to all the kind-hearted people in the world to give assistance.
Exposing the Tactics of the Head of the "610 Office" at the Daqing Survey Drilling Company
2003-11-05Since Zhao Xinwu became Assistant Party Chair and the head of the "610 Office" of the Daqing Survey Drilling Company under the Daqing Oil Administration Bureau, he adopted the following policy for persecuting Dafa practitioners: "Once someone assumes responsibility over reforming one practitioner, his benefits and compensation will be directly linked to it." This has directly intensified the persecution of Dafa practitioners.
"Law Education School" in Shenyang City Cruelly Persecutes the Innocent
2003-11-04I was sent to the "Law Education School" of the Shenyang Zhangshi Labour Camp. A group of former practitioners came up to assault me right away. Their language was venomous and vulgar. They forbade me to sleep and force-fed me. After a few days, the people brought what they wrote and tried to force me to sign it with some arm twisting by a couple of them. I asked what it was. They told me that signing this paper would help to get me back home.
Various Forms of Deception at the Changchun City Women's Labour Camp
2003-11-04"However, at the same time that the campfire party took place, those steadfast and unyielding Dafa practitioners were placed upon torture instruments, were forced to stand painfully, or were handcuffed within small dark cells and made to sit on the icy ground while hearing music that defamed Dafa."-- Author
Two Shandong Province Women Practitioners Unjustly Sentenced to 4 Years Imprisonment
2003-11-03Here in Shandong, brainwashing takes place to force the practitioners to give up Falun Gong. Even saying, "Falun Dafa is a righteous practise" will get you sent to jail, and fined 2000-5000 Yuan. Also, you would be forced to sign a "guarantee" to stop practising. If you refuse to sign the guarantee, you could be detained and subjected to brutal torture, such as deprivation of sleep for days. The sole purpose of the torture is to try to get practitioners to give up their belief in Dafa.
Exposing The Persecution Against Dafa Practitioners Detained at Chongqing City's Xishanping and Maojiashan Forced Labour Camps
2003-11-01If the police are doing nothing wrong, why would they deprive citizens of the right to follow the law to appeal and why do they punish people that get involved? According to the law, after practitioners finish their jail terms, their local police departments should send police to take them home. However, some local police departments have not sent anyone to take the practitioners back. Therefore, Labour Camps are arbitrarily keeping practitioners and not releasing them.
A "Transformed" Practitioner's Words Do Not Represent Her True Heart
2003-10-30She has had few opportunities to contact the outside world. Family members have to strongly insist to be allowed to visit her, and were allowed to talk with her only under the presence of police. Bombarded with propaganda in an isolated environment over a long period of time and forcefully brainwashed constantly, it is difficult to retain one's ability to judge issues with rationality. This is a vivid example of the psychological control and persecution by Jiang's regime against Falun Dafa.
Practitioners Tortured in "Intensive Reform" Building at Beijing's Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp
2003-10-29This kind of "forced reform" is very cruel. After forcing Dafa practitioners to say something against their wills, their words are used in propaganda to defame Dafa and mislead other people. One incentive used by Jiang Zemin's regime is to reward police officers with 1000 Yuan for each practitioner they "reform." Under such instigation, some police officers exhibit heartless and inhuman behaviour.
Crimes at a Hospital -- Facts About the Persecution of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Chen Yinghua
2003-10-28They could not find any place to insert the needle. Also, the blood vessels in my legs collapsed, and the blood could not circulate properly. Even though I was covered in bruises, the nurse still said, "No problem." When the insertion of the IV needle felt like a knife digging into my flesh, they would find another place on my body to insert the needle. Some nurses said to me: "If you pull the tube out again, we will immediately put it back. If you pull out the needle, we will reinsert it straight away." All the torture was aimed at forcing me to stop my hunger strike, which I had undertaken to resist the unjust persecution.
How the Police Brutally Tortured A Dafa Practitioner
2003-10-28I could hear my teeth grinding from pain and had difficulty breathing. Then I completely lost consciousness. I did not know when I was taken down. Later, I felt someone was pushing my mouth and chest, moving my arms, and heard a voice, "Be careful! Normally when we have a couple of them here, it was easy to cover it up even if one or two died. This time we've got a dozen here. It might be difficult to stop the news from leaking." I could not open my eyes, no matter how hard I tried.
The Deceitful Faces of the Guards in Beijing Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp
2003-10-27Whenever the practitioners acted to resist the persecution, the vicious guards in Tuanhe would violently beat them. The guards would yell, "Whoever resists the transformation [brainwashing] will be beaten up! This is the place that administers the wishes of the dictatorship. We are not afraid that you do not give in." Each time the beatings were reported to the labour camp director or higher government officials, they would always say, "Ah! The guards are just of such low quality. Would anybody with good character come to work in a labour camp?"
Evidence for the Lawsuit Against Jiang: My Experience in Beijing Forced Labour Camp (Part 4)
2003-10-26This persecution, that started more than 4 years ago, targets tens of millions of Falun Gong practitioners who practise "Truth, Compassion and Tolerance." It utilises all the apparatuses of the nation, and its viciousness is unprecedented and unimaginable. It is also a disgrace to the whole of mankind. I hope that courts in all countries will uphold justice, and charge Jiang for genocide , since he is the person who is most directly responsible for this state-run terrorism. By doing this, we can safeguard the dignity of the law and the justice of humankind.
Falun Gong Practitioner and Her Family Arrested and Robbed by Police in Huili County, Sichuan Province
2003-10-26After practising Falun Dafa, Ms. Cui regained her health as she was cured of chronic diseases. She also transformed into a gentle woman and now gets along well with her family and neighbours. Due to Ms. Cui's steadfast belief in practising Falun Gong, after July 20th, 1999, local police extorted money from her, confiscated her home and took away her freedom. News about this situation has spread all over town. Everyone knows about it. Upon hearing the truth about this situation kind-hearted people all felt an injustice had been done to Ms. Cui and her family.
Tangshan Labour Camp Persecutes Zhao Huanzhen: Forced Sitting For Several Months Results in Severe Open Sores
2003-10-26After 4 months of abuse, Mr. Zhao became very weak and he needed two people to support him when he walked. He developed open sores around his rectum and he lost all feeling in his legs, indicating nerve damage. In early September, he could no longer urinate or defecate properly. He was unable to eat for 20 days and was in critical condition. On September 30, the guards requested medical treatment for him and quickly sent him back home.
Evil Deeds in Jiutai Forced Labour Camp -- Drilling Holes In Flesh With Plastic Pipes and Applying Salt & Pepper to Wounds
2003-10-25They shocked the practitioners with electric batons, burnt them with cigarettes, and drilled into their flesh in the underarms, thighs, and other soft areas of the body with the jagged edges of plastic pipes 6 centimeters in diameter. They then used toothbrushes to smear toothpaste, pepper, salt, and other substances onto the flesh. They also drilled into the chests of Mr. Liu Qinghua and Mr. Huang Yuedong, who remained firm in their beliefs despite the brutal and agonising torture.