Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Brutal Torture Cases in Dalian Forced Labour Camp: Severe Sexual Abuse and Force-Feedings
2003-10-25If practitioners collapsed, the guards would bring pen and paper and ask the practitioners to write a so-called "promise letter" to give up Dafa. Some practitioners wrote the letter against their own will under such pressure. But once they realized what they had done, they wrote another letter to declare the previous letter null and void. The guards shouted that if the practitioners didn't write the "promise letter", they would remain in that bent-over position. That led to one practitioner's death and another being seriously injured.
Evidence for the Lawsuit Against Jiang: Dafa Practitioner's Experience in Beijing Forced Labour Camp (Part 3)
2003-10-25At Xinan Forced Labour Camp, these practitioners were imprisoned with a group of juveniles. These juveniles were between thirteen and eighteen years old. The police forced these juveniles to monitor the practitioners. They also separated the six practitioners and would not allow them to communicate or meet with each other. One time, a boy helped to pass a note between the practitioners and was caught by the police. The boy was shocked with an electric baton.
Pengzhou City "610 Office" Orders, "If They Die, Just Send Them For Cremation"
2003-10-25At the same time they beat practitioners and yelled, "This is your own statement. You wanted to die yourself, and you placed your fingerprints on the paper by yourself. If you die, it has nothing to do with our office, the government, or the hospital!" and quickly left. With them was a wicked woman who said, "You people can just go and die! Starving yourselves is the most painful way. You people can just slowly kill yourselves!"
The Abuse, Torment and Humiliation Suffered by Female Dafa Practitioner At Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp
2003-10-24These incidents are the exact manifestation of Jiang Zemin's policy of "defame their reputation, bankrupt them financially, destroy them physically" in his persecution of Falun Gong. Such deep pain is unimaginable, unless one personally experiences it. One will remember this for the rest of one's life.
Shock of Secret Trial: Dafa Practitioner Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison
2003-10-23He was recently "tried" again, this time in secret, and was sentenced to an outrageous sentence of 12 years in prison. All because the Jiang Zemin regime has outlawed a practice which has tremendous benefits to body, mind and spirit and follows Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance
Former Deputy Director of Guangdong TV Station's General Editorial Department Illegally Imprisoned Once Again
2003-10-20Now, nearly four months have passed, the police still haven't allowed his family members to visit him, and the government refuses to disclose the location where he is being imprisoned. However, inside sources say that he is being held in the Sanshui Labour Camp in Guangdong Province, and that members of the notorious "610 Office,"* knowing that Chen Ruichang's case has strong impact abroad, hope to brainwash him into renouncing Falun Dafa and becoming what they call one of the "key transformed people" so they can use him against Falun Dafa.
Three Practitioners Become Mentally Ill Following Extreme Torture in Jinan Female Forced Labour Camp
2003-10-20They forced practitioners to do hard labour, exceeding human capacity, for 13 to 14 hours a day to punish practitioners, and also to reap the economic benefit for the camp. With different means of extorting money from practitioners and with practitioners' hard labour, the camp managed to built a ten-story office building, a visitation building, and a big boiler room within two years.
Fourteen Years Prison Sentence Meted Out to Gansu Province Dafa Practitioner
2003-10-20After being taken to the Xifeng Public Security Bureau, Xu Feng was forced to sit on an iron chair in a detention room while handcuffed to a flue. The police were on 3-shift rotations so they could interrogate him 24 hours a day. It was hard for him to eat, drink, or wash his face. After 7 or 8 days, his bottom was abraded and bleeding but he was still not allowed to sleep or take a rest.
Inhuman Torture Methods Used to Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners at Nanmusi Forced Labour Camp
2003-10-19The inmates would also starve practitioners and/or deny practitioners access to the washroom as a form of torture. They rationed their food, giving each of them only 100g of rice per day. In the morning, three practitioners were given only one small bun to divide amongst themselves, with half a bowl of rice soup. Lunch is a bowl of broth containing only a dozen or so grains of rice. It is the same for supper. Practitioners were forced to drink 5-7 cups of water daily, but were not allowed to go to the washroom. Even elderly practitioners in their 50s and 60s were not spared.
Due to International Pressure, the "610 Office" Changes Its Name and Claims "Office Disbanded"
2003-10-18Government officials in the know comment that this is a tactic often used by the Party, which is to simply change the outward appearance and not the nature of something. The name of the "610 Office" has a terrible reputation, so the government resorted to a name change in order to deal with foreign lawsuits as well as the overseas media.
Exposing Crimes of "610 Office" in Hebei Province Brainwashing Classes
2003-10-18On August 18th 2003, more than 10 Long Wan Xiong policemen illegally searched an elderly Falun Dafa practitioner's home at Yi Ge village for no reason. Several older practitioners were there practising at the time (two of them in their 70's, two in their 60's, one in his 50's). The sudden intrusion shocked them. The policemen confiscated Falun Dafa materials and forced several of the elderly practitioners to write a "guarantee note" [a note promising to give up the practice of Falun Dafa and not associate with Falun Dafa practitioners].
Self-Confessed Evil Director of Dalian Re-education Camp Tortures Female Dafa Practitioner
2003-10-17The police forced criminal inmates to torture practitioners on hunger strike. These criminals applied the so-called "hip splitting" torture which was a form of sexual torture. They would hang Dafa practitioners spread eagle by their four limbs, and then forcibly insert sticks into their vaginas, inject them with hot pepper oil and beat them severely. They poured boiling water on their bodies and limbs.
Bloody Violence in the Gaoyang Labour Camp
2003-10-17On November 3, 2002, the eve of the "16th Party Congress," the No. 5 Team organized 13 brainwashing groups, with three Dafa practitioners in each. They then bought a pile of electric batons. At the time, the Gaoyang labour camp was full of the sounds of beating, cursing, and miserable cries from the practitioners. Terror overwhelmed the whole labour camp. Everyone had a heavy and depressed mood, and they all watched outside through a window trying to see where the cries came from. They saw where the sound came from, and they saw some practitioners being beaten to point that they lost consciousness.
Practitioners' Feet Burned with Cigarette Lighters and Electric Irons: The Atrocities at the Jiutai Forced Labour Camp
2003-10-16In order to force Falun Gong practitioners to give up their beliefs, the demonic police of Group 1 in Jiutai Forced Labour Camp, Jilin Province, torment practitioners with wooden sticks, electric batons, straps, plastic tubes and other torture instruments. They have even used cigarette lighters and an electric iron to burn practitioner's feet, as well as subjected the entire group of practitioners to forcible "transformation."
Provincial Government Employee Wang Wei Is Interrogated, Tortured, and Sentenced to Forced Labour in Changchun City
2003-10-16Wang Wei was taken to an unknown area for interrogation. Gao Peng, with a group of 4 or 5 people, brutally tortured Wang Wei and detained him at the Tiebei Detention Centre. Later on, Changchun Forced Labour Education Committee illegally sentenced Wang Wei to a two-year forced labour term for "disturbing public security." They sent him to Weizigou Labour Camp of Changchun City. Wang Wei wanted to appeal and protest against the unfair judgments made and expose the brutal and evil actions of the Changchun City Police Department. However, Weizigou Labour Camp unreasonably turned down his request and confiscated his materials.