Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Ten Falun Dafa Practitioners from Shandong Province are Sent to Labour Camps
2003-09-21Tang did not cooperate with the illegal interrogation, and several police beat her up. Among them, policeman Xian Jinpeng, head of the so-called Security Joint Defense Guards, was the most vicious. Since Tang did not cooperate with the illegal interrogation, Xian slapped her face with books, which caused her face to swell. During the mistreatment, Tang still clarified the truth to him. Xian said, "I know that those who practise Falun Gong are good people, no matter if it's when they are at home or in the society. However, Jiang Zemin gives me the money, so I have to do this."
Den of Evil Xuchang Forced Labour Camp Claim: "No. 1 in Transformation Rate." of Dafa Practitioners
2003-09-20Instead of doing the torturing themselves, the police gradually change their role to be behind the scenes, instigating the prisoners to do the dirty work. Regarding the torture mentioned above, the police would say they didn't know what happened in an attempt to escape responsibility. They would make a charade of investigating the case and send the practitioner to the hospital.
Photo Report From Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp at Jiutai, Changchun City, Jilin Province
2003-09-19The labour camp's flowers and trees give people a first impression of a garden. This characteristic camouflage is common to jails and forced labour camps in Jilin Province. But the heavy iron gate, high walls, electrified fences and steel bars on the windows hint at what lies behind them. It is a world of brutality and torture, another world, a hell on earth.
40 Dafa Practitioners Go Into Shock by Being Chained Together and Suspended from Ceiling in Baimacheng Forced Labour Camp
2003-09-19For the last few years, to make Falun Gong practitioners give up their belief in "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance," the Baimacheng Forced Labour Camp formed a special team, made up of officers from the Military Force, Special Branch and inmates, to carry out the persecution work. They have used a variety of techniques to severely punish the practitioners. In June 2002, another special team called the "Will Breaker" was formed for the same purpose. Their strategy was to break the will of practitioners.
Vicious Treatment of Female Dafa Practitioner by Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp
2003-09-19Ms Xu Yanxiang is now being brutally tortured in the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp in Hebei Province. Her back and legs were severely burned by electric batons causing severe damage all the way to the layer of her muscle tissue. Even so, the police officers in the Gaoyang Labour Camp are still continuing this brutal persecution. They did not allow her to go to sleep for five days.
Exposing the Lies Published About Practitioner Xu Chuanli in the "Laiwu Daily"
2003-09-16The false report stated: "The factory management and concerned organizations treated the task of the educational transformation (Editor's note: a euphemism for "brainwashing") of Xu Chuanli as their top priority political mission. They persuaded Xu patiently and with earnest words." In fact, this was a blatant violation of a citizen's freedom of belief.
Detained Dafa Practitioners Secretly Transferred to Different Prisons
2003-09-15Because Jiang Zemin, the chief criminal in the persecution of Falun Gong, was recently charged in lawsuits from several countries, and because continues to expose the persecution that the nine practitioners have received, the corrupt officials hurriedly transferred some of the practitioners to different places.
Crimes Committed by Police at the Shanghai Forced Labour Camp
2003-09-15Police officer Xiang once commented at a meeting, "If any Falun Gong practitioners who gave up practising against their will want to come back to Dafa, the labour camp will strengthen persecutions measures to stop them."...The torture Dafa practitioner Mr. Hu Linggen suffered made his lower leg swell as big as his thigh. He has cigarettes burns on his neck and a hole in his forehead.
Shortly After Jiang Zemin's Visit to Xi'an, Atrocities Are Committed at the Zhaozhihe Forced Labour Camp
2003-09-14One day it became known that an order from a higher authority was issued to immediately "transform" the practitioners within several hours, no matter what methods were used. No one was permitted to question this demand, which exerted pressure on those labour camp officials and gave them an excuse to do whatever they wanted. Later, the leaders of all the prisoners who were grouped in different teams in the camp were called in and promised to have their prison terms shortened if they had outstanding "success."
Chengdu City Lady Dafa Practitioner in Her Sixties Arrested Eight Times
2003-09-14At her workplace, Ms. Li not only didn't receive retirement pensions any more, but her pension card, identification card, retirement card, and residency card were all taken away. Her life savings of 9000 Yuan were taken away by Ni Nianchun in March 2003. Also, friends and relatives of hers were not allowed to visit; her basic rights were taken away.
Local "610" Office Head Shamelessly Boasts of Corruption and Sadistic Deeds
2003-09-13"Think about it, which movement has not tortured people? Right now, some people in society appeal for salary, for subsistence. If they appeal too much, they will be arrested under the accusation that he or she is a trouble-making Falun Gong practitioner. Nobody dares to speak in his favour. For real Falun Gong practitioners, however they are treated, nobody dares say to anything because it is their superior who gives the order."
Exposing the Lies in the TV Series "Life is Innocent" With A Dafa Practitioner's Own Experiences in the Xin'an Labour Camp
2003-09-13Practitioners had to do a large amount of work and had to meet a quota, even if it meant staying up all night. The practitioners were forced to make toys including stuffed rabbits for the Nestle Company, cloth slippers, knit sweaters, gloves, and mats for export. We were forced to make disposable chopsticks while sitting on our bed and on the floor, as well as uniforms for labour camp detainees. The authorities even forced us to dig a two-meter's deep foundation for a conference hall.
Three Deaths and Countless Dafa Practitioners Viciously Tortured in Tianjin Forced Labour Camps
2003-09-12In China, the police who persecuted Falun Gong practitioners all know that under the order of their supervisors, no means are too extreme in treating Falun Gong practitioners. In March 2003, this labour camp set up a "forced transformation class". They recruited the most vicious policemen and drug-addict inmates into this class, and used various means to torture Dafa practitioners in addition to not allowing them any sleep and toilet visits.
The Torture Female Dafa Practitioner Suffered in the Chongqing City Women's Labour Camp
2003-09-10Seeing that I was so determined to retain my personal belief, they forced me to perform hard labour. Policewoman Luo Chunmei said brazenly, "Not giving up Falun Gong will mean facing endless imprisonment, and being sent to Daxibei [Daxibei is a term for a notorious, poor and deserted place in Northwestern China, known for its extremely harsh living conditions.]"
Forced Labour Camp Uses Depraved Means to Persecute Dafa Practitioner
2003-09-09The policemen instructed junkies to administer beatings to him and even connived with them to force-feed Huang Shaiowei soap water through his mouth and nose in order to make him write the so-called statement of "guarantee of transformation." When Huang remained unaffected and protested the treatment the two policemen said, "You want to cultivate, so we'll let you suffer."