Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Chongqing City Police Chief Fires His Pistol at a Practitioner, Misses and Hits an Innocent Bystander
2003-06-12Peng Hongbin, male, 34, former police chief from Dashiba Police Station, has participated in kidnapping Falun Gong practitioners, ransacking their homes and sending them to labour camps without trial. He aimed and fired his gun at a Falun Gong practitioner who was passing out truth clarification materials, but missed his intended target and mistakenly shot a young female bystander instead. He was sentenced to prison because of the incident.
"610 Office" Personnel Persecute Dafa Practitioners Using the Excuse of SARS Prevention
2003-06-08On the afternoon of May 25th, police discovered several Dafa practitioners in Panjin City holding a group discussion. More than 20 practitioners were arrested. Police separated them, using the excuse of "preventing SARS" by claiming that someone had a fever. The specific location where these arrested practitioners are being held is unknown. At the same time, several other practitioners were arrested from their homes. Detailed information is not available.
Police in the Jiutai Forced Labour Camp: "It is useless for you to sue us because you cannot get any evidence."
2003-06-08"Who saw it?" has become a tag for the police in Jiutai Forced Labour Camp. With this kind of mentality, they appear shameless and contemptible. When the practitioner asked police officer Zhang Baochun about the beatings, the next day he beat the practitioner, then said, "Did I beat you yesterday? Who saw it?" The first time policeman Zhang Ming talked to practitioners, he said, "It is useless for you to sue us. You can not get any evidence." The deputy chief of the police department Meng Xianglin once ordered seven policemen to beat one practitioner who refused to watch the video slandering Dafa. He even said shamelessly, "Did I beat you? I did not, did I?"
What Made the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp "Number One" in the Nation? Force-Feeding with Faeces!
2003-06-07On April 12, 2001, five Falun Gong practitioners began a hunger strike to protest the cruel torture. The policemen, having lost all shred of human conscience, responded by force-feeding the practitioners with faeces, which caused them serious stomach infections, high fevers of 104 degrees and low blood pressure, placing their lives in great danger. Since the beginning of 2003, the camp has made the force-feeding worse and worse. Each day they force-feed the practitioners twice and have increased the amount for each session. The practitioners constantly suffer from vomiting and diarrhoea.
The Icy Grip of Terror Extends to Practitioners Far and Wide in Henan Province
2003-06-07In late May 2002 he was abducted by the town police and detained in Xuchang Detention Centre. Because he refused to give up his cultivation and cooperate with the evil people in any way, he remains in detention. His family is poor and depends on the income he earns as an employee of a brick manufacturer. After he was abducted, his son could not afford to pay his tuition fee. Only with the help of relatives was he able to continue to go to school. Recently there was news that the police wanted to sentence his son, a young boy, to jail as well!
The Crimes of Zhangjiakou City "610 Office" Director Ma Fuwei and His Associates
2003-06-05Ma and Yan ignored the law and followed Jiang's orders to take away people's freedom of speech and belief. They have persecuted and tortured Dafa practitioners for the past four years. According to the law, detention centres can only hold people for up to 37 days. In the following 5 cases, the perpetrators illegally abducted the practitioners and then held them in detention centres for extended periods, well past the legal limit. Arbitrary and groundless kidnapping is a serious crime in any country.
Elderly and Young Practitioners "Disappeared" from Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp Without Trace
2003-06-01Falun Dafa practitioner, Ms Lu Suzhen from Shijiazhuang was 70 years old. She was illegally sentenced to forced labour by the Yudong Police Substation of Shijiazhuang City. Because she firmly believed in Falun Dafa, she was detained in the No. 5 Division of the labour camp. She has recently disappeared without a trace.
An Account of Crimes Committed by the Police in the 2nd Labour Camp of Shandong Province
2003-06-01These police, together with the 2nd Women's Labour Camp of Shandong Province knowingly violated the international regulations for export products. They knew that the Changhong and Haier television set brands were for export [note: prison labour is internationally unacceptable for exported products], but they still forced the practitioners in the camp to make the television coils for these plants.
Inhuman Abuses of Practitioners at Chongqing City Brainwashing Centres
2003-05-30When practitioners held hunger strikes to protest the abuses, guards would tie their hands and feet, or send the practitioners to mental institutions for force-feeding. The "teachers" (the authorities at the Centre) squandered the money confiscated from Dafa practitioners on vacations, fine dining and gambling.
Practitioners With Paraplegia and Other Disabilities Are Imprisoned at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-05-30She has paraplegia [paralysis of the lower half of the body] and cannot work at all. She has been illegally detained in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. As indicated by the camp's name, one of the criteria for being detained there is the ability to perform manual labour. However, the Masanjia Woman's Second Centre (also known as the Liaoning Province Thought Education School) has been illegally detaining many female Falun Dafa practitioners who are completely unable to perform labour.
An Elderly Practitioner Clarifies the Facts Wherever She Goes
2003-05-30This old lady clarified the facts to whomever she saw, and everywhere she went, including the police in the detention centre, people from the "610 Office," the head of a factory, and passers-by. The evil persecutors couldn't do anything and were helpless. They tried to murder the old lady but failed. They sent her home and locked her inside, not allowing her to go out. The old lady behaved the same way, telling people that Falun Dafa is good and that Jiang's regime is deceiving and harming people.
Fearful "610 Office" Orders Police to Monitor College Student Around the Clock
2003-05-28The "610 Office" sends a policewoman to "escort" her everywhere she goes, and she is not even allowed to live in the Conservatory's student dorms. She was assigned to a separate house where she is under strict surveillance at all times except during her classes. She has to return to the Brainwashing Centre during holidays. Even when she goes back to visit her relatives and friends, she's only allowed to stay for one to two hours.
Shijiazhuang City Dafa Practitioner Disabled by Torture at the Hands of "610 Office" Personnel
2003-05-26According to inside information, for nearly two years Li Huixin had become destitute and homeless in order to avoid being illegally arrested for her belief in Dafa. After she was captured, the police tortured her in order to extort a confession and hung her up by her handcuffs for 24 hours. This caused serious injuries to her hands and wrists, and she had many bruises all over her body.
Falun Dafa Cured My Illnesses, but the Jiang Regime Has Relentlessly Persecuted Me for My Firm Belief
2003-05-26On the day of a farmer's market, the police legal assistant and the tractor station director took me to the police station and cuffed me to the front door of the station. Then, he viciously told me that I would serve as a warning to the market attendees: those who would go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong would know what to expect. They forced me to wear a big display board (slandering Falun Gong) in front of my chest. Thus, I was humiliated until they took me back to the farm, which was after
Jiang's Genocide Continues Unabated-Over Seventy Practitioners From Heilongjiang Province Who Provided Information to Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang Are Illegally Arrested
2003-05-25According to reports, after Jiang was sued abroad, he secretly organised a series of systematic mass persecution in China while at the same time "working on" the United States through diplomatic means. He ordered China's National Security Department to set up a special task force to deal with the lawsuit.