Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Four Practitioners Illegally Sentenced to Nineteen and Twenty Years in Prison For Courageous TV Broadcast
2003-08-11In 2002, practitioners Huang Min, Lv Guiling, Zhang Lejin, and Jiang Luguang succeeded in transmitting cable television broadcasts which clarified the true facts about Falun Gong to different areas of Shandong Province such as Rongcheng, Rushan, and Wendeng of Weihai City, etc. They did this in an effort to prevent the world's people from being deceived by the lies coming from Jiang Zemin's regime. They had no recourse in the state-controlled media to expose the cruelty of the persecution or explain the real nature of Falun Gong to the Chinese people.
Dafa Practitioners Serving Grossly Unjust Sentences in Chuanxi Jail
2003-08-11The police once tied her to a tree and continuously electrocuted her using electric wires. After a few hours, she lost all consciousness and remained that way long after she was untied. The police also once hung her up by her hands by using thin electrical wire, the wire cut deep into her flesh while she hung in the air.
Guard in the Beijing Prisoner Dispatch Centre for Forced Labour Camps Admits: "We Have a Quota for Deaths"
2003-08-10Since many Falun Gong practitioners had endured all kinds of torture before being sent to the labour camps, many of them had wounds and injuries from the torture. Also, many practitioners had gone on hunger strikes in the detention centres to protest the illegal detention. So many of them were very weak. It was difficult for them to walk fast while carrying their luggage. The police then said viciously, "Don't think you will get released for having health problems. Even if you die, it doesn't matter. We have a quota for deaths."
Gross Mistreatment of Dafa Practitioners in Jiutai City
2003-08-10They slammed Zhao Guoxing's head against the heater, causing Mr. Zhao to bleed heavily. When the policemen viciously beat up Cao Xiaowei, he cried out loudly to expose the mistreatment and to request a talk with those policemen's bosses. However, when their bosses came, they didn't punish those policemen; instead, they accused Mr. Cao of fighting with them. They extended his sentence for another two months and didn't allow his relatives to visit him.
Chinese Government Official's Own Words: "As Long As Jiang Zemin Is In Power, Lies Rule the Country"
2003-08-09Practitioner Yin Xiaoxia said, "You want me to lie! Isn't that deceiving people?" Chen Chuanwei said, "You must say it, no matter if you want to or not. We will throw you into prison if you speak the truth, and we will let you go home if you lie. Let me tell you, as long as Jiang Zemin is in power, lies rule the country."
"Report Box": New Form of Deceit at the Heizuizi Female Forced Labour Camp
2003-08-09This "Report Box" was placed right in the cafeteria. If a practitioner wanted to place a report, he or she had no choice but to do so in front of everyone in the cafeteria, thus, it became unlikely for anyone to report or expose wrongdoings. Furthermore, attempting to report anything would trigger reprisal and revenge by those camp deputies who were afraid of their atrocities being revealed to the public. For example, Dafa practitioner Ms. Zheng Shixiang from the 2nd Brigade was cursed, beaten and electro-shocked by the deputies after she made a report.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Minli Escapes the Evil with Righteous Thoughts and Continues to Expose the Persecution
2003-08-09Since Minli's wound on her throat had not yet fully healed, the police used cigarette smoke to choke her, which made her cough badly. It also caused her to suffer severe chest pain. She could hardly breathe. She could hardly get any sleep, sleeping only one to two hours each night. She could only eat half a small bowl of gruel every day. Zhang Shouyi also viciously threatened that he would suffocate her to death with a pillow and then announce her death as a case of suicide. The police tried all means to threaten her so as to aggravate the persecution.
Toxic Drugs and Violence: Exposing the Crimes in the Banqiao Women's Forced Labour Camp of Tianjin City
2003-08-08The camp began its so-called "class for breaking [the will of] determined practitioners" on February 17, 2003. All Dafa practitioners in the camp were sent to this class. First, they underwent repeated bouts of being brutally beaten, while only being allowed two hours of sleep per day. They were confined in small solitary cells. The guards, afraid that their evildoing would be witnessed, hung up curtains to block the small cells from view.
Bitter Recollections of Being Doused in Cold Water, Stripped Naked and Lashed in Winter
2003-08-07After the guards finished their dinner they started to torture me again. I was handcuffed and was squeezed into a corner. They used their feet to compress my chest. That made me unable to breathe and I suffered pain in my ribs. They then used a lighter to burn the hairs on my chest, my beard, my eyebrows and my genitals. The torture lasted a long time. I struggled and sweated a lot. They continued torturing me with such dirty, vicious and brutal torture until they felt tired.
Brutal Torture of Female Falun Dafa Practitioner in Several Labour Camps
2003-08-05Neijiang City Detention Centre treats detainees inhumanely. The management there uses torture tools and cash fines. Everyday, each detainee only had a ration of less than a half a pound of food. Each daily necessity was used by the detention centre to make a huge profit. If one detainee violated the rules, all the people in the room would be made to pay a cash fine.
Letter to the National Security Brigade in Jiangyou City, Sichuan Province: "Unconditionally Release My Sister Liang Hua Immediately!"
2003-08-04Since July of 2001, several Chinese high-ranking officials who had initiated or executed the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners have been sued in US and European courts. These Chinese officials include the former Chinese Chairman Jiang, Luo Gan, Zeng Qinghong, the head of the "610 Office" -- Li Lanqing, the head of Police Bureau in Hubei Province -- Zhao Zhifei, the secretary of the Party of Sichuan Province -- Zhou Yunkang, former mayor of Beijing -- Liu Qi, and the Deputy governor of Liaoning Province -- Xia Deren.) Jiang is facing a worldwide prosecution for committing genocide.
The Misery in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-08-04Masanjia Labour Camp follows no laws in its persecution of Dafa practitioners. Determined Dafa practitioners' terms were casually extended for as long as the officials wanted. Some practitioners' terms had already expired but many excuses were used to extend their terms and continue to persecute them.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Brutally Tortured in Wangcun Forced Labour Camp
2003-08-03His legs were wounded so severely that he could barely walk. Even though he was badly injured, Zhongtai was still forced to wear handcuffs and shackles. When he went to the toilet, although two former practitioners carried him there, two policemen would follow. He was never allowed to see his family. When his family sent him a coat to wear in the winter, the heartless officials kept it from him.
Practitioners Tortured to Crippling Disability at the Sanshui Forced Labour Camp
2003-08-03His flesh was heavily bruised and the bone was exposed to the air. He was sent to the hospital for treatment. Simply because he was firm in his belief, at the end of April 2003, he was sent to the second substation of the forced labour camp to be tortured. The hospital bill was over 10,000 yuan for emergency treatment. Now the camp is forcing his family to pay for his treatment through the Safety Department of the Guangdong Medicine College.
Dafa Practitioners from Heilongjiang Province Suffer Horrendous Torture in Jiamusi City Forced Labour Camp
2003-08-01The evil police at Jiamusi City Labour Camp instigate criminals to beat up Dafa practitioners, because the police would then receive 2,000 Yuan as an "award" for each Dafa practitioner they brainwash. Jiang's regime awards vicious police large sums of money, squandering people's hard earned money while persecuting people.