Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Practitioner Mr. Zhang Yan Was Picked Up by Authorities While Travelling on Business in Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province
2006-11-10Mr. Zhang used to have what was considered a perfect family: a loving wife, a wonderful child, and a great job with a high income. However, since July 20th, 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party began its ban of Falun Gong, this family has suffered many hardships. This couple (both of them are practitioners) have been detained and lost their jobs. The child has suffered from the loss of her parent's care. The police constantly knocked on their door to disturb, harass, or arrest them. The 12-year-old daughter has bravely endured such horror and worry, never knowing when her mother or father would be taken away unexpectedly.
Officials Refuse to Release Mr. Liu Guihan, Who is Now in Ill Health after Arrest, Detention and Sentencing to Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp
2006-11-1065-year-old practitioner Mr. Liu Guihan was detained in the Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp on the same day that he was sentenced. On August 16th, 2006, the Shunyi Public Security Bureau sentenced Mr.. Liu Guihan to two years of forced labour. At that time, he had already been detained for more than three months, exceeding the time limit of detention by nearly two-and-a-half months. At this time, Mr. Liu suffered symptoms of severe high blood pressure, yet the forced labour camp refused to release this nearly 70-year-old man because he did not sign a Guarantee Statement to renounce his faith in Falun Gong.
Police in Huadian City, Jilin Province Arrested and Sentenced Practitioners to "Crack Down on Crime"
2006-11-08Police have been given quotas and the task of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners to prevent cable TV programmes from being tapped. Their orders were, "Rather wrongly arrest than mistakenly release," "This 'crackdown on crime' will end with many arrests and sentences," and "Once caught, they can't be released." Police arrested a 70-year-old lady, who could barely read, accusing her of being involved in cable TV tapping, yet the charges were fabricated.
Husband and Wife Practitioners Arrested in Hebei Province
2006-11-08In the summer of 2006, a plainclothes police officer rented Mr. Wang Jiangen's motorcycle, and Mr. Wang told him the facts about Falun Dafa. The officer pretended to be sympathetic and understanding and obtained Mr. Wang's personal information by taking advantage of his trust. Later, police took Mr. Wang to the police station, locked him in the interrogation room, and beat him mercilessly. They then forced him to return home and ransacked his house. They also arrested his wife and held her separately.
Crimes Committed in the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp in Chongqing City
2006-11-08On February 15th, 2006, cell leader Fu Yaqiang (male, a drug addict) had the cell gate closed and threatened practitioner Mr. Bai Tianshi, "Are you going to write the "Three Statements" today?" Mr. Bai replied, "No." Fu shouted, "If you do not write them, you will suffer today!" Several other drug addict prisoners picked up Mr. Bai, and tied his ankles to the bed posts, draping him backwards with his buttocks resting on a stool. Fu shouted again, "Are you going to write them?" Mr. Bai replied, No!" Fu said, "Since you refuse to write, I will have you experience the 'native airplane!'"
Dafa Practitioners Persecuted at the Brainwashing Centre in the Dalian Huanbao Guest House of Liaoning Province
2006-11-07The brainwashing centre forces practitioners to watch videos and recordings slandering Dafa, and uses former practitioners that have turned against Dafa. One such former practitioner is Miao Chunyan, who has come up with all kinds of phony theories to try to confuse and drag down true practitioners. Every morning, two of the people from each room report their progress to the leaders. As long as practitioners do not write the "four statements", they are not released. If over time the practitioners still do not give in, they are physically abused, sent to prison, or sent to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. Sometimes the practitioners are sent back to the brainwashing centre to be further tortured.
Dafa Practitioner Ms. Xu Suyun from Hebei Province Arrested and Imprisoned in a Labour Camp
2006-11-07On June 8th, 2006, Dafa practitioner Ms. Xu Suyun went to the Fengdao Police Station to ask for the release of another practitioner unjustly imprisoned there. For this she was detained for 15 days. After she was released on the afternoon of June 22nd, she was arrested again only one hour after she arrived home. She was then sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour and was taken to the Kaiping Women's Forced Labour Camp. Her family members were cruelly beaten by the police for seeking her release.
How Practitioners Are Tortured in the Nanhu Forced Labour Camp in Anhui Province
2006-11-07The Nanhu Forced Labour Camp is one of the primary places in Anhui province where Falun Dafa practitioners are persecuted. Many Falun Gong practitioners from Anhui province were sent to this camp for illegal forced labour. Some practitioners lost their lives here due to torture and forced labour. Mr. Yang Haisheng was sent to the "adjusting" team in 2004. Because he practised the Falun Dafa exercises at night, he was confined and inhumanly tortured.
Exposing the Slave Labour of Falun Gong Practitioners in Shandong Province's 1st Forced Labour Camp
2006-11-06Practitioners in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd divisions of the labour camp must stick the "Shuanghe" label on the packages of "Beijing's Pressure Lowering No. 0." The big box contains 2,000 medicine boxes, which are placed in two layers. Everyone has to put labels on 6,000-8,000 medicine boxes; sometimes, even over 20,000 boxes. Approximate working hours are 7:30 to 11:30 a.m., 12 to 6 p.m., and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and even 9 or 10 p.m. Practitioners have to do 12 to13 hours of high-intensity labour everyday. Long hours of labour causes extreme pain in the back, shoulders, and hands, and particularly in the neck area. The neck becomes so numb it cannot move.
Further Exposing the Crimes in Guizhou Province Lannigou Brainwashing Centre
2006-11-04Since July 20th, 1999, encouraged by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the Guizhou Province Lannigou Brainwashing Centre has held several dozen brainwashing sessions. Personnel closely monitor Falun Dafa practitioners: there are three monitors for each practitioner. Of the three monitors, two watch the practitioners 24 hours a day, and the third one is in charge of the brainwashing materials. The CCP officials use all sorts of inhuman means to reach their brainwashing goals. They have even deceived practitioners into taking drugs that damage the nerves.
Hebei Province: Plainclothes Police Break into Practitioner Cui Fengluan's Home and Take Her Husband Away
2006-11-04On October 11th, 2006, four plainclothes policemen broke into the home of Falun Gong practitioner Cui Fengluan. They did not identify themselves and rummaged through the rooms like criminals. Li Zengxiang, Cui Fengluan's husband,who is not a practitioner, thought they were robbers and tried to stop them. But two of them beat Li Zengxiang and then pushed him into a waiting vehicle. When asked by several people, they just said they were police searching for Falun Gong materials. However, they did not show any identification. They also beat the residents. Cui Fengluan escaped when they were not looking. Li Zengxiang was detained until midnight.
Ms. Liu Xiangfen Escaped to the U.S. and Described Her Persecution Suffered in Beijing
2006-11-03I am a Falun Dafa practitioner who came to the US from Beijing, China. Starting in 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Gong, I was detained four times. Two times I was held in a detention centre and the other two times in a forced labour camp. After I was released in 2005 my two-and-a-half-year-old daughter didn't recognise me any more and saw her babysitter as her mother. My elder daughter (10 years old) had also changed. My husband had a child with his mistress when I was detained at the forced labour camp and asked for a divorce.
Day in Court? How the Communist Party’s Court in Laixi City, Shandong Province, Denied Justice
2006-11-03On October 8th, 2006, Judge Wang Huanxian from Laixi Courthouse called Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Yuxiang’s family and notified them that her court date would be October 10th, 2006. He did not tell them the location. Ms. Chen’s family went through much trouble to find out the location the next day and learned it would be inside the Dashan No. 3 Detention Centre in Qingdao City and that the actual date would be October 11th. On October 10th, Ms. Chen’s family requested to attend the court proceedings. The judge replied, "Chen Yuxiang has already signed the document refusing to have anyone defend her and refusing to meet with her family." (The truth is that Ms. Chen never signed such a document.)
Ms. Zhang Shulian from Shandong Province Taken to Jinan Women's Forced Labour Camp
2006-11-03At noon on September 12th, 2006, after Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhang Shulian arrived home from shopping, police broke into her home and searched it thoroughly. They then tried to force Ms. Zhang to come with them, but she refused to cooperate and did not want to get into the vehicle. They hit her with their fists, kicked her, and physically carried her into the vehicle. They have by now secretly taken Ms. Zhang Shulian to the Jinan Women's Forced Labour Camp.
Exposing the Crimes Against Dafa Practitioners Committed in Inner Mongolia by the Labour Camp Bureau
2006-11-02A letter written by a practitioner and secretly smuggled out of Wuyuan Forced Labour Camp: "Li Weidong gagged me with a towel and tied my hands behind my back. Then guards shocked me on the ears, face and neck with electric batons. The electric batons sparked and the electric shocks made my head shake continuously. Being tied up, my body was unable to move. I fell down. They turned my body over and shocked my forehead and ears. I bit the towel and endured the extreme pain. They shocked me with electric batons for thirty minutes, but I didn't give in. One guard took off my trousers. Li Weidong started shocking my belly. Later, he took off my underwear and shocked my anus with the electric baton."