Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office

  • Female Falun Gong Practitioner Suffers Mental Collapse from Extreme Physical and Mental Torture

    Two nights later, Xinmin was called in again. She came back at midnight with black and blue marks all over her whole body from an electric baton. On top of that, they took turns attacking her. Xinmin started to show abnormal behaviour, sometimes crying and sometimes smiling. Even under such conditions, they still said she was pretending and continued to beat her and torture her.
  • Women Practitioners Suffer Ferocious Persecution in Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp

    Cruel officer Li Qi covered their mouths with three layers of wide bandages and then handcuffed Peng Shiqiong to a tree beside the front door, with only her toes touching the ground. Under Li Qi's instruction, all the common prisoners rushed over and kicked and beat her. Officer Li Qi said while beating her, "If I beat you to death, the worst thing that can happen to me is that I will no longer be a police officer."
  • Stiff Sentence Handed Out to Innocent Female Practitioner in Jiaozhou City

    As soon as she walked into the brainwashing centre, the police beat her violently, resulting in a broken leg. To protest the illegal and cruel treatment, Ji Xiuling started a hunger strike. Her peaceful and righteous action did not stop police atrocity. They even intensified their brutality by force-feeding her with alcohol.
  • Gruesome Torture Against Female Practitioners in Tangshan City Hehuakeng Forced Labour Camp

    From June 6 to June 8, the police exhausted all means attempting to force me to provide them information about other practitioners and the sources of truth-clarifying materials. Because I refused to tell them, they forcibly inserted a mop handle into my private parts, beat the soles of my feet, pulled my hair and slammed my face, they even shocked me with electric batons after they poured water all over my body.
  • Dafa Practitioner Endures Unjust Second Term in Huludao City Forced Labour Camp

    Criminal jail guards including Zhang Fusheng tortured Yu Nanying on his private parts with electric batons. Each shock session lasted 20 to 30 minutes, causing permanent genital pain. Dong Liyong shocked Yu Nanying on the head with electric batons. While shocking him, he asked: "do you still practise or not?"
  • Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp Falsifies Death Records of Tortured Falun Dafa Practitioners

    Falun Gong practitioners tortured to death there are sent for immediate cremation without ever being seen by their family members. The perpetrators find a few criminals to be false witnesses by saying that the deaths were caused by heart disease or some other untruthful reason. They hand in the falsified death reports to higher authorities, who do nothing to check up on the reports and simply rush through death certificates based on the falsified records.
  • Classmates Forced to Closely Watch Female Practitioner at College Campus

    After this term ended, I returned to school, where my department arranged for two classmates to live with me off campus. These classmates were assigned to report to the department office. They had to follow me closely, never leave me alone, and were even threatened that if I went to appeal or did other things for Dafa, they would not graduate.
  • Dying Dafa Practitioner Still Detained at the Dehui Detention Centre

    Ever since he was transferred from Harbin to a local detention centre, Lin has been unable to move from bed. His jaw is locked closed. He is living in a vegetative state. Two of Lin's ribs were broken from torture, and he is on the verge of death. However, the police department of Dehui and the detention centre would not allow him any medical care, nor release him.
  • Gruesome Exposure of Tieling Forced Labour Camp's Persecution of Practitioners

    Unit leader Wang Zhibin would say to the others from time to time, "It would be easier if we could just bury them all alive." Under his orders, they have used handcuffs, shackles, electric batons, spiked-clubs, and other things to torture the peaceful practitioners.
  • Record of the Savage Atrocities in the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City (1999-2001) [Part 1]

    This article reveals the inhumane persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City from 1999 through 2001. This includes individual and group torture, forced-feeding, and imprisonment of female practitioners in male cells, among other gruesome and inhumane methods. From the perspective of witnesses, it unmasks the shocking murder case on June 20, 2001 and exposes the lies fabricated by the Jiang regime.
  • 15-Year Old Dafa Practitioner Submits Evidence to the WOIPFG For the Lawsuit Against Jiang

    My family, once happy and harmonious due to our practice of Falun Dafa, is now persecuted by Jiang's regime so severe that my family members cannot even reunite. At the age of 15, I am now deprived of my parents and the privilege of going to school. Even more, during this time period, which Jiang's regime hails as "the best time of China for human rights," a 15-year old child has become the victim of reckless police kidnapping and pursuit.
  • Heavy Sentences For Falun Dafa Practitioners after Sham Trials in Changchun City

    In the majority of cases, the above practitioners were sentenced in secret trials and their families were not notified beforehand. During the trial practitioners were physically restrained by their throat, preventing them from speaking on their own behalf. During the show trial, the prosecutor read some pre-arranged statements, and each trial concluded hurriedly in around 10 minutes...lawyers are only allowed to plead guilty for Falun Gong practitioners.
  • New Types of Insidious Brainwashing Even More Evil Than Before

    This new type of brainwashing doesn't directly persecute Falun Dafa practitioners physically, but instead tries to disorient and torture them mentally. It is therefore more deceptive and harder for people to realise what's going on. It tries to turn the families of Dafa practitioners against them so that they feel lonely, misunderstood, and upset.
  • Woman Dafa Practitioner Recounts Cruel Persecution in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp

    The hostile environment and physical tortures caused my menstruation to stop for eight-and-a-half months. At the end of October 2000, I started to have difficulty speaking. Later I had to write down what I wanted to say. Political chief Li Shuhuan ordered four to five people to carry me to the hospital. The preliminary x-ray that I had at Shenyang City Medical College showed that I had thyroiditis. Later, my physical condition continued to worsen. Sometimes I could not even lie on my back to sleep. I had difficulty breathing, and I could not freely move my neck.
  • Sham Trial in Changchun City Exposes the True nature of the Police

    On December 3, 2002, I was sent to the court secretly, charged with so-called "obstruction of justice" and other fabricated charges. While in court, I was restrained with twenty-pound shackles (about nine kilos). This type of restraint is usually used for dangerous murderers. I felt the situation was both sad and ridiculous. I loudly shouted: "Placing Dafa practitioners on trial brings shame to the nation of China!"