Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
The Suffering of Female Practitioner in the Banqiao Female Labour Camp
2003-05-08The authorities forced her to do the hardest labour they could. That involved continuously loading and unloading heavy bags of goods, each of which weighed about sixty-five to seventy kilograms (about one hundred fifty pounds). In the midst of a harsh winter, the police took off her clothes and threw her naked out into the yard so as to make her suffer through freezing.
Former 'Collaborator' Suddenly Wakes Up and Sees Clearly the Evil of Jiang's Regime
2003-05-08I had just sat down in a restaurant when I was arrested along with other fellow practitioners. At the Beijing Huilongguan Police Substation, we had no food or water. My son who was less than a year old slept on a wooden board on the cement floor. For three days, I was not able to nurse him since I had no breast milk. The police took turns trying to brainwash me and threatened that they would send me to the mental asylum and my son to the welfare house.
Bright Thirteen Year Old Girl Persecuted Because of Her Belief in Dafa
2003-05-07In May 2000, the police illegally ransacked her home, arrested her, merely thirteen years old and sent her to a brainwashing class in Lanzhou. They interrogated her about the situation in her home but she told them nothing. Neither the phony kindness of the evildoers nor the distorted reasoning of former practitioners who have turned against Dafa under pressure could confuse her.
My Torment in a Shanghai Forced Labour Camp
2003-05-07I found out later that because officer Xia was very angry with them for not being able to brainwash me, the prisoners were punched and kicked and had their merit grades deducted--that is why they vented their anger on me. The head of the prisoners, Zhao Qingliang, yelled furiously, "I have transformed [brainwashed] dozens of people (I got to know later, it was just a few people). Nobody can escape."
Dafa Practitioners Reach The Limit of Their Endurance in Shijiazhuang City Forced Labour Camp
2003-05-05A captain from one group wrote something on a piece of paper cursing Teacher and forced me to wear that piece of paper. He said, "Don't even think about taking it off if you don't write the 'guarantee letters'." Then they sent me to a brainwashing class. They continued to try to force me to swear at Falun Dafa and at Teacher. I refused. Seeing that I wouldn't give in, they cuffed me to the heating pipes in an office and made me stand there, absolutely still.
Barbaric Deeds Occurring Against Practitioners in Nanmusi Female Forced Labour Camp
2003-05-05In September 2000, police went to my daughter's school to threaten her. Police asked her principal and teachers to force her to give up Falun Gong, otherwise she wouldn't be allowed to go to school. The principle didn't co-operate with the police because my daughter is considered to be a good student.
Account of the Torture I Suffered in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp During the Past Three Years (Part 1)
2003-05-05The author of this article has been illegally detained at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, Shenyang, Liaoning Province since October 1999, only because she practised Falun Gong. In the laour camp, the torture she suffered caused her to almost become blind, and she lost her hearing from being beaten. She was shocked by electric batons, heavily beaten up, shut up in a closed cell, and forced to perform hard labour.
An Extremely Evil Place - Wanjia Forced Labour Camp(1999- 2001) (Part 2)
2003-05-04Still not satisfied, policeman Wu Baoyun hit Yang Xiuli's face, head and body randomly with a mop soaked with urine. The inhumane Li Ming pinched Yang between the legs, and then grabbing Yang by the hair, banged her head on a radiator. The painful crying and the hatchet men's cursing and sneering filled the cell. It was truly a hell on earth.
The Hellish Torture of Falun Dafa Practitioners at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp: a Personal Report
2003-05-03Feng Yulin, a drug addict, was about to beat her. When Yang saw him come toward her, she quickly rushed out the door and cried, "Help! They're going to beat me!" The team guard on duty in the courtyard only turned around to take a look, and kept on walking as if nothing had happened. Yang's cries for help reverberated in the quadrangle but got no response.
An Extremely Evil Place- Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-05-03The policeman Wu Hongxun requestd a doctor from the police unit check whether she was conscious. He said, "It's ok that she is still breathing, even if she dies, it's fine." He tied her to the steel chair with her head drooped over. He thought she was pretending to be unconscious so he used a rope and tied her head to the chair.
Brutal Torture of Elderly Women and Teenage Girls in Henan Province Forced Labour Camp
2003-05-01I could hear them scream painfully. The vicious guards not only participated in the beating, but also ordered the criminal inmates to beat the practitioners. A woman in her 50's who refused to give up her belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance was also handcuffed behind her back and then hung up on a doorframe. The guards kept swinging her body, and she was in extreme pain.
"610 Office" Cruelly Tortures Dafa Practitioners Using Snakes and Scorpions
2003-05-01To further intensify the torture, the head of the local "610 Office" ordered the thugs to purchase a snake and keep it unfed in a basket. After several days, the thugs placed the basket near Dafa practitioner Mr. Peng and removed the cover. The snake was so desperate at being confined and unfed that it sprung out of the basket and bit Mr. Peng on the neck, leaving its tooth lodged underneath his skin.
Liaoyuan Forced Labour Camp Uses Cruel Torture Methods In an Attempt to Force Dafa Practitioners to Give Up their Faith
2003-04-30Certain lawless individuals from Liaoyuan Forced Labour Camp used deception to manipulate officials above and control officials below. They employed the cruelest means of torture against Dafa practitioners in order to please the "higher ups," all for the sake of their self interest, attempting to make us give up our cultivation.
Xinhua Forced Labour Camp Employs Dragonian Measures on Practitioners
2003-04-28The police pay much attention to the so-called "transformation," trying hard to force practitioners to give up their practice of Dafa. Police are promised 10,000 to 30,000 Yuan [the average monthly income in China is about 500 Yuan] for each practitioner who renounces Dafa. For prisoners, they are promised a reduction of term anywhere between 20 days and 3 months.
Tragic Account of Suffering of Family of Falun Dafa Practitioners
2003-04-26During three years' persecution, my relatives have also suffered from the pain of separation, and from continued fear and worry. My grandmother, who is in her 80's developed senile dementia after her daughter and son-in-law were sent to a forced labour camp.