Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Urgent Appeal: German Resident Held in Shiyan Forced Labour Camp's Brainwashing Centre (Phone Numbers Included)
2003-03-08Lin Wenrong went back to Wuhan City, Hubei Province on January 17th, 2003. She went to Tiananmen on her own several days later, and was arrested there. Because she is registered as a resident in Shiyan City, Hubei Province, she was immediately sent to the Xiajiadian Forced Labour Camp in Shiyan City, Hubei Province (under the name of a "Legal Education Base"). This labour camp is actually a vicious brainwashing centre used to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners, and many Falun Dafa practitioners are locked up inside. One brainwashing class is held there every month.
Cases of Shanghai Jiaotong University Alumni Being Persecuted for Practising Falun Gong
2003-03-08Upon appealing, the police brutally beat him up and detained him in a detention centre in a Beijing suburb. Later, he was transferred to the "Beijing Seventh Section" [This place handles big and important cases in the nation.] where the police tortured him and even broke one of his legs. Because of his deteriorating health, he was unconditionally released after more than thirty days of detention. In early August, he got a job in Shanghai, and around 11pm on September 30, 2002, the police broke into his apartment and took him away.
Elementary School Pupil asks His Father to Include his Story of the Persecution to Expose the Evildoers
2003-03-07"To disclose Jiang's persecution of Falun Gong, we are preparing evidence to sue him in court." The son answered, "Please also include me in it. I was also persecuted! I was also detained for 10 days." While the father was in a labour camp and the mother was arrested, no one could take care of their son, so he was also thrown into a brainwashing class together with the mother.
Jilin Dafa Practitioner Appeals to U.S. Court Against the Atrocities Committed by Jiang's Regime
2003-03-06I'm glad to hear that your court has accepted the Genocide civil suit against Jiang Zemin filed by Falun Dafa practitioners and their relatives. My family and I, who live in Mainland China, have suffered both physical and psychological torture. Soon such unprecedented injustice will end and the truth will be exposed. The following statement is the true story of the brutal tortures my family and I have suffered, and I hope it can serve as part of the evidence for Jiang's crimes.
"Permitted Death Quotas" in the Wujiabao Forced Labour Camp Lead to a Frenzy of Torture
2003-03-06In July, the authorities in the Wujiabao camp increased their persecution against Dafa practitioners. The authorities said that the central committee had ordered and permitted a death quota. Within the quota, policemen could take no responsibility even if they had killed Dafa practitioners during their torture. Following this order, Wu Aidong organised more vicious tortures aimed at "reforming" Dafa practitioners in various brutal ways. Those atrocious scenes were too horrible to look at.
Whole Family Torn Apart and Persecuted in Longkou City
2003-03-05The 70-year-old parents of Lu Renjuan were threatened and harassed by the authorities until they fell ill. The local government of Longkou City and Xiadingjia government often went to Lu Renjuan's home to confiscate her property, and they even entered the houses of her parents-in-law and sisters-in-law. Her poor mother could not endure the constant terror of this treatment and finally passed away.
Atrocities Committed Against Falun Gong Practitioners at Shibalihe Forced Labour Camp
2003-03-05The group leader, Jia Meili, said, "I want to sabotage Falun Dafa...I want to torture Falun Dafa practitioners. Don't let me find any pretext to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. I am not scared of going to hell."
Secret Trial Sentences Five Dafa Practitioners to Outrageously Harsh Terms in Shuangyashan City
2003-03-05One family member protested vehemently, and was finally allowed to go in after the court began its proceedings. When she cried, upon seeing her loved one, the court officials removed her for "disturbing the court". She was removed for such an excuse, when in fact she didn't even speak a word. She had only become saddened at the sight of her family member. Three other attendees were also forced out for attempting to wave at the practitioners whom they knew.
Harbin City Female Rehabilitation Centre Police Savagely Torture Dafa Practitioners
2003-03-02Some practitioners really could not withstand the pain and thus signed the statement to agree to be "transformed." In the end, they were badly beaten until they agreed to "take the initiative to be transformed." The base rehabilitation police, however, told the family members of the Dafa practitioners who had inquired about them, "They are better off here than at home. They eat their fill of three meals everyday."
Falun Dafa Practitioner Suffers Agonising Persecution at Jiutai Forced Labour Camp
2003-03-02They claimed that Yang's muscles were atrophied and that he needed a "massage." Shortly after, Yang's miserable screaming could be heard by the entire Education Team. The guards' laughing and loud speaking could also be heard...What had actually happened was that the guards pushed Yang into an empty wardrobe used by the inmates, closed the door, and then beat him with batons and sticks. Poor Yang Lidong was beaten so badly that he lost control of his bowels.
Falun Gong Practitioners Detained in the Shibalihe Women's Forced Labour Camp Suffer Inhuman Torture
2003-03-02Upon regaining consciousness she still did not cooperate, so the wicked police asked two drug addicts to drag her back and forth on the floor like a mop. She was nearly tortured to death. Once, the heartless police tied her up for five days. When she finally fainted from tremendous pain they untied the ropes, only to tie her up again when she regained consciousness.
Letter to United States District Court: Poignant Facts of the 3-Year Persecution of Jilin City Husband and Wife Falun Dafa Practitioners
2003-03-01On the morning of October 1st, around 8 a.m., I unfurled a 5-meter-long banner that said, "Falun Dafa is Good!" Several dozen police began beating me, some with long iron bars hidden in their sleeves to strike my head repeatedly. My head and entire body were bleeding. My clothes were soaked with blood. I passed out on the spot and was carried by the police to Beijing's Qianmen Police Station. The police threw me in a quiet place while I was still unconscious and left me for the night.
Baimalong Women's Forced Labour Camp Create A Vicious Attack Team to Brutally Torture Dafa Practitioners
2003-03-01Practitioner Cao Xianghui was sent to the "attack team" twice. The first time she was tortured severely, to the point where she could not move her lower body. Later she was once again sent to the "attack team" for staging a hunger strike in protest. They tortured her day and night, and her cries of pain could be heard from her cell constantly. No person with any sense of humanity would not be moved by such scenes of horror.
Shuangcheng City Second Detention Centre Torments Woman Practitioner Until She Loses Her Mind
2003-03-01Ms. Xu Lijuan and her husband are both laid-off workers, and are therefore in considerable financial difficulty. They have had to spend close to 10,000 Yuan to treat Ms. Xu, [500 Yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China] who remains listless, and has lost part of her memory. She cannot take care of herself. Because Ms. Xu's husband has to take care of her and also their daughter, who is in school, he cannot go out to work to earn money. He is extremely distressed and exhausted. The family has to rely on the financial help of their relatives in order to survive.
Practitioners Expose the Crimes of Shenyang City's Dabei Prison to the "World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong"
2003-02-28The means they used are a collection of various nation-wide evil methods, all of which are very vicious and base. Last June, a Dafa practitioner was killed at Ward No. 7 in the Dabei Women's Prison. At the end of 2002, over 10 Dafa practitioners had been persecuted to death. But the criminals who killed those practitioners are still protected by Jiang's power and haven't been punished yet. They still conduct crimes out of their desire for political self interest and monetary gain.