Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Hebei Province: How Pingquan County "610 Office" Personnel Persecute Dafa Practitioners
2003-03-21Under orders from the "610 Office," county police disregard the law and violently abuse kind-hearted people. Their means of persecution include physical assault, detention, house arrest, home searches, and forcing practitioners to hand over Dafa books and Dafa materials for destruction. They also open and seize Dafa practitioners' personal mail, tap phone lines, and impose fines on practitioners.
Prolonged Torture and Sexual Abuse of Female Practitioners in the Dalian Forced Labour Camp
2003-03-20In the Dalian Forced Labour Camp, when Dafa practitioners were first taken there, they were forced to sign something known as the "10 Prohibitions" paper (No exercising, no Dafa studying, no recital of Dafa articles, etc). If any practitioner refused to sign it, they were beaten mercilessly. Female practitioner Li Hua refused to sign, so she was tortured while her head was covered. Her face became unrecognisable from the torture she received and afterwards the base police officers joked and humiliated her due to her appearance.
Disgusting Crimes Committed Against Dafa Practitioners in Daqing Forced Labour Camp: Force-Feeding Faeces!
2003-03-20Wang Yingzhou, who called himself "Evil from hell" -- led Zhao Jinfa, Cai Shuguo, Huo Jian and others to persecute practitioners by all means. The following are a few examples. In winter, they poured cold water on practitioners a hundred times or more in addition to blowing cold air on them with fans. They even force-fed practitioners faeces!
Barbaric Violence and Sexual Torture of Female Practitioners in Hanzhong Detention Centre
2003-03-19In order to force Dafa practitioners to betray their belief, they severely beat up practitioners daily, employing all different kinds of cruel torture methods. When Dafa practitioners lost consciousness from being beaten, guards instigated the inmates to pour water mixed with instant noodle seasoning and hot pepper into their noses. They continued to hit practitioners even after they regained consciousness.
Three Horrifying Years For A Female Dafa Practitioner in Weifang City, Shandong Province
2003-03-19They quickly isolated the woman of more than 50 years old to another room and beat her up. Coming from the other side through the wall, I could hear shouting, screaming and moans of agony. And on this side, a police officer beat me on the head with an electric baton, and used different ways of abusing me until I finally collapsed on the ground. Then they ran a dirty mop over my face again and again. This went on until midnight.
Atrocities at the Dalian Forced Labour Camp
2003-03-19Inside the strict control room, there were only a few wooden boards on the bed without any covers, and my hands and feet were shackled to the bed 24 hours a day. I could not move at all. I was bleeding terribly under the cruel torture, my pants were full of blood and faeces, my blood made the boards all red, and my whole body was so cold that it shook and made the whole bed shake along with it. Worrying that other people could hear the miserable cries from the small cell, they stuffed dirty rags into practitioners' mouths using a steel wire to fasten it there.
The Brutal Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners at Women's Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province
2003-03-18Even during severely cold winter weather, the prison guards strip off the practitioners' clothes, handcuff and hang them up in front of windows to catch the winter draft. Moreover, they connect high voltage electricity from the steel window bars to the bodies of practitioners, and prolong the torture continuously for days...Any practitioner who protests the mistreatment with a hunger strike is to be forced to hold a strong salt water solution in his mouth, and the mouth is sealed with tape.
FDI: Practitioner Song Xu Tortured To the Verge of Death - Fellow Practitioners Call for Urgent Rescue
2003-03-17Henan Agricultural University alumnus, 29-year-old Falun Gong practitioner, Mr. Song Xu was abducted a fifth time by the local police officers. He suffered terrible tortures and his health is in a desperate condition. In early January 2003, he was sent to Jinshui Hospital for medical treatment. Around February 10, he was sent to an emergency room for rescue and he has been there for more than 20 days up to present. Overseas Falun Gong practitioners call for an urgent rescue of Song Xu.
Torture of Falun Dafa Practitioner Hong Haoyuan in the Sanshui Labour Camp Exposed
2003-03-17Hong Haoyuan was illegally sentenced to be detained in the Sanshui Labour Camp for two years. To be true to his belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance" he insisted on practicing Falun Gong in the labour camp, and suffered inhumane torture at the hands of the police. Before being sent to Sanshui Labour Camp, Hong Haoyuan was young and strong; but after he was released he had become emaciated and severely weakened...He passed away at 2 a.m. on February 5th, 2003 because his body had become extremely weak.
A Previous UK Scholar has Been Unlawfully Detained in China
2003-03-11Zheng Xujun, who was a visiting scholar at Liverpool University in 1999, and his wife Su Nan, have been unlawfully detained in Chinese labour camps since they appealed for Falun Gong in Beijing in 1999. UK practitioners have launched SOS rescue efforts to ensure the release of these two innocent people. Such kind, upright and considerate people are treated harshly and inhumanely: Isnt it our mutual responsibility to rescue them?
Female Falun Gong Practitioners Endure Savage Beatings and Sexual Abuse in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-03-11Except for a brief time for brushing their teeth and having meals, these practitioners were forced to sit on tiny benches from 5:00 am until midnight. Anyone who disobeyed the police would be hung up and shocked with electric batons. The police also told practitioners scheduled for release that once they were released, they should tell others that they were truly reformed [meaning "giving up their practice of Dafa"] and not forced to do so.
Inhuman Guards at Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp Inflict Agonising Pain on Practitioner
2003-03-11Then, they whipped him with a wire until his wounds were as deep as 1 cm. Next, they dumped salt onto the wounds and mashed it in with their hands. Then, they did the same thing with detergent. They finished by dumping ten basins of cold water on his body. He was in agony, while the base guards revelled in his pain!
Zhangshi Forced Labour Camp Carry Out Sadistic Torture of Dafa Practitioners
2003-03-10Sadistic police used high voltage electric batons to shock Zhang on his abdomen, back, arm and armpit, for more than two hours. Zhang's upper body was burned all over by the electricity until there seemed to be no unwounded skin on his upper body. However, Zhang didn't yield from beginning to end.
Family Broken Apart and Suffering Terrible Persecution in Qinghai Province
2003-03-09All the family members, including two children (a 12-year-old girl and a 2-year-old baby girl) of Mr. He's relatives who were living there temporarily, were arrested and detained for over 12 hours. Zhao Xiangzhong was detained in solitary confinement at the forced labour camp and subjected to brutal torture. The only place to sleep was on the cold, hard concrete floor.
Horrific Smell of Burning Flesh Fills the Air as Dafa Practitioners are Brutally Tortured in Jinzhou Labour Camp
2003-03-09The 2nd Brigade in Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp is a concentration camp to torture Dafa practitioners. I was detained there for about four months, and witnessed the insanity of the demonic police officers. Since September 2002, determined Dafa practitioners were brought to the torture chambers. There are two such chambers in which Dafa practitioners were tortured in two different ways.