Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Criminal Officials of Sichuan Province Plan to Establish Brainwashing Centres in Every City
2003-07-06The "610 Office" from the Qingbaijiang District met with "610 Offices" from the surrounding area and the district government to come up with a new "plan" to force practitioners to give up cultivation. They talk with the practitioners, and then if the practitioner still insists on practising Falun Gong, he will be asked to report to the "610 Office" and the local police department.
Husband and Sons in Sichuan Province Assault Practitioner Forcing Her to Escape
2003-07-06Because of the policy that implicated them and threatened their interests, they took it out on me by resorting to all forms of violence -- banging me against a wall, attempting to throw me down a flight of stairs, slapping me on the face, strangling me with their hands, and pinching me leaving wounds all over my body. The neighbour saw that I was beaten up and said: "Is Falun Gong really that good? Your two sons and your husband hit you so heartlessly, yet you didn't fight back or scorn them."
Expose the Hypocritical Mask of the Female Labour Camp of Sanshui City
2003-07-06The police took determined Falun Gong practitioners individually to "teaching" buildings, hospitals, and other buildings outside which were so-called "Education Schools with Law," labour camp offices, etc. to brainwash practitioners. The means they used included sleep deprivation for several days and nights, handcuffing, torturing with electric batons, beating, cursing and not allowing practitioners to use the toilet, etc.
The "610 Office" Headquarters Issues Command: Kill Dafa Practitioners at Will
2003-07-03It was reported that the "610 Office" headquarters in China issued a new rule to its nationwide affiliated "610 Offices" in early April of 2003. The new rule stated: In dealing with Falun Gong practitioners who are distributing Falun Gong materials or having a gathering, the "610 Office" members can shoot these practitioners without firing warning shots first if they resist arrest.
Innocent Mudanjiang City Practitioner Once Again Sentenced to Forced Labour
2003-07-02One day, there was a "reform meeting." Li Qiliang firmly refused to go there, so he was carried to the site by force. When he was resisting the persecution and shouting, "Dafa is good," the inhuman guards choked his throat and covered his mouth, and carried him out of the meeting place to beat him further. Just because he refused to give up his belief and did not compromise, the guards claimed that he had a mental disease and sent him to a mental hospital
Horrors of Tianjin's Shuangkou Forced Labour Camp
2003-07-01At that time my legs, chest, and hands were infected, but the camp still forced us to perform slave labour. Camp police arranged for me to pack chopsticks into paper envelopes or make vegetarian shish kebabs. In the food processing plant, many detained practitioners got scabies, and some even had yellowish pus oozing out of the blisters on their fingers. Without the use of gloves, the pus contaminated the food and the chopsticks.
Falun Gong Practitioners Barbarically Hung on Crosses for Days in Shandong Province 2nd Forced Labour Camp
2003-06-29In this labour camp, the police often tortured Qian Fajun and Liu Jinhui. Policemen Li Gongming, Yue Linzhen, and Yang Peng beat them, and forced them into a cell where they were constantly monitored during the night. These vicious policemen beat the practitioners' chests with their fists until they were tired. They also handcuffed the practitioners with two sets of handcuffs and barbarically hung them on a cross. The practitioners were deprived of sleep for 4 days and nights. The practitioners' limbs were swollen and they were unable to grab onto anything or walk.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Perform Slave Labour to Earn Foreign Dollars for Shandong Province Labour Camp
2003-06-28This labour camp mainly processes and sews quilts for the Lider General Corporation Ltd. in Changyi, Weifang City. The quilts are for export to more than ten countries, including Japan and South Korea. The labour camp forces practitioners to put name-brand labels on the quilts such as "Beijing Jiangyaling" and "Shuanghe."
Why Are Good People in Prison Instead of with Their Families?
2003-06-28He started to refuse to eat what I cooked and stopped talking to me. Later he said he would rather have a wife who was not as good as me as long as she did not practise Falun Gong, to bring him a peaceful life. I thought as a couple we couldn't suffer together and go through tribulations as well. He pushed me so hard that I agreed to get a divorce. I felt very hurt. I lost my home and stayed at my work unit's dorm.
Diary from the "610 Office" Brainwashing Centre -- "With All His Might, the Policeman Whacked Me on the Head with a Police Baton
2003-06-28Finally, the policeman used all his might and whacked me on the head with his police baton. My body started to twitch and I was not aware of the condition my face was in. I only felt that the fluids in around my brain were squirting out and fluid trickled down my face. But I was firm in my belief in Teacher, and knew that I would definitely be all right. Perhaps my condition was very terrifying; the policeman who had hit my head wore a look of horror. He cast a glance at the other policeman and quickly walked away.
Follow-up Report on the Rape of Chongqing University Female Graduate Student Wei Xingyan by Vicious Policemen
2003-06-27The "610 Office" also threatened the Chongqing University leaders, the Engineering school leader, the department heads and fellow teachers, the students, and so on. They are completely forbidden from talking and enquiring about Wei Xingyan's story. They have also officially informed Chongqing University to speak along the same line: "Tell all outsiders that you do not have a student named Wei Xingyan, and do not admit there is a field called high-pressure direct current transmission and simulation technology (or high-pressured power transformer)."
Torture, Rape, and Extortion: Crimes Committed By Shandong Province "610 Office" And Police
2003-06-27With direct supervision of Shi Xuezeng and Ma Wenchang, Bing Fengtai led the hired thugs to beat her for several hours until she lost consciousness. These men were so evil that they enjoyed the torture as if it was some kind of twisted and entertaining game. They even exchanged their "experiences of beating and torturing" as if it was everyday conversation.
Shanghai Dafa Practitioners Fall Victim to a New Round of Persecution
2003-06-26Mr. Ma usually looked after his wife, who suffers from hemiplegia. After his illegal arrest, his 7 year old grandchild and his 80 year old mother were left at home with his wife. Even though other practitioners volunteered to look after them the police refused to allow it, without giving any reason. The police also refused to allow Ma's family members to visit him in the detention centre. Mr. Ma is a retiree of almost 60 years of age.
Torment Beyond Imagination Endured by Female Dafa Practitioners in Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp
2003-06-25In 2002, after disappearing for quite a while, Zhang Yijie, a very dedicated practitioner finally reappeared. However, a large area of her body was badly bruised. A large portion of her face was dark purple and swollen. Her eyes were swollen shut. Prison police and some collaborators shamelessly yelled, "She has done plastic surgery on herself!"
Chongqing University Removed and Changed Specific Information in Its Website To Conceal Rape Case
2003-06-22In order to conceal a very depraved case of a female postgraduate student being raped by the policeman in public, Chongqing University went so far as to delete the speciality of "High-voltage Transmission Power" from its website and then claimed that there was no such a student. The university has really gone too far by taking these actions.