Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
The Criminal Behaviour of Zhang Shoujiang and Yi Xiuyan in Panjin Labour Camp [Part 1]
2002-11-09They slapped her more than one hundred times, until they all got tired and gasped for breath. They rested for a while and then started punching and kicking her again on her head, neck, ears, chest, and back...Teng's back and buttocks were purple and black, with flesh badly bruised and lacerated. Her chest area was too painful to bear, and her left upper arm was dislocated. Painfully she had to put her arm back in place by herself. The pain from this episode lasted for more than 20 days and she could not lift her arm up at all. Her right upper arm was beaten so badly that her hand lost much of its strength
More Atrocities at the Wanjia Labour Camp in Harbin City
2002-11-08Yao tied two Dafa practitioners' hands behind their backs and hung them in the hallway with their toes barely touching the ground for an entire day. In the evening, they used electric batons to shock them. They specifically shocked certain acupuncture points to intensify the pain. They yelled as they shocked the practitioners, "Are you giving up? If you don't, we will beat you to death. You will die for nothing as nobody will know."
Shenyang Dabei Prison Staff Members Viciously Abuse Falun Gong Practitioners Who Steadfastly Refuse to Give Up Their Belief
2002-11-07If he could not keep in place during the sitting, two criminal inmates would force him to by pricking him with steel nails. He was tortured for almost 10 months. Song suffered the extreme agony of back pain and poor health due to the tortures, and could hardly walk without help...After two weeks of torture, Jiang Hulin's health severely deteriorated. His legs were swollen and he was thin, nervous, confused and so physically weak that he was unable to walk.
Nanmusi Female Labour Camp in Sichuan Province Has Persecuted Nearly 2,000 Practitioners
2002-11-07Police instigate drug addicts to torture practitioners who do not yield by pulling their hair, plugging their mouths, tearing up their clothes, and punching and kicking them while holding their hands behind their backs...Police use electric batons to shock practitioners who have strong righteous thoughts and refuse to yield. They are scolded and beaten. Police often cuff practitioners to the frame of a window or in between the heads of two beds. Many develop edema in their legs, some have become delusional, and some develop scabies all over their bodies.
Help Rescue Our Family Members Who Are Enduring Persecution in China
2002-11-06The following people are family members of United States residents. They are prisoners of conscience in the PRC and are being detained and tortured for their belief in Falun Gong. This is the start of a global campaign to rescue all of these family members who are being persecuted by Jiang's regime.
Savage Persecution in Chaoyang District Detention Centre, Beijing
2002-11-05The warden also directed prisoners to seal Pan's mouth with tape. Pan was tortured so terribly that she fell unconscious...The cruel interrogator then took out a lighter and burned Pan Dongmei and the male practitioner's faces until they were black and covered with blisters. In spite of their pain, the interrogator used a piece of filthy cardboard to wipe the soot from their faces.
Personal Account: Nearly Tortured to Death by Police in Sichuan Province
2002-11-04They handcuffed both my hands and feet to iron bars in the spread eagle position [hands and feet pulled apart to opposite extremes] and pulled my head backwards by my hair, making my head squeeze into the space between the two iron bars that was narrower than the width of my head. This caused me extreme pain and dizziness. With my face looking upward, he tightly held both my nose and check, and started savagely force-feeding me.
Wanjia Labour Camp's Continued Its' Brutality Agaist Dafa Practitioners
2002-11-04Zhu Chunrong was put into a solitary confinement cell because she refused to recite the rules; she was hung up by her hands for one to two days and forced to sit in an iron chair; her hands were cuffed behind her back and she was forbidden to sleep; she was electric shocked after she was hung up, and her legs were covered by blisters from the electric shock. Her face was beaten black and blue. While in the iron chair, she was electrically shocked. At times, several electric batons shocked her simultaneously.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Su Ying Suffers Savage Torture at the Panjin Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province
2002-11-03Labour camp officials beat and kicked Su all over her body. They then shocked and beat her over thirty times with an electric baton, leaving her covered with cuts and bruises. Her lower back and buttocks were especially swollen and turned black. After the torture, the abusers tried to force her to sign a paper slandering Falun Dafa and Teacher Li but she refused.
Over 1000 Dafa Practitioners Suffer Physical and Mental Torture in Shandong Province Second Forced Labour Camp
2002-11-03The facts in this article show that officials in this Forced Labour Camp are not only torturing and killing many innocent Chinese practitioners, but are also growing fat on the practitioners' sweat and toil. By forcing the imprisoned practitioners to work long and gruelling hours with no pay and little food, the officials have gained wealth, renovated their own housing quarters and added more instruments of torture.
Personal Account of How Female Practitioners are Tortured at Hohhot Forced Labour Camp, Inner Mongolia
2002-11-02they shocked the practitioners with electric batons, beat them with plastic tubes and kicked them with their leather boots. They even stomped on practitioners' heads and twisted their limbs back and forth...At the end of this, they said viciously: "Today will be the end of you."
Righteous Thoughts Defeat Persecution from the "610 Office"
2002-11-02One night I was picked up while distributing Dafa truth-clarifying materials, and was detained at a local police station. I experienced the typical five steps of how the "610 Office" personnel try to break the spirit of Falun Gong practitioners.
Policemen Ruthlessly Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners at Deyang Prison, Sichuan Province
2002-11-01A 73 year old practitioner was brutally beaten for over a dozen times. He was beaten to the point that his entire body was swollen. One vicious policeman made the following public threat: "We need to carry out the policy and we need to kill 300 more. We will kill one after another. No one will be able to survive."
I Didn't Stumble When Faced with Difficulty
2002-11-01"I will beat you for the sake of Beijing people," one officer said. He beat me on the face using his hand and then using a police baton. Later I was detained in another cell. The criminals there brutally beat me. I shouted out "Falun Dafa is good." When the police heard this, they came over and beat me with an electrical baton.
Inhumane Torture and Sexual Assault by the Police of the Chaoyang Detention Centre in Beijing
2002-11-01I asked the head of my cell why she beat me for no reason. She replied, "The detention centre guards directed us to do it. Each Falun Gong practitioner was to be beaten upon arrival. You are no exception. Jiang gave the order from high above."to step on them. Practitioner Li Zhen's eyes turned black and the entire right side of the face turned dark purple as a result of the beatings.