Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Over 200 Dafa Practitioners Suffer Brutal Torture in a Brainwashing Centre in Jiaozhou City
2002-11-15The Secretary of the Political and Judiciary Committee, shocked practitioners with an electric baton, trying to force them to give up Falun Gong. He also covered practitioners' mouths and inserted lit cigarettes into their nostrils.
I Was Cruelly Tortured By Police from Hebei Province In Order To Obtain Information
2002-11-15The police tortured me relentlessly. They beat me till I became seriously injured and could not take care of myself. These villains used electric batons to shock all the sensitive areas of my body in order to inflict excruciating pain...To make me suffer even more pain, they attached more than 10 kilograms of books and newspapers to my body. More than ten people pushed me around like a swing. I was suffering such unbearable pain.
Crimes Committed by Zhang Shoujiang, Yi Xiuyan, and Others at the Panjin Labour Camp, Liaoning Province (Part II)
2002-11-15The associate head of the Restriction Team went to beat Ye Ximing. When Ye Ximing screamed, many practitioners came out and demanded that the beating stop. Led by police officer Tang Xiaobiao, Chen Changli and Liu Dahan stormed in and started kicking and punching the practitioners. Chen even used the electric batons to poke the right eye of GuoYulong, which resulted in a bruise that lasted for over two months...I am unable to adequately describe on paper the suffering endured by the practitioners. This place is filled with terror and pain. The evil is beyond description.
Urgent Rescue: My Memorable Encounters with Zheng Xujun
2002-11-14Zheng Xujun was a visiting scholar in the University of Liverpool (UK) before returning to China in 1999. Because they practise Falun Gong, Xujun and his wife Su Nan are now being detained in forced labour camps suffering unimaginable miseries. European citizens have launched an urgent rescue campaign to get these innocent people freed immediately.
Dafa Practitioners Put Through Sham Trial in Hebei Province
2002-11-14Another Dafa practitioner, Xia Zhongjie, who was once a strong young man but tortured to a state of deformity by police, said to the judge, "I am a Dafa practitioner. I have not done anything wrong. I refuse to answer any questions."... Xia answered, "You tied me down to an iron bed, tortured me everyday and force-fed me with cold water. My body is covered with untreated wounds beneath this shirt you made me wear. There is not a spot of unmarked skin on my body." The judge again stopped him from talking further.
Two Female Practitioners Arrested and Sentenced to the Notorious Wanjia Labour Camp
2002-11-14Yin Hong was taken to the first floor and put on an iron chair where she was handcuffed. There were surveillance devices attached to the walls in the room where she was kept. The other three were taken to the second floor. Each of them was taken to a separate room and made to sit on an iron chair, where they were also handcuffed. The four of them were denied any food or drink for two days and nights.
Panjin City Labour Camp Could Not Shake My Firm Belief, Even with Two Years of Brutal Persecution
2002-11-13A policeman used an electric baton on our heads, faces, necks, and temples. Even now, on my temples and in front of both ears, I still bear over 10 dark scars caused by the high voltage electricity..They also slapped and pummeled our faces, heads, ears, and necks. They slammed our heads against the wall by grabbing our hair, kicked our legs, and attacked our chests.
Terrible Cries of Pain Heard From Fujian Province's Minxi Prison
2002-11-13In the room, the police would play brainwashing videos 24 hours a day and not let the Falun Gong practitioners sleep. At the same time, they would roughly tie the practitioners' hands behind their backs, forcing their arms high up to the windowsill. Many of the Falun Gong practitioners screamed in pain during this mistreatment.
Urgent Rescue: Please Help Falun Gong Practitioner Zheng Xujun
2002-11-12Zheng Xujun was a visiting scholar at Liverpool University, England in 1999. In July 1999, he made the brave decision to go back to China. He put enormous effort into telling people the truth about the brutal suppression of Falun Gong and endured much persecution. He ignored an opportunity to go abroad because he knew that his skills and abilities are needed most by his fellow practitioners in China. He is now kept at Beijing Tuanhe labour camp.
The Criminal Records of Policemen Zhang Shoujiang and Yu Xiuyan in the Panjin Labour Camp, Liaoning Province
2002-11-12Jia Jinliang forced Zhang Yiliang and another person to carry big buckets with a pole, each weighing close to 150 kilograms. This is the toughest work to do. Policeman hoped to torture Zhang Yiliang and force him to give up (his belief) in this way...Gao Dong and Ye Ximin were striped down to their underwear and forced down onto the snow-covered ground where they were beaten with shovels.
Dafa Practitioner Xu Shizhong from Huludao City Becomes Homeless After Three Years of Imprisonment
2002-11-11One night in September 2000, the police stomped harshly on Xu's stomach, and beat him almost to death after he was caught practising the exercises. At the end of November, the labour camp implemented violent measures to persecute practitioners who undertook hunger strikes. Xu was shocked with 6-7 electric batons at the same time. Criminals were instigated to kick him in the head, until he was near death.
The Criminal Behaviour of Zhang Shoujiang and Yi Xiuyan in Panjin Labour Camp [Part 2]
2002-11-10"Jiang Zemin wants to crack down on you. Even if you die, we would not be held responsible."
What Kind of People Persecute Dafa?
2002-11-10The evil thugs punched her to the ground and stepped on her, but Chen Guilian remained faithful and unyielding. When the escort vehicle passed by towns or villages, she shouted, "Falun Dafa is good." The thugs even used tape to seal her mouth to prevent her from shouting out the truth at the sentencing...It is a gang of criminals in police uniform who knowingly break the law by detaining and persecuting Dafa practitioners who cultivate their minds toward benevolence.
My Personal Experiences of Inhuman Torture
2002-11-09The vicious guards gagged me with a hand-towel, tied my hands and arms tightly and lifted them behind my neck. Instructed by guard Zhao Naiwei, eight to nine guards shocked me all over my body with four electric batons. When the electricity was used up, they would recharge the batons and keep shocking me.
Former Student President Remains Strong and Unyielding After Two Years of RelentlessTorture
2002-11-09In nearly two years of persecution, the police have resorted to all kinds of brutal means to torture him, such as forcing him to stand or squat for long periods of time, using electrical shocks, forced feeding, sleep deprivation and many other kinds of brutal means, trying to force him to betray his belief. The guards at one time instigated a criminal inmate to forcefully stab his ribs with a toothbrush handle, which left painful signs of injury on his body.