Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Long Prison Sentences Given To Innocent Dafa Practitioners Without Trial
2002-09-04The two practitioners shown on TV were beyond recognition as result of being tortured, but one couldn't miss seeing their courage and steadfastness in their beliefs. Sun apparently lost close to 25 kg of weight. It is said that she vomits and defecates blood frequently. Her life is in danger.
Practitioner Sodomized and Shocked with Electric Batons Continuously For One Hour at Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp
2002-09-04Screams and cries from the torture made us feel that we were living in hell. The labour camp used extreme means to brutally torture practitioners, such as whipping us with iron whips. Oftentimes, they even used four batons to shock one practitioner at the same time.
Dafa Practitioners Hung from Trees by Labour Camp Officials
2002-09-02In order to reach the goal of "reforming" the practitioners, the labour camp thugs tied the practitioners onto chairs for days and nights during which time the practitioners were not allowed to sleep. The thugs surrounded and brutally beat the practitioners. This is the reality of the truth behind the "gentle reformation like spring rain."
Former Classmate of Hu Jintao Suffering from Brutal Torture in a Brainwashing Class for His Belief in Dafa
2002-09-02The practitioners' heads are dunked in the water repeatedly. The evil guards would shout: "I won't let you die, I want you to live out a fate worse than dying."
The First Labour Camp in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province Brutally Tortures Dafa Practitioner
2002-09-02The tortures included not allowing him to sleep; pouring boiling water on his bed; putting cockroaches, chinches and mice on his bed; spraying pepper water on his private parts; reducing his food ration; brutally beating him on the ribs, chest and other parts of the body...
Ding Xiangying and Other Female Practitioners Abused in Shibalihe Forced Labour Camp
2002-09-02She suffered severe torture and other kinds of inhuman treatments at the forced labour camp. Despite the extremely brutal environment, she remains optimistic with a smiling face.
First Hand Account: Torture of Women of All Ages, from Seventeen to Sixty-Three
2002-08-29Shibalihe Female Forced Labor Camp: When we were tied up, we were forced to maintain a half-squat position. The abusers added wooden sticks and bricks to the area in the back of our knees. We had to bend at the waist and lower our head. The arms were tied tightly with ropes, so tightly that they dug into our flesh. Some even had their neck and ankles connected with ropes.
Practitioner Mo Xiaoyan Brutally Persecuted in the Hunan Women's Prison
2002-08-28Policewoman Han Lihua dutifully persecuted Falun Gong practitioners. She openly ordered the prisoners to "beat Mo Xiaoyan if she is not obedient." Therefore, prisoners often beat and assaulted her. They did not give her any food, and even grabbed her head and hit it against the wall. They kicked her legs severely for twenty minutes, by which time both of Mo's legs became numb.
Police Repeatedly Kidnap, Imprison and Torture Beijing Practitioner
2002-08-28He was sent to the Tuanhe Labour Camp for a year. During that time he was brutally tortured. Because he refused to give up his belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance, the authorities decided to illegally prolong his detention for another six months.
"No Need to Follow Laws When Arresting Falun Gong Practitioners."
2002-08-26To meet arrest quotas, the local police stations in Yingkou arrested practitioners at will without following any legal procedure. The police were not even lenient with practitioners who are disabled or pregnant.
Practitioners Mercilessly Tortured With Electric Batons in Labour Camp
2002-08-26They used electric batons to shock these practitioners on their sensitive areas such as their faces, arches of their feet, necks, and armpits. The practitioners' conditions after this abuse were too ghastly to look at.
Female Practitioner Has Mustard Smeared in Her Eyes
2002-08-26Because Zou Yuyun refused to compromise with her persecutors in the brainwashing class, they removed all of her clothes and beat her black and blue all over. They fed her hot pepper water, pushed her head down into the water to suffocate her, and smeared mustard in her eyes and nose.
Practitioner Publicly Retracts "Confession" Obtained by Torture
2002-08-25After torturing him, the evil policemen sent him to a detention centre, but he was rejected on the spot. The head of the detention centre said, "This man has been beaten senseless. His death could come at any moment."
Compassion of Practitioners Changes Attitude of Staff at Brainwashing Class in Wuhan City
2002-08-25One employee said, "Before coming here my supervisor said I was not allowed to talk to you. But we think that what you say is quite reasonable. Dafa is so good. We would also like to learn it."
First Hand Account of Persecution at Forced Labour Camp, Chongqing City
2002-08-23the education brigade brought in over thirty police officers to carry on the brutal persecution of Dafa practitioners. The main duty of these police officers was to forcefully instill Dafa slandering materials into practitioners' minds every day, force them to accept the lies, and then subject them to the endless torture, both physical and mental...